Acikgoz wrote:Byron wrote:If Cypriotism is based on trust then steps need to be taken in the right direction. First Turkey needs to remove its troops from the island. Maintaining the troops just creates a permanent divide.
Love this angle of reasoning. Get the other side to build trust first then, by implication the other side works on trust?
Oh how simple and self fullfiling we wish life to be.
Omer your post is like hunderds if not thousands that have gone before it. Loads of waffle, nothing of real world substance. Yes, yes, utopia, utopia for Cypriots, the cause of problems are from the outside. Grow up - this is not some Hollywood feel good movie with the obvious good guys and bad guys where at the end of the day we all live happily ever after ... Please make sure you put all your empty popcorn cartons and soft drinks in the waste as you leave the fantasy cinema.
Dreams come before substance my dear fellow Cypriot. So....what are you doing to bring about substance?
Your post presents nothing, no passion, no aim - it is simply a paragraph of frustration, bitterness, anger and an invitation to do nothing. I pity you, what a wretched life you must have.