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Stopping the blame game.....

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Stopping the blame game.....

Postby cymart » Thu May 27, 2010 3:29 pm

And about time too!At last Christophias had the clever idea to suggest to Eroglu that they both stop using the blame game and instead engage in confidential negotiations,rather than allowing the notorious local media to have a field day interpreting,twisting and distorting every word either of them dares to utter in public!This is a problem which has plagued every round of negotiations to date so let's hope its a sign that they will get down to serious business at last!
The way the dinner on tuesday was covered by the media here,especially Cyprus T.V. channel 1,was purile and pathetic with reporter Paris Potamitis,a notorious brown- noser of the former President, making a boring commentary that told us nothing of importance....I don't think anyone gives a damn what they had to eat or what they sat etc?
One encouraging point though was that the wives of both leaders,who have missing relatives,have struck up a good rapport so lets hope more and more ordinary people will follow their example-I'm sure Sevgul Uludag will be pleased about this too.
And as for Marios Garoyians latest tantrums about Downer,isn't he supposed to be getting married on Sunday to some Moldavian model?Pity he has nothing better to do than keep annoying us with his nonesense!I wonder what his former wife(s) think about him?
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Postby Acikgoz » Thu May 27, 2010 5:04 pm

It will be interesting from a TC point of view as the populous in the north was very frustrated that nothing was being disclosed about the dialogue when Talat was negotiating. Perhaps the north is more confident that Eroglu will be "less of a Chamberlin" in discussing solution that TCs will also at the end of the day vote yes to. No coment here about what each leader has done, only the relative perception by the average person.
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu May 27, 2010 7:01 pm

I was trying to read Mrs Eroglu's wifes mind. Cannot have been easy for her.
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