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Postby Lit » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:26 pm

Its all one big giant CON spiracy... ... 32734.html

AP INTERVIEW: French judge says Turkish charity behind Gaza flotilla had terror ties

By: Alfred De Montesquiou, The Associated Press

PARIS - The Turkish Islamic charity behind a flotilla of aid ships that was raided by Israeli forces on its way to Gaza had ties to terrorism networks, including a 1999 al-Qaida plot to bomb Los Angeles International Airport, France's former top anti-terrorism judge said Wednesday.
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Postby YFred » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:26 pm

Cap wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Cap wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Cap wrote:
RichardB wrote:
CBBB wrote:Irrespective of underlying motives, the flotilla was attacked in international waters. Is this not piracy? Those on board are not allowed to defend themselves? How would you have all (and I mean ALL!) changed your posts if it had been Greek or Cypriot ships?

I must agree with this.

I think the fact that this was done in International Waters irrespective of any pre emption of what may or may not have been on board the vessel nullifies any justification for this attack. (As well as being against international law).

Now I'm probably going to be shot down here but did not the Turks give the excuse that their invasion was if you like justified by their being pre emptive of what would have happened to TCs during and in the aftermath of the coup d'etat in 1974.

Oh lawd the hypocrisy!
In fact I think the Israeli's are leading an Aid Flotilla to west Turkey to help the besieged Kurds...

Please explain where you see any hypocrisy in my post.

and, if indeed the Israelis were leading a flotilla to aid the Kurds would you say that the Turks would be justifiable in attacking the vessel whilst in international waters ......

You misunderstood my post Rich...
I was talking about Turkey's hypocrisy.

no probs Cap I misunderstand my own posts often enough :lol:

Sorry guys, but he does make valid points, too bad he didn't mention Cyprus...

Re Cappui, is he remotely Jewish in any way?
I wonder why he is pro Israel.
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Postby Lit » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:32 pm

YFred wrote:
Cap wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Cap wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Cap wrote:
RichardB wrote:
CBBB wrote:Irrespective of underlying motives, the flotilla was attacked in international waters. Is this not piracy? Those on board are not allowed to defend themselves? How would you have all (and I mean ALL!) changed your posts if it had been Greek or Cypriot ships?

I must agree with this.

I think the fact that this was done in International Waters irrespective of any pre emption of what may or may not have been on board the vessel nullifies any justification for this attack. (As well as being against international law).

Now I'm probably going to be shot down here but did not the Turks give the excuse that their invasion was if you like justified by their being pre emptive of what would have happened to TCs during and in the aftermath of the coup d'etat in 1974.

Oh lawd the hypocrisy!
In fact I think the Israeli's are leading an Aid Flotilla to west Turkey to help the besieged Kurds...

Please explain where you see any hypocrisy in my post.

and, if indeed the Israelis were leading a flotilla to aid the Kurds would you say that the Turks would be justifiable in attacking the vessel whilst in international waters ......

You misunderstood my post Rich...
I was talking about Turkey's hypocrisy.

no probs Cap I misunderstand my own posts often enough :lol:

Sorry guys, but he does make valid points, too bad he didn't mention Cyprus...

Re Cappui, is he remotely Jewish in any way?
I wonder why he is pro Israel.

Heil Yfred!

Please enlighten us on this Jewish run media. Danke.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:40 pm

YFred wrote:
Cap wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Cap wrote:
RichardB wrote:
Cap wrote:
RichardB wrote:
CBBB wrote:Irrespective of underlying motives, the flotilla was attacked in international waters. Is this not piracy? Those on board are not allowed to defend themselves? How would you have all (and I mean ALL!) changed your posts if it had been Greek or Cypriot ships?

I must agree with this.

I think the fact that this was done in International Waters irrespective of any pre emption of what may or may not have been on board the vessel nullifies any justification for this attack. (As well as being against international law).

Now I'm probably going to be shot down here but did not the Turks give the excuse that their invasion was if you like justified by their being pre emptive of what would have happened to TCs during and in the aftermath of the coup d'etat in 1974.

Oh lawd the hypocrisy!
In fact I think the Israeli's are leading an Aid Flotilla to west Turkey to help the besieged Kurds...

Please explain where you see any hypocrisy in my post.

and, if indeed the Israelis were leading a flotilla to aid the Kurds would you say that the Turks would be justifiable in attacking the vessel whilst in international waters ......

You misunderstood my post Rich...
I was talking about Turkey's hypocrisy.

no probs Cap I misunderstand my own posts often enough :lol:

Sorry guys, but he does make valid points, too bad he didn't mention Cyprus...

