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I hate to say this, but...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby larnacaman » Sun May 23, 2010 11:15 pm

I'm not such an idiot as yourself.... i've not stated government figures, ...and anything that i'm saying here will be hidden from public view. .....BUT is easily legitimised by yourself by asking the people that are personally affected, ...i gave you enough examples for god's sake!! ... Ok here's another to ask, the remaining hotel owners, that are hanging on in there. ....Ask them, if they have had full or near full bookings for the last 10 years, come to that, ask if they have been profitable over the last say 5 years!!!

You should have also read the other articles that were available in the last link you posted,
Like ...''The world economic crisis continues to affect Cyprus'' and '' Cyprus industrial turnover down 3.4% in Feb ''
among the others on the same pages.... There's enough there to legitimise most of what i've been saying here...
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Postby Get Real! » Sun May 23, 2010 11:20 pm

YFred wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
YFred wrote:How long before Cyprus becomes like Greece? 5 years? Oh alright 5.5 years. You need a bit more time to cook in the eu. Akkideleceksiniz lan.

Just always remember that when the RoC sneezes the “Turkish Cypriots” catch pneumonia…

What furkin planet are you on? How? you are incredibly stupid. If Turkey sneezes yes, may be, but even then she is like a devoted mother. She will go hungry herself but not let her child go hungry like, get my drift.
What is the connection between TC and GC economy that it would cause such devastation?

You wish my son.

Since 2004 when the roadblocks were well and truly opened, the average “Turkish Cypriot’s” standard of living has doubled! There are now around 15,000 employed in the free areas, and countless thousands on social security, medicare, and other benefits.

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Postby YFred » Sun May 23, 2010 11:24 pm

Get Real! wrote:
YFred wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
YFred wrote:How long before Cyprus becomes like Greece? 5 years? Oh alright 5.5 years. You need a bit more time to cook in the eu. Akkideleceksiniz lan.

Just always remember that when the RoC sneezes the “Turkish Cypriots” catch pneumonia…

What furkin planet are you on? How? you are incredibly stupid. If Turkey sneezes yes, may be, but even then she is like a devoted mother. She will go hungry herself but not let her child go hungry like, get my drift.
What is the connection between TC and GC economy that it would cause such devastation?

You wish my son.

Since 2004 when the roadblocks were well and truly opened, the average “Turkish Cypriot’s” standard of living has doubled! There are now around 15,000 employed in the free areas, and countless thousands on social security, medicare, and other benefits.


Try 4000. Your figures don't add up. Strange though most work on less money than their counterparts for the same work with no insurance payments.
Ah yes the dreaded medicare. We are thankfull believe me. You can shove aid.

It's trade we require not aid. Can you understand that. Trade, free trade.
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Postby Get Real! » Sun May 23, 2010 11:35 pm

larnacaman wrote:I'm not such an idiot as yourself.... i've not stated government figures, ...and anything that i'm saying here will be hidden from public view. .....BUT is easily legitimised by yourself by asking the people that are personally affected, ...i gave you enough examples for god's sake!! ... Ok here's another to ask, the remaining hotel owners, that are hanging on in there. ....Ask them, if they have had full or near full bookings for the last 10 years, come to that, ask if they have been profitable over the last say 5 years!!!

You should have also read the other articles that were available in the last link you posted,
Like ...''The world economic crisis continues to affect Cyprus'' and '' Cyprus industrial turnover down 3.4% in Feb ''
among the others on the same pages.... There's enough there to legitimise most of what i've been saying here...

Dude, your initial sweeping statements like…

“No it's not the only means of income, but it's a bloody big chunk of it!!”

…and much more unfounded rubbish, are right here: ... c&start=30

And you’ve since been proven WRONG because the truth is that income from tourism is bordering on petty cash!

And btw, suggestions to “go and ask” on a debating forum to “prove” a point are TOTALLY unacceptable! :roll:
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Postby larnacaman » Mon May 24, 2010 1:17 am


Sorry, .... i missed this post earlier with all the other crap coming in....

