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I hate to say this, but...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Kikapu » Fri May 28, 2010 12:54 am

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu Bananiot shows a far greater maturity and understanding of the Cyprus issue than you will ever have you just do not have that capacity or ability to display a balanced view that would unite this island.

I gave you "The Plan" which was very balanced (since neither side loved it).

By Bananiot accepting the Annan plan, was not fair and balanced, according to his own people, which they rejected it by 76%.!
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Postby Get Real! » Fri May 28, 2010 1:08 am

YFred wrote:...the question is how much. It's a straight forward question. Me beeing a good muslim never bet on uncertainty? Only bet on certainty and then of course it does not count as a bet, does it?

So how about your Mom’s arse then? :?

What do you think MrFromNg is that a fair deal? :wink:
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Postby Get Real! » Fri May 28, 2010 1:10 am

Viewpoint wrote:Kikapu Bananiot shows a far greater maturity and understanding of the Cyprus issue than you will ever have you just do not have that capacity or ability to display a balanced view that would unite this island.

And how about yourself? Do you display a balanced view that would "unite this island" ? :roll:

Fucking Turkish cockroaches the lot of you! :lol:
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Postby Kikapu » Fri May 28, 2010 1:10 am

bigOz wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:The difference is Bananiot is far more intelligent than youhe addresses the wrongs and rights of both sides unlike you i would have no problem living in a unitary state with Bananiot as i trust him 100% unlike you who is never to be trusted you are dangerous and would sell us out inan instant. You will never understand the difference as you do have the intelligence to do so.

I don't think Bananiot would want to live with Racist Fascist, just like you are towards his people, in a Unitary state.!

Come to think of it, I would not want to live with a Racist Fascist in a unitary state either.!

Show me where Bananiot speaks the wrong doing of the TCs.??

Well, he doesn't need to, because he has me, and I have him to address the wrong doings of the GCs.!

But just for the sake of argument, lets say that Bananiot does pick on the TCs, then show me where you have once been abusive to Bananiot for speaking wrong doings of the TCs as you often do with me. I bet you can't.!

How much is the bet?

Kikapu! Bananiot is an ethnic Greek and his fair or unfair criticism of TCs is to be expected because traditionally we have had our differences with our fellow countrymen the GCs.

But you must have a chip on your shoulder because many times you attack the TCs in this forum as bad as a very fanatic EOKA-B supporting GC. Obviously fellow TCs would ask "what's you excuse?" before deciding to enter abusive dialogs with your kind self!

No, actually I don't have a chip on my shoulder. What I have on my shoulder are bunch of Fascists and NeoPartitionists who want to make their Taksim dream come true, regardless if it means thousands of Cypriots will lose their lands and homes, so, I do not attack the TCs, I defend my beliefs against these people who want to divide my country. I have moved from the past to the future. I want Cyprus for all Cypriots, but with respect to Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and EU Principles, and I don't care who joins with me in wanting this, the former EOKA, the former TMT or former Nazi's. Anything less than the above, we will always have problems in Cyprus, as the 1960 non Democratic constitution was given to the Cypriots to live with proved. It took 3 years before it became useless. The NeoPartitionists want the same kind of constitution back, because they know that's the only way to achieve Taksim in the long run, whereas with True Democracy, it will not happen. If we have a settlement based on True Democracy, Turkey will pack and leave Cyprus, because there won't be any need for her troops to remain in Cyprus. The troops are only needed to achieve future Taksim if we once again choose another faulty constitution as we did in 1960. That's all.!
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Postby Get Real! » Fri May 28, 2010 1:16 am

bigOz wrote:Bananiot is an ethnic Greek

What the hell is that supposed to be? :?

...and his fair or unfair criticism of TCs is to be expected

:? He's torn you apart hasn't he? :lol:

Whatever will you do now? :?

Keep em coming you Turkish cockroaches... :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri May 28, 2010 2:12 am

If we applaud Bananiot for criticising his own side,we cannot turn around and criticise Kikapu for doing the same...They both have the right to their opinions and the right to speak them openly and freely...We don't have to agree with them,and we have the right to shoot them down for it,hopefully with intelligent and sensible discussion...

The problem is that it hurts more when critsicm is coming from your own side. That is why the TCs are very hard on Kikapu and the GCs on Bananiot...It is true that we need more Kikapus and Bananiots in this forum...That would indicate that more and more people are managing to see the "other" side's perspective...