Re Cappui, is he remotely Jewish in any way?
I wonder why he is pro Israel.

A little info Fred courtesy of wikipedia

Coren's father was Jewish as was his maternal grandfather, while his maternal grandmother came from a family of Welsh coalminers and converted to Judaism. Coren's father and uncle were cab drivers. Coren has said that his father's family escaped Poland shortly before the Holocaust.[12] He has also said that his father's family emigrated from Poland in the 1890s.[13] He said "People have called me an anti-Semite. I thought it quite rich since my father's family was massacred in the Holocaust".[2] Michael Coren was profiled on Credo, on Vision TV, and said that his father told him he could not attend his son's wedding in a Catholic Church without becoming "physically sick."

He converted to Roman Catholicism in his early twenties while still living in England, but that didn't last long. He said that he "converted to an institution." He eventually converted to Evangelical Christianity in the 1990s, after a conversion experience as an adult, greatly influenced by Canadian televangelist Terry Winter
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Postby CopperLine » Wed Jun 02, 2010 10:51 pm

Paphitis and others are just plain wrong in their comments on what is permitted/forbidden actions in international waters or 'high seas'. Without a shadow of doubt the Israeli action constitutes a prima facie act of piracy, and piracy is a ius cogens prohibition i.e, in the history and development of international law it doesn't get any more basic or any more universally acknowledged as a crime.

It is forbidden in law to attack a ship on the high seas. Where this has been done between marine/navies it is a prima facie act of war. Where this is carried out against a merchant vessel it is a prima facie act of piracy. Motive does not come into it.

(Paphitis is also quite mistaken about what the Australian navy is doing refugees on the high seas).

What states do within territorial waters is another matter. Israel could have - contrary what people, including Netanyahu, have said - chosen to act once the ships were within territorial waters. But Israel chose international piracy over a legal impounding of a vessel within territorial waters.

What of warnings to the flotilla ? It appears from all the press releases etc that no warnings or cautions were issued immediately prior to the assault by masked armed men in the dead of night. And even if there was, why would a ship's captain, responsible in law for the safety of the crew and passengers, give way to a demand on the high seas ? Such a demand is, by definition, also without legal force.

I fail to see in whose interests (certainly not Israel's) it is to attempt to legitimate piracy. Paphitis and co. should simply ask themselves the question as to whether what they defend - the 'right' of any party to take so-called 'pre-emptive action' on the high seas - as a principle can be generalised or universalised ? (Iran doesn't like to see Saudi registered ships in the Gulf - attack them. Russian oil companies don't like to see Canadian oil rigs in the Arctic - attack them. Japanese whalers don't like to see greenpeace ships in whaling grouns - attack them..... and so on). It can't because what you get is ..... piracy, exactly what four hundred plus years of international law has been developing to abolish.

Will Israel get away with this piracy ? Probably. Has Israel mounted a massive PR campaign to explain how chalk is really cheese ? Yes. Will an enquiry, international or otherwise, result in anything significant to constrain Israel's increasing barbarism ? No. Is Israel more secure as a result of this latest stupidity ? No.
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Postby RichardB » Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:00 pm

Excellent post copperline

Unfortunately I would have to agree with your last sentence.

This topic is not about the Cyprus problem so I really dont see why any member of forum should take a supposedly pro Turk or Greek point of view on it . It is a matter of international law and all sides should respect that even if it means siding with the enemy so to speak.
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Postby CBBB » Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:05 pm

RichardB wrote:Excellent post copperline

Unfortunately I would have to agree with your last sentence.

This topic is not about the Cyprus problem so I really dont see why any member of forum should take a supposedly pro Turk or Greek point of view on it . It is a matter of international law and all sides should respect that even if it means siding with the enemy so to speak.

Hear, hear!
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Postby Oracle » Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:19 pm

The flotilla was being intercepted. That's expected if they constituted a security threat.

Seems the presence of the terrorists (MIT) on board the Turkish vessel, was already known beforehand.
Last edited by Oracle on Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby insan » Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:20 pm

Dozens of Israeli websites hacked by Turkish hackers to protest the latest brutal attacks of Israel... ... ack-sites/

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Postby PushDaddy » Wed Jun 02, 2010 11:20 pm

fig head wrote:why when their is any topic about murderers, terror or killing Muslim and Islam got to be mentioned!!!

muslim arent terrorests!! only the few that your media that serves your causes turned them to.. also turned you to heros when you are such bad bad society in all levels

muslim are only terrorest cause your governments are afraid of us.. we are the right religioun if god existed,

our way of life is right, and we have morals..

you people might say smart thing but it wouldnt make it true..

The majority of muslims are not terrorists.....But the majority of terrorists are muslim....
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