Kikapu wrote:YFred wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:If we applaud Bananiot for criticising his own side,we cannot turn around and criticise Kikapu for doing the same...They both have the right to their opinions and the right to speak them openly and freely...We don't have to agree with them,and we have the right to shoot them down for it,hopefully with intelligent and sensible discussion...
The problem is that it hurts more when critsicm is coming from your own side. That is why the TCs are very hard on Kikapu and the GCs on Bananiot...It is true that we need more Kikapus and Bananiots in this forum...That would indicate that more and more people are managing to see the "other" side's perspective...
Having said all that, I think Banainot has more credibility than Kikapu simply because he does criticise the TCs as well when the ocassion arises...I could be wrong,and would be delighted to be proven wrong,but I cannot remember Kikapu ever criticising or disagreeing with any GC on this forum...And I have not seen Kikapu ever defending and TC even when they are unfairly attacked...for example,when certain individuals keep going on the TCs being the Ottoman remnants,or guilty of the deeds of the Ottomans going back to 1571,or leaving their homes voluntarily to aid Turkey's expansionist Taksim policy during 1963-74,Kikapu remains silent...What he doesnt consider is that silence for most people indicate agreement...Yet it is not possible for a sensible,intelligent person and a TC, to agree that all TCs are thieves,cockroaches,traitors to their country,and hell bent on helping Turkey to achive her imaginary expansionist ambitions...It is not possible for any sensible person to believe that the TCs were wrong in opposing ENOSIS when they did,and the way they did it,which was the only realistic option they had...Yet when all these accusations are thrown at us,Kikapu will insist on keeping silent...
That I think is what is puzzling most TCs here,including myself,who did my share of criticising my own side in the past...The excuse that "I moved on,and now only consider the future" does not wash with me...Kikapu must have his own personal reasons for doing what he does...It is upto him to tell us what those reasons are ,if he so choses...If not we have to respect his decision and his right to conduct himself the way he sees fit...We do not have the right to speculate as to what those reasons might be...We have every right to attack his arguments but not his person...
Sorry to disagree Bir, but chalk and cheese. It is not about who he attacks at all. It is that he is so pally pally with the fascists on the other side. Bananiot is fair and progressive. Kickapoo is unfair and fascistic. He also makes things up as he goes along. The latest thinking is that the truth does not count on the forum opinion does. Yes I am afraid there is no comparison between them.
He is gone beyond what is reasonable. Well that's not beat about the bush, he is just crap.
Lets face it, you don't like to hear the truth. That's your problem.!
I said the forum is not a court room but a public forum where the public opinion counts. You have no right for anyone to reveal their personal information just to prove anything to you. Circumstantial evidence is more than adequate, and when such adequate information has been provided, then public opinion is what it counts. Paphitis is who he said he was and you and MR-from-NG are nothing but sorry ass losers with your bets. Now pay up and shut up.!

You are a very confused person. On the forum we have opinion you say, and yet it's the truth I don't like. If there is no truth but only opinion on the forum, then what is the truth that I don't like? Make your mind up, is it truth or opinion?
Circumstantial evidence your ass. I suggested that the info can go to a solicitor so he has no problem with personal stuff, like I suggested it with our challenge remember, but you both crapped out cause you are both full of shit.
You talk to the hand all you like cause the face ain’t listenin.
BTW he can have his money too, from the money he is going to pay me after our court case for calling my father a TMT killer known to him.
Of course only when it is proven that he actualy has one
You can’t help it, because most people have an arse full of shit and you are one cunt full of shit, the ironies of life and all that, what?