Having said all that, I think Banainot has more credibility than Kikapu simply because he does criticise the TCs as well when the ocassion arises...I could be wrong,and would be delighted to be proven wrong,but I cannot remember Kikapu ever criticising or disagreeing with any GC on this forum...And I have not seen Kikapu ever defending and TC even when they are unfairly attacked...for example,when certain individuals keep going on the TCs being the Ottoman remnants,or guilty of the deeds of the Ottomans going back to 1571,or leaving their homes voluntarily to aid Turkey's expansionist Taksim policy during 1963-74,Kikapu remains silent...What he doesnt consider is that silence for most people indicate agreement...Yet it is not possible for a sensible,intelligent person and a TC, to agree that all TCs are thieves,cockroaches,traitors to their country,and hell bent on helping Turkey to achive her imaginary expansionist ambitions...It is not possible for any sensible person to believe that the TCs were wrong in opposing ENOSIS when they did,and the way they did it,which was the only realistic option they had...Yet when all these accusations are thrown at us,Kikapu will insist on keeping silent...
That I think is what is puzzling most TCs here,including myself,who did my share of criticising my own side in the past...The excuse that "I moved on,and now only consider the future" does not wash with me...Kikapu must have his own personal reasons for doing what he does...It is upto him to tell us what those reasons are ,if he so choses...If not we have to respect his decision and his right to conduct himself the way he sees fit...We do not have the right to speculate as to what those reasons might be...We have every right to attack his arguments but not his person...
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Postby Lit » Fri May 28, 2010 6:16 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Lit wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
bigOz wrote:
Oracle wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:Now can you see how they have changed the history of our country?

The history of your country, Turkey, has not been changed by us!

But, you have demonstrated why even the Arabs say: "The last thing a Turk ever does, is stab you in the back!"

Oracle I am a little confused at your quote of what an Arab might sayabout Turks! Turks never stabbed the Arabs in the back but gracefully ignored them over the past 100 years or so! This in fact was due to Ottomans being stabbed in the back by the Arabs during the first World War.

Arse loving filthy Arab leaders got laid by a famous homosexual called Lawrence of Arabia. A lot of money and a pice of hairless white arse gave anough reason for these Arabs to kill an army of Turks in their tents whilst they slept. Causing a hasty retreat in the Middle East. They then got fucked by the very people they helped - who installed the state of Israel in their backyard! Talking about Arabs? :roll:

Your words are wasted on Oracle,big OZ...She is deaf to history and objective thought...You have to treat her a bit firmer than that...Here I will give you a hand...Just for enjoy..... :lol: :lol:

You know who else dreams about the late Pappa Turk? Tim! Oh, if only he were here...he certainly would have loved to see this video. He can go on and on about Pappa Turk...

TIM: He banned the fez for more traditional western hats! They called him ... ATATURK!

Whoa. Ok, ok Tim, calm down. Ahhhh, now those were the days. :D

If you don't mind, Since you are posting like to post one of my own for B|tch-from-NG. So without further ado, here is a video for you NG. Enjoy.

Strut on by like a king
Telling everybody they know nothing,
And long live what you thought you were,
And time ain't on your side anymore (anymore)

And so you tell me I
Can't take my chances,
But I told you one too many times,
And you were crying like a bitch.

I'm tougher than nails.
I can promise you that.
Step out of line
And you get bitch-slapped back.
And you can run
Your little mouth all day...


Hey,Lit...You've flipped your lid...

For posting an alternative Rock song? Is it the song that you didnt like? Because, i really dont care. I flipped my lid...yeah, because i am the one who is spamming 24-7 in this forum. What? Are you taking lessons from YFred?

BirKibrisli wrote:Calm down and all will be well....Turkey is coming to cure you of your Greek fanaticism

I don't give a damn about your wet dreams.

You know, you keep calling every GC here, with the exception of Bananiot, a fanatic or a nationalist. Maybe its time for you to look in the mirror for a change.

BirKibrisli wrote:Turkey is coming... [...]

Have no fear...It won't hurt one bit... :wink:

Yes indeed. So says Bir ... the self proclaimed moderate.

BTW I bet you get sexually aroused watching those Ataturk videos, ehh? You like? :lol:
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Postby Lit » Fri May 28, 2010 6:31 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
Having said all that, I think Banainot has more credibility than Kikapu simply because

:shock: Bir is talking about credibility - as if he had any. Hold on, let me wipe the tears off my face :lol:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Fri May 28, 2010 8:45 am

It is not true that I call all GCs fanatical nationalists....I have great respect for miltiades,for Pyro,for Mikkie, for Nikitas, for humanist,and some for DT...And I love Kifeas like a brother,I would trust him with my life...It is the fanatics who say Cyprus is a Greek island,that the TCs are Ottoman remnants,and thieves and traitors,and they are responsible for 1571 I have a lot of problems with...You know the ones who throw insults around, who show no empathy and compassion for the plight of the TCs in our bloody saga,despite my talking about nothing but the TCs wrongs,and showing empathy and compassion for the GCs for my first 3 years on this Forum....Get it right, Mister Twister,and bite your tongue, or I will bite it for you... :)
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Postby Kikapu » Fri May 28, 2010 9:14 am

BirKibrisli wrote:If we applaud Bananiot for criticising his own side,we cannot turn around and criticise Kikapu for doing the same...They both have the right to their opinions and the right to speak them openly and freely...We don't have to agree with them,and we have the right to shoot them down for it,hopefully with intelligent and sensible discussion...

The problem is that it hurts more when critsicm is coming from your own side. That is why the TCs are very hard on Kikapu and the GCs on Bananiot...It is true that we need more Kikapus and Bananiots in this forum...That would indicate that more and more people are managing to see the "other" side's perspective...

