Get Real! wrote:MR-from-NG, urged on by sideshow twat… moving the goal posts sucks!
There’s no way you can get all those (mostly insignificant) pages of a pilot’s license and related correspondence off the internet!
This isn’t about money but about being man enough to admit you were wrong!
Here’s hoping that we’ll never see another fool again bragging and placing bets!
This time round we'll treat them with the contempt they deserve early on…
What I posted was an
official Civil Aviation Safety Authority Rev 12/2003 Flight Crew Licence Wallet, which holds 8 pages. Within this wallet is an official Commercial Pilot Licence (CPL), an official Air Transport Pilot Licence, an official Command Instrument (with DGA, ILS, LLZ, NDB and VOR endorsements) Rating Multi Engine (CIR ME) valid till 30 Nov 2010 (a new advice needs to be issued by filling the relevant forms in the below link along with payment of a $50 fee (I think?), a Class 1 and Class 2 Medical Certificate and my ASIC with photo. ... c=PC_91267
What I don't hold is a Private Pilot Licence (PPL) or a Night VFR (NVFR) Licence. I received Government dispensations from completing these courses and this is
NOT standard practice, but is applicable to those who have a certain type of experience!
The licences are completely real. My name, address, and signature were only
partially concealed and I did this using PAINT within accessories. My Aviation reference Number (ARN) was completely concealed. I did this to protect my identity, and I have every
right to do so.
But there is far more than what I provided. I have 7 log books, 15 CIR ME renewals, 15 type endorsements, 19 Class 1 Medical Renewals, Dangerous Goods Awareness certification, IREX, Civil Aviation Regulation 217 Line Currency Log, GFPT and Retractable Undercarriage, Constant Speed Propeller endorsement, Gas Turbine Endorsement, and Military Discharge.
I also hold CAR 217 approvals to instruct Cockpit Resource Management, Cockpit Systems Management (CRM), and Human Factors and do hold regular internal classes and workshops for new recruits and checked to line pilots as part of their Ground School and currency requirements as outlined in Australian Civil Aviation Regulations 217. All this material is available to you and Milti alone, only because the both of you have a "special" relationship with this shithead and because I think I can trust both of you with my ID. I don't believe for a second that you are capable of doing the dirty on me.
Now, let's be very clear, I didn't want to provide anything and wasn't very interested to play MR-from-NG's silly little game. I, and Kikapu, kept warning the stupid imbecile on many pages of this ridiculous thread out of concern, and I even gave him
2 very clear opportunities to withdraw his losing bet or at least reduce the amount of the bet to a modest amount instead of the 5K. Personally, I would've preferred he withdraw completely, because I really don't need or am obligated to provide any supporting evidence about my Aviation Qualifications or experience. This is a political forum, and here I am not a pilot but just another typical forum member just like you. Here, I am just Paphitis, trying to learn as much as possible about Cyprus and also use the forum to socialise with other Cypriots and be entertained with many funny and sometimes not so funny moments.
MR-from-NG kept on ridiculing me, tried to discredit me throughout, was warned to back off and did exactly that, but was then drawn back into this losing battle. He made the wrong move, because if he wasn't drawn back in, I wouldn't have provided any supporting evidence whatsoever, and there would have always been an element of doubt as to my qualifications and profession. But no, he was egged on by the King of idiots, Gay-Fred. After giving him another opportunity to back out, he kept confronting me with very offensive allegations and innuendos. There was only so much shit someone can take and cop it sweet. But he kept going on and on, until I eventually had enough and gave him exactly what he asked for, making a massive fool of himself. He should've taken our advice and backed out whilst he could, and no one would've known whether or not I am a pilot. It is really no one's business at all, and I don't need to prove anything to any forum member on the internet.
Aviation is a life passion for me. It has nearly killed me! It gave me the best moments in my life, only matched by another private wonder of life. It has taken me all over the world and given me the best life experiences one could wish for. It has also challenged and possessed my inner soul, defeated me and even taken away my confidence and self esteem in the process until, somehow, even when you think all is lost, you persevere, work hard and overcome the challenges thrown at you. I love talking about Aviation with Kikapu, and I have posted enough to suggest that I do indeed have a very in depth knowledge about anything Aviation related, that goes a little beyond just being an avid enthusiast like MR-from-NG. As a matter of fact, when I discuss things with Kikapu, I was even forced to open a manual or 2, to search for answers, and so I am very happy to say that Kikapu has managed to teach this old sea dog a thing or 2. I find that valuable, and I am forever grateful for the stimulation.
MR-from-NG fucked up big time, and we tried to warn him about his very stupid game. But then again, the guy never had anything to lose, because he never intended upholding his end of the bargain. The guy is
scum, because he now refuses to pay up after losing his stupid bet fair and square. If I lost, I would've paid. My reputation amongst certain individuals here is important. I do care about what those certain people would think if my actions were as deceitful and underhanded as MR-from-NG. Fortunately, he is the one with egg on his face, because he has now been
exposed as the
liar he truly is. He bloody asked for it, and got exactly what he deserves!