larnacaman wrote:Very pleased to read this, perhaps there is hope for Cyprus yet!!! ...One has to ask in this case, why are they closing hotels in the last 4 years, and tourist business that are going out of business??
But did you take notice of what you have written in your post??
The statistics were a welcome boost to a tourism-dependent economy still battling to come out of recession in the face of the economic woes of its main northern European tourism markets.
Now ....what have you and others here, been trying to convince people here of, .....Like Cyprus doesn't need tourists, and that you'll get along fine without them!!!
Jeez, make your minds up, you can't jump in and out of both sides of the camp....
I was hoping you would pick that up!

That is the difference between Opinion (unsubstantiated and well known anti-GC by the Independent) and Facts ... which were the actual statistics they begrudgingly printed!
Now, memorize the difference! Facts (with evidence) and Opinions (with nothing).