Having said all that, I think Banainot has more credibility than Kikapu simply because he does criticise the TCs as well when the ocassion arises...I could be wrong,and would be delighted to be proven wrong,but I cannot remember Kikapu ever criticising or disagreeing with any GC on this forum...And I have not seen Kikapu ever defending and TC even when they are unfairly attacked...for example,when certain individuals keep going on the TCs being the Ottoman remnants,or guilty of the deeds of the Ottomans going back to 1571,or leaving their homes voluntarily to aid Turkey's expansionist Taksim policy during 1963-74,Kikapu remains silent...What he doesnt consider is that silence for most people indicate agreement...Yet it is not possible for a sensible,intelligent person and a TC, to agree that all TCs are thieves,cockroaches,traitors to their country,and hell bent on helping Turkey to achive her imaginary expansionist ambitions...It is not possible for any sensible person to believe that the TCs were wrong in opposing ENOSIS when they did,and the way they did it,which was the only realistic option they had...Yet when all these accusations are thrown at us,Kikapu will insist on keeping silent...
That I think is what is puzzling most TCs here,including myself,who did my share of criticising my own side in the past...The excuse that "I moved on,and now only consider the future" does not wash with me...Kikapu must have his own personal reasons for doing what he does...It is upto him to tell us what those reasons are ,if he so choses...If not we have to respect his decision and his right to conduct himself the way he sees fit...We do not have the right to speculate as to what those reasons might be...We have every right to attack his arguments but not his person...

Hi Bir,

Actually, you will find I have hell of a lot more posts making criticism of the GC's past events than Bananiot will ever have against the TCs. If you can access my first 6 months posts here on the forum, you will see what I'm talking about, therefore my credibility is intact.!

Spending endless hours of going back and forth on the same topics is the reason why I do not get into conversation about the past anymore. I have no hidden agendas, only I don't want to waste time by going around in circles. If you enjoy such "merry-go-round", then have fun. You yourself have only recently joined this "merry-go-around", so tell me Bir, how you managed to sort anything out with the GCs yet.?? Has the past events changed.? I don't think so, so while you are debating about the past and I choose not to get involved in it anymore, but does not mean I agree with what happened in the past to be correct or justifiable. I do not need to challenge every statement made by the GCs members here on the forum in order for me to remain credible. Lets not "throw the baby out with the bath water", or else it would become the case of labelling anyone "guilty" for choosing not to engage in the same topic over and over again. I wish you luck if you want to do so yourself, which is your provocative, but please allow me the same courtesy for not getting involved in the same "merry-go-around" conversation of the past.

For me, the future is what is important. When I pick on the NeoPartitionists and contradict their stance for wanting partition, is only because that is what they want to do, is to partition the island. Would you expect me to go along with them.?? This is at present time reality. This is where we are. Going back to past history is not going to change anything. That's why it is called history. It has already happened, but the permanent partition of Cyprus has not happened yet. This is something we can all do something about to alter the course of the future. This is what I'm interested in. This is what I argue for.

In any case, here is my very first post on the forum. You decide if I never argued against the GCs or against Piratis, since he is the most outspoken in reminding us of the past. You will some posts made by yourself also in the thread below. Take a look in what you said at the time.

Piratis & company are stuck in year 1571

Thu Apr 20, 2006 8:55 pm

I have been reading most of the post by Piratis for the last month or so, specially regarding the "Cyprus problem", and most of the time, he defends the actions taken by the Greeks against his fellow citizens ( Turks ), because of what had happend 400 years ago. Well, no wonder there won't be any settlement on the Island and will remain divided way beyond our life time. If grudges can be kept for that long for the claimed deaths of 20,000 in Nicosia back in 1571, then I expect, it will take another 130 years from 1974 for the deaths of claimed 6,000 lives. I have no idea how long the Turks grudges will last for the deaths they have suffered in the hands from their trusted fellow citizens (Greeks ).

Piratis likes to point out that the whole problem was just a " intercommunual disagreements" and it should be left to them to work it out. So then, why was it not worked out between 1963 to 1974 when the majority could have made "wrongs done" corrected. It actually goes back to 1960, when the ink wasn't dry yet on the signed agreements between the parties to make Cyprus an independent country, when the plans were being formed to slowly but surely do away with the minority citizens. Not necessarily kill them all, but exile most, otherwise I would not be here to write this, since I was one of the 700 citizens taken at gun point in Nicosia ( Kücük Kaymakli ) to a detention center at some University building and kept there for a week in 1963 at age 8 years old. We were lucky to be captured by Greek soldiers that chose not to do us harm to about 30 people hiding in one room. Not so lucky were the family not far from us who were gunned down in their bath tub.

Perhaps had ( Turks ) they known the grudges of 1571 were still alive and well, they would have not fallen victims to their fellow citizens ( Greeks ). We can all scratch our heads for solutions and what ifs, but too much blood have been spilt over dirt and national pride. Lets hope future generations do not follow Piratis & company's foot steps. ... pu&start=0
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