devil wrote:I've seen the picture elsewhere. It is a very sick "joke" in execrable taste. It was the correct thing to suppress it, and not just politically correct but also morally correct. If we cannot maintain decent morals, we should pack up.
I knew the image was of 'borderline' taste when I posted it. I originally thought that this forum was far enough removed from the tradgic events it reffered too and decided to post it. However in light of the reposnse of one poster who found it in bad taste I decided to chose to remove the link. It was never my intention to cause offence. Humour and bad tatste are a very subjective things. I know the person that sent it to me well enough to know they also had no intent to offend anyone and as a Londoner would have seen it as a kind of 'therapy' and not an insult (if you can't laugh at a bad situation then that leaves you only crying) and it was in this 'spirit' that I posted it originally.
PS garbitsch I have sent you the link to the image via pm as you requested but you do not seem to have looked at the pm yet.