I've added a bit to my post above now.
The poor old pig does get a bad press. Seems it is the animal name most likely to be used when people want to insult others.
Messy pig.
Greedy pig.
Fat pig.
PushDaddy wrote:PIGS now stands for, according to the British national press, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain.
These are the Countries that have been troughing with huge snouts at the EU swill bucket.
Your Mother Greece is bankrupt !
Perhaps we can have a whip round in the TRNC.
You could donate the thousands of pounds you bubbles have collected to pursue meaningless court actions through the UK Courts ( No chance). against buyers in the TRNC.
How is the bubble bursting ????
Gasman wrote:I've added a bit to my post above now.
The poor old pig does get a bad press. Seems it is the animal name most likely to be used when people want to insult others.
Messy pig.
Greedy pig.
Fat pig.
PushDaddy wrote:PIGS now stands for, according to the British national press, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain.
These are the Countries that have been troughing with huge snouts at the EU swill bucket.
Your Mother Greece is bankrupt !!
Perhaps we can have a whip round in the TRNC.
You could donate the thousands of pounds you bubbles have collected to pursue meaningless court actions through the UK Courts ( No chance). against buyers in the TRNC.
How is the bubble bursting ????
SSBubbles wrote:PushDaddy wrote:PIGS now stands for, according to the British national press, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain.
These are the Countries that have been troughing with huge snouts at the EU swill bucket.
Your Mother Greece is bankrupt !
Perhaps we can have a whip round in the TRNC.
You could donate the thousands of pounds you bubbles have collected to pursue meaningless court actions through the UK Courts ( No chance). against buyers in the TRNC.
How is the bubble bursting ????
I am totally confused as to why you singled me out, but as Get Real! has already confirmed - I am not Greek.
So sorry to burst ...er... your 'bubble'!
Zorba wrote:Whats wrong with you all ? And you mentioned english slang !
Bubble= Bubble and Squeak = Greek.
It was directed generally at this forum ,not to the innocent ss bubbles.
Correct me if I'm wrong,poof daddy
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