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I hate to say this, but...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby larnacaman » Mon May 24, 2010 1:52 am

I would think a dam site older than you, .... Going by how and what you write here!!!
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 24, 2010 1:57 am

larnacaman wrote:Where did you get this 2-cent coffee shop sophistry from?

Real life's experiences, ...something you obviously have no knowledge of, if you need to doubt the unsafe criteria of statictics that are banded about in this world....

Dude, this is the Cyprus Forum so don’t get confused with the C44 where everyone’s a genius because they say so! :roll:

If credibility means anything to you, you’re just going to have to start RESEACHING the issue at hand and posting your credible findings otherwise nobody will ever take you seriously here!

You being an eyewitnesses to a failing hotel and from that concluding that ALL hotels must be fucked is just NOT good enough!
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Postby larnacaman » Mon May 24, 2010 2:06 am

What you mean is ..... Anything than rather go ask yourself!!!! I didn't say they are all fucked up, that's you saying that. I'm saying they are seeing declining numbers of guests booking there hotels.... big difference!!!

If you notice i'm not making any comments on the pro's and con's of details on the CY problem, because i don't know enough about it, and so you won't find me posting on them.... OK??
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 24, 2010 2:17 am

larnacaman wrote:I'm saying they are seeing declining numbers of guests booking there hotels.... big difference!!!

We've already acknowledged the decline from the table provided to us by the department of statistics posted earlier... :wink:

Tourist Arrivals in Cyprus:

2009... 2,141,193

If you notice i'm not making any comments on the pro's and con's of details on the CY problem, because i don't know enough about it, and so you won't find me posting on them.... OK??

If your contributions so far are anything to go by, let's keep our fingers crossed that you'll steer clear from that... :lol:

Anyway, to cut a long story short… if you want to convince the readers/audience that Cyprus is doomed because a couple of hundred thousand tourists didn’t come in 2009 and may not come in 2010, then feel free to present your case in a new thread with credible facts and logical calculations and we’d be happy to look into it…

It doesn’t get any fairer than that!
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Postby larnacaman » Mon May 24, 2010 2:18 am

On a final note tonight..... i can only comment on what i see, i hear, and know of the tourist situation here in Larnaca. Others here have agreed with me on the PM, and have seen the same as i have described in other parts of Cyprus. Now, you either take note of what i post or you don't, It's really no skin off my nose, it's your country after all said and done. But you really should walk around with your eyes open and be aware of what's going on around you, and not rely on statistics to guide your thoughts .....
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 24, 2010 2:31 am

larnacaman wrote:On a final note tonight..... i can only comment on what i see, i hear, and know of the tourist situation here in Larnaca. Others here have agreed with me on the PM, and have seen the same as i have described in other parts of Cyprus. Now, you either take note of what i post or you don't, It's really no skin off my nose, it's your country after all said and done. But you really should walk around with your eyes open and be aware of what's going on around you, and not rely on statistics to guide your thoughts .....

An individual CANNOT acquire information like authorized professional organizations can; such as the Statistical Service of Cyprus which no doubt works closely with the Cyprus Tourism Organization (CTO), quite simply because no individual can be in more than one location at any given moment.

Individuals do not have the manpower, financial power, government support, coordination, training, or even the adequate neutrality to conduct any worthwhile intelligence-gathering on a country-wide scale!
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 24, 2010 2:34 am

PS: I’ll wager that by July, Larnaca will be so full of tourists you’ll wish they never came! :lol:
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Postby paliometoxo » Mon May 24, 2010 4:09 am

it always is full every night of tourists even from now
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Postby Gasman » Mon May 24, 2010 7:17 am

It looked pretty busy down on Finicoudes yesterday (from my viewpoint at the Old Fort) - don't want to venture further than that when the dreaded Kataklysmos shenanigans are going on - why DO they do that?

Regularly destroy a quite smartish prom with all those tacky tents and stalls and vans - all selling the same shite? 2euro jewellery, 3euro for everything stalls (plastic footballs, sunhats, keyrings and shopping bags etc), fake sunglasses stalls. Candyfloss EVERYWHERE and the dreaded pinball type bingo game (or whatever it is called) stalls ALL giving away the same shite prizes:

4ft high plaster Snow White
3ft high tacky Crinoline Lady dolls
Humungous Tazmanian Devil teddy bears
Bottles of JB (dread to think what's really in them)

It makes Oriklini Sunday Market look sophisticated. Net result is that you cannot 'see the sea' from any bar, cafe or eatery along the prom until they clear it all away.
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Postby Gasman » Mon May 24, 2010 7:27 am

Oh, as for 'declining numbers of guests booking into hotels'. I am not sure that is a reliable indicator of tourist numbers really. I have some experience of declining visitors last year and this year, but all booked flights and accommodation separately. A lot of people like self catering these days.

I think a more reliable indicator of 'visitor numbers' would be numbers of visitors FLYING INTO LCA and PAFOS during the holiday season. Especially as it has been mentioned in the past how much 'private villa/apartment accommodation' is available now on the island - looking to overtake numbers of hotel rooms in some places.

Cyprus is punted out as being IDEAL for holidays in March and October - weather lovely but not too hot. So not sure either what they consider the 'holiday season' to be either. I had most guests earlier this year - March, April. NOTHING was opened up then - beaches not cleared of seaweed. Sunbeds not operating. Nothing much happening in LCA until Easter. The few proprietors I spoke to said that they hadn't bothered because the weather wasn't good enough yet. That was true, but when people book flights and holidays they don't generally wait to see what the weather is like and fly the same day. They book in advance.

I don't know how the CTO operates but, in the UK, only establishments who PAY to register with the Tourist Board are listed with them and are mentioned by them or allowed to advertise with them. And registration is hellishly expensive and slow to take effect. Most small establishments do not bother.
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