runaway wrote:denizaksulu wrote:runaway wrote:denizaksulu wrote:runaway wrote:denizaksulu wrote:YFred wrote:runaway wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:runaway wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:runaway wrote:Get Real! wrote:runaway wrote:Get Real! wrote:runaway wrote:looking at the poll results, seems like pro-south cypriot gavur Brit is not missed after all.
Info: In the western world majority wins.
info: In the western world a murderer priest cannot be chosen president. Polls initiated by south cypriots are not to be taken serious.
But you did take it serious... you announced he lost!
I don't care if he wins or loses anything. We all know he will be back with another nick name and continue supporting you murderers. We also know you will never take the north back.Stay in the south grandson of the killer priest "president".
Tim is not pro GC or TC...He is the closest think we have to a perfectly objective poster...He has great understanding of the Turkish culture and the Kurdish problem...You are doing Tim a great injustice,runaway...
His understanding of the Turkish culture??? You should be kidding BirKıbrısTürkü
If you speak a language fluently it is proof you know that culture well,runaway...Like you for example,you speak Spanish pretty well ,don't you...Don't worry,your secret is safe with me...Kibristurklerinin sozleri namuslaridir,diger Turkler gibi...
You consider yourself a Turk now?wow I am impressed.
What are you some sort of Turkishness Imam?
Allahu ekber and all that . Do I qualify.
Oh Banaiyamo, thoksas o theosmu.
I normally cover both angles just in case.
Amma mavro yerimo sen da. Karasakal inan çok sataşma olan yoksam ağzını bozacang daha fazla. Balkan bozmasıdır, cinganeden beterdir.
His English is so good he cant even see Tims point of view. Tim has treated both sides fair and square. I hope Tim has no need for an alias.
Kafan basmıyor değil mi? Benden daha karasın ve bana karasakal diyorsun rum piçi. Allah insanın İngilizcesini değil anadilini bozmasın. Anadili bozulmuşların satılmıştan beter olduğunun kanıtısın. Never come back pro-south cypriot gavur Brit and take the rum piçi with you.
I will ignore your tittle tattle gaco. Except that Cyprus is my home . The whole of Cyprus is my home. I am not pro-south Cyprus. I am pro-Cyprus . Period. And what has my home got to do with you? why dont you just runaway, like a good boy.
gaco anandır piç. KKTC seçimleri senin gibi piçlere run away and don't ever come back dedi. Defol şimdi peasant.
'Milletin Hakiki efendisi kimdir?' biliyormusun gaco? Yoksa M. Kemal'den bi-habermisin?
Atatürk bu sözü söylerken rum köylüsünü kastetmemişti.Türkçen hala çok bozuk: biliyor musun? bihaber misin? Back to Akıncılar İlkokulu yallah.
I dont speak Turkish. I speak Turkish Cypriot you ignoramus.