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Italian Minister: Islam is not a Civilization

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Postby YeReVaN » Fri Aug 05, 2005 7:16 pm

The Democrat-friendly media machine launched an attack on the Speaker of the House. It is the latest round of manufactured scandal charges, intended to brand the GOP as corrupt, and convince the inattentive that where there is so much smoke there must be fire.

Left-wing British journalist David Rose has an article in the upcoming issue of Vanity Fair which purports to show that House Speaker Dennis Hastert was involved in a bribery scandal. The gist of the faux scandal is that Hastert may have accepted tens of thousands of dollars in campaign contributions from the Turkish government in order to block a Congressional resolution laying blame on Turkey for the 1915-23 Armenian massacres.

In the article, Rose relies on "sources' who tell him of "secret recordings" in which Turkish diplomats referred to Hastert as "Denny-boy" and allegedly discussed making contributions of $500,000 to get Hastert to block the legislation. Rose seems to rely on Sibel Edmonds, an FBI translator, who was fired from the FBI, for engaging in inappropriate behavior. She is now suing the FBI over her firing. Her attorney works for the ACLU – not a friendly group towards Republicans ... ts_id=2811
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Postby KOSTAN YAS » Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:03 pm

YeReVaN wrote:Turkey you might as well give up right now. As a muslim, you don't seem to know much about your religion, not to mention your bloody history.

Thank you Yerevan to learn about islam go here:

Hello to all,
i am a muslim good or bad well no one has ever called me bad.
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Postby KOSTAN YAS » Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:23 pm

YeReVaN wrote:Turkey you might as well give up right now. As a muslim, you don't seem to know much about your religion, not to mention your bloody history.

Thank you Yerevan to learn about islam go here:

Hello to all,
I am a muslim, good or bad well no one has ever called me a bad muslim. But those people who say these laws are bad, these nations are bad. How do you think it makes the innocent people feel. You talk about the shria law do you all laws in islam? is every muslim unhappy only except those who go to the extreme and which you people can any grasp. Not looking at the other countries which have laws that opens those doors to entire freedom, but brother look at another side a religion that does not teach to kill but to love but indeed it does say what god has ordered but not to kill, if we do wrong we get punished in the hereafter and Turkey what they did, i do not agree. But have you looked at your history! End of the day if you believe in one god you must believe adam and eve and they were the foundation of human production. And we still fight and argue, its shows the devil, the sin is stronger than peace! Islam is the one true religion not named after jesus but only 1 unseen god! but a another message commencing from the gospel and the bible! Why do you think islam is fast growing well some point down the line people would fear to have another Empire especially from god's rule because its pure and full of blessing but what do we do? make arguments and say bad, in that case who's winning good or bad? What side are you on to distory a law and make your own to satisfy, when those people worked hard to balance life dont forget islam was advanced even than the western countries till today evil has grown to set its own rule! I have a cypriot partner who is a orthadox and i a sunni, one thing i can say to have peace we need love not a slagging or proving your point by pin pointing a certain ascpect.

Thank you i hope you can understand a message from a person whos not political but a friend to those who smile! :D
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Postby cmantas_liberal » Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:38 pm

well, i am greek and atheist and we are in constant war with both the orthodox morons and the muslim monsters.

Few thousand years ago christianity was the nazi regime that terrorised the world ( but now we have something worst. The muslims that want to conquer the world. This is even worst, since christianity is not as evil as it was 1500 years ago. On the other hand Islam is getting stronger and we focus on stupid issues such as to use CCTV cams or not, and to make more mosques or not, bomb the bloody iranian terrorist government..the answer is NO, if you dont like it go back from where you came from...this is europe and we respect ppl who respect human life, do not make racist attacks vs women or homosexuals, we have liberties, an advanced social care system and etc. If you do not like it go back to yer caves. Personally, i respect immigrants more than anyone else and i want them with equal rights but i dont want to have equal rights with fanatic muslims. I do not want to be equal with someone that is abusing his wife and dreams of becoming a suicide bombers.

This is dedicated on all muslims =
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Postby cmantas_liberal » Thu Sep 22, 2005 2:41 pm

If Muslims think that they are not terrorist, then plz form an army and go to the aghan mountains and bring us the head of Osama....can you do it? i guess muslims will not..coz deep down they like osama wanker ladin
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Postby akiner » Thu Sep 22, 2005 7:11 pm

This is dedicated on all muslims =

what was the guilt of lady?

If Muslims think that they are not terrorist, then plz form an army and go to the aghan mountains and bring us the head of Osama....can you do it? i guess muslims will not..coz deep down they like osama wanker ladin

Wait a minute why do i care about the shame of islam aka. so-called muslims who created and supported by WEST against USSR.In fact i love to watch when these so-called muslims kill their creators and history shows sympathy on pkk didnt make greeks, italians, frenchs...etc terrorists, so why is that my plasure makes me a terrorist?! :wink:
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Postby Nikiforos » Fri Sep 23, 2005 5:08 am

PKK--terrorists or freedom fighters? The Kurds are a distinct ethnic group who deserve their own homeland. A significant chunk of Turkey will have to be incorporated into Kurdistan. What the Turks have done to Cyprus will embolden the Kurds and strengthen their demands when they take land from Turkey. What goes around comes around.
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Postby akiner » Fri Sep 23, 2005 3:05 pm

PKK--terrorists or freedom fighters? The Kurds are a distinct ethnic group who deserve their own homeland. A significant chunk of Turkey will have to be incorporated into Kurdistan. What the Turks have done to Cyprus will embolden the Kurds and strengthen their demands when they take land from Turkey. What goes around comes around.


Another dreamer on this map, well, good luck in your life


Not terrorist but Freedom fighter -i bet his father leaded by government to kill her to porapaganda against PKK-

Ps: As semi Tatar and semi Georgian i ask, pls draw some more lines on map for a so-called homeland for us and also some land for Circassians, Lazs....and ect
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Postby cypezokyli » Fri Sep 23, 2005 6:15 pm

the map is stupid. even if the kurds would have got an independent state, it could no way be like that. and as for the greek expansionism...died in 1922.

the photo is horryfying.
nobody is justfied to kill children for any cause. (i am not sure actually if u should post it, despite the fact that it is real)
if they want to fight against the army is a complete different thing. one can call them freedom fighters or terrorists.
that doesnot justify killing children. u have to be sick to do that.

i hope kurds and turks come up with a solution, the same way i wish that it happens in cyprus for gcs and tcs.
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Postby cmantas_liberal » Sat Sep 24, 2005 12:56 pm

ok...her guilty was being a woman living in a muslim world.

and our guilty is not bombing iran and/or making a regime change on every country that has muslim law,sharia or whatever is called.
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