I was hoping you would pick that up!
That is the difference between Opinion (unsubstantiated and well known anti-GC by the Independent) and Facts ... which were the actual statistics they begrudgingly printed!
Now, memorize the difference! Facts (with evidence) and Opinions (with nothing).

You really don't get it do you.... There is a BIG difference between ''Statistics'' and ''Facts'' Statistic's can be made to show whatever the the author wants them to show/say, where as Facts are just that ...Facts!!....

So why is it that anyone with an once of commonsense that can see the declines with there own eyes, hear the moans and the groans from those that are actually and directly affected,... and can still believe in printed Statistics that are telling them the opposite??

Why , .....because as far as You are concerned, Your only interested in any statistics that satisfy your bigoted views on Cyprus, they are then ...FACTS. Anything that go's against your views are dismissed without thought. You will rake through piles of printed crap, and cherry pick a line, a sentence or a paragraph, anything that serves that twisted mind, and it will immediately become Fact, and not just another statistic that may (or more likely not) be correct...

Everything I've ever read of your postings in the CY problem threads, are totally Negative to any form of solution, unless it meets your personal and totally unreasonable position. Like many others here, if anyone tries to go down the middle road, you quickly turn to verbal personal abuse. Because although you try to use an extended vocabulary in your posts, you have no idea of how and when to use those words. Then you wonder why those you have abused, have made threats against you!!!
Frankly, there is no need for anyone to make threats against a person here, but there's no need for personal abuse here either.....

On a final note, you would do well to Memorise this, .... Statistics have rarely if ever had anything to do with FACTS!!!! And MAYBE Trust what you are seeing with your own eyes, and what your experiencing yourself and not what others are telling you or trying to convince you of in printed form.....

Maybe you would also do well to treat others as you would hope to be treated yourself!! ....No chance of that i guess!!! But God, it sure does make life a hell of a lot easier. Alas not as exciting though.....
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 24, 2010 1:33 am

larnacaman wrote:So why is it that anyone with an once of commonsense that can see the declines with there own eyes, hear the moans and the groans from those that are actually and directly affected,... and can still believe in printed Statistics that are telling them the opposite??

Just because you may know one or two moaning hotel owners doesn’t mean that their situation reflects the country as a whole!

That’s why we have a dedicated statistical department to investigate the entire country and conclude with credible facts & figures! You and your acquaintances DO NOT constitute credible evidence so get over yourselves! :roll: ... icle01.htm
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 24, 2010 1:41 am

larnacaman wrote:On a final note, you would do well to Memorise this, .... Statistics have rarely if ever had anything to do with FACTS!!!!

Where did you get this 2-cent coffee shop sophistry from? :lol:

And MAYBE Trust what you are seeing with your own eyes, and what your experiencing yourself and not what others are telling you or trying to convince you of in printed form....

But your situation may not necessarily reflect everyone else’s and you are certainly NOT in a position to examine the ENTIRE country so as to provide country-wide credible facts so get over yourself! :roll:
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Postby larnacaman » Mon May 24, 2010 1:41 am

Hahaha!!!,......Credible evidence, according to GR himself!!!

No GR, ....they just have to live it, while you just talk about .....and of course ...Your Right and everyone else is wrong!!!!

That just about sum's the situation up ..Right!!!
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 24, 2010 1:49 am

larnacaman wrote:Hahaha!!!,......Credible evidence, according to GR himself!!!

No GR, ....they just have to live it, while you just talk about .....and of course ...Your Right and everyone else is wrong!!!!

That just about sum's the situation up ..Right!!!

So the recognized professional authority is not a credible source, but you are? :?

Maybe we should start with your age… Image
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Postby larnacaman » Mon May 24, 2010 1:50 am

Where did you get this 2-cent coffee shop sophistry from?

Real life's experiences, ...something you obviously have no knowledge of, if you need to doubt the unsafe criteria of statictics that are banded about in this world....
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