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I hate to say this, but...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Get Real! » Wed May 26, 2010 9:11 pm

Judging by MR-from-NG’s posts…

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 7:54 pm
No, lets make it a 1000 euros, and please don't worry about what I can afford or not. now lets get to do this. I can scan and post a copy of my log book within 5 minutes. How long do you need?

Posted: Tue May 25, 2010 8:29 pm
Dont worry, this little shit doesn't even have a PPL. Let him show us a copy of his PPL, if he is a commercial pilot then I'll give him 5000 Euros.

He actually owes Paphitis €1,000 not €5,000 because no PPL was produced but a log book has!

Oh hang on he then says... "if he is a commercial pilot then I'll give him 5000 Euros"! :?
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Postby FragnaticDeath » Wed May 26, 2010 9:14 pm

Theres only 1 word than can describe MR-from-NG.


Now pay up the money you own.

As I said previously Paphitis, this will be an easy win for you. :)
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Postby YFred » Wed May 26, 2010 9:37 pm

B25 wrote:
YFred wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Flight Crew Licences don't have photo ID, but they are introducing it as we speak in order to conform to ICAO (I believe).

There is photo ID on Aviation Security Identification Card (ASIC) which must be displayed at all times! But the ASIC is not a licence but a security clearance so to speak to be airside!

Y-Cunt, your a bigger idiot than MR-from-NG, and I never thought I will say it, but that's actually saying something even for you old boy!

These documenst can be created quite easily, judging by your artwork on the forum. We need irrefutable proof dear boy, one that will stand up in a court of law. You do believe in true justice do you not? and appearances prove nothin.

Gay-fred, give it up man, you know Paphitis is for real. Your man lost a bet fair and square. His mouth and arrogance got the better of him. Paphitis has done enough in my books, your man has done jack shit but moan and whinge like a whore.

The least you could do is be a good sport and congratulate him and commiserations to the poor loser.

Now, wheres that Fucking €5k you piece of shit scumbag, pay up.

Where has he proved that it is him who has it? Back to square one.
I did not see you have a go at Kickapoo when he backed out like bitch with her tail between her legs. Now, go forth and multiply in a DIY manner boy, what?
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Postby Lit » Wed May 26, 2010 9:52 pm

Paphitis wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Don't make me do it Mr-from-NG.

I actually respect your hard earned money and don't want to cause you any unnecessary hardship.

You should have betted a modest ammount, or offered to buy me some drinks should you lose.


You are full of shit. You posted a picture of yourself on the SHB, remember? So you don't mind us knowing who you are. How about you post some pictures with you in the cockpit of the planes you fly in? Do this first and then I'll tell what you'll need ti do next to prove your point.You have 5 minutes to do this. You are a very resourceful chap so get going.

I have a better solution.

MR-from-NG, why don't you get your friend, BigOz, who has claimed to being a pilot, flight instructor with all sorts of ratings under his belt, short of ATPL (he may have that also now) couple of years ago, which you had yourself personally vouched for him and have him and Paphitis quiz each other on anything that has to do with flying a plane, which they can get into all the technicalities that you and I cannot as novice pilots. Let the "Battle of the Titans" begin and lets see who will be standing in the end. Will it be BigOz, will it be Paphitis, both, or neither.??

I believe Paphitis would like to take on BigOz.!

What do you think.??

Kikapu, I am more than willing to talk technical with Big Oz, if he is capable.

I know you are capable of that, but somehow I doubt BigOz can offer me anything of any value in Aviation.

But we must remember, I don't need to prove a thing on Cyprus Forum. I will if need be, for 5000 Euros to a good cause, but I will do it with caution. I will reserve the right to protect my identity and privacy.

And so you should and must.!

OK, this is what we'll do. Paphitis tells us the type of plane he flies, he does this in the next 2 minutes. I will ask him 3 technical questions about the particular plane, if he answers within 1 minute of my post I will then tell him what he'll need to do next to convince me. So, the 5000 euros may still be on.

Somehow the plane he flies is not what you are used to flying, so I don't know how you can quiz him on anything on a aircraft you have no knowledge about, but, hey, you take it up with Paphitis.!

Why are you interfering, let them get on with it FFS.

Bafitis is a fraud and we are about to prove it.

Well said YFred. The mans a fraud, a ten year old can see this. As for Kikapu, if the roles were reversed, i.e Pahitis TC and I a GC then he would have shouted at the top of his voice that he was a fraud :lol: :lol:

I just saved you 5,000 Euros. The least you could do, is be grateful and also send over 10% as my commission.! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: are you serious? I thought you were a smart guy. You honestly believe Paphidis? Come on Kikapu, stop being an arselicker :lol: :lol:

First of all you, have no evidence that Paphitis is not a pilot, and secondly, you have not given us any motives as to why Paphitis would pretend to be a pilot, if he wasn't. Now, you answer those question since it is you who is making the allegations that he is not a pilot. Personally, you should have walked away from your bet when you did, but you let Paphitis sucker you back into the bet. Now you are going to have to stick with it, if you want to save face, and lose 5,000 Euros.! Not a very smart move. You must be a lousy poker player.!

I had already predicted, that if Paphitis did not reveal his ID in the form of showing his pilot's licence and his flight log book, you would claim victory, a hollow one at that. That's why I suggested you put BigOz against Paphitis, but you seemed to have frowned at that idea for some reason.!!!!

Now, you tell me who is the smart one of us.?? :wink:

You're smart guy, far smarter than me :lol: :lol: Btw, I measure people smartness with their bank balance, how much are you worth? :lol:

Right, back Paphitis, you look at all the posts from last to the present moment and you decide if he holds a licence or not :lol: :lol: :lol: And here you are telling me you did me a favour and saved me 5K, are you fucking serious? :lol: :lol: :lol:

In that case, when the time comes, I hope you will deposit the 5,000 Euros with Militiades or whom ever you two agree on, to go forward with your bet, rather than backing out as you did this time when you got cornered, before allowing Paphitis suckered you back in again.!

BigOz is around, so why don't you ask him to give Paphitis a "Flight test".! :idea: :idea: :idea:

Ok you idiot, since you're so certain he holds a commercial pilots licence how about you having a bet with me. I'm ready to hand over 5K Euros to Miltiades to hold onto. You contact Milti and tell him you're banking 5K into his account, once this is resolved Milti will hand over to you or me. Put your money where your fucking mouth is.

You have already made the bet sunshine. I have given you ample opportunity to back out with your dignity intact, but you have insisted to bet 5K on me not having a CPL.

You are very silly.

My only concern is how I can prove it to you whilst keeping my privacy intact.


Now, any suggestions on how we can do this in a fashion where I can keep my ID private? Perhaps you are willing to accept either Miltiades or Get Real as an independent and unbiased referee, since I don't fear either as I know for a fact that I can trust them both with my particulars knowing full well that they would both respect my privacy.

The ball is in your caught Mr-from-NG.

And just remember, I don't need to prove anything, but 5K to Miltiades favourite charity is very hard to pass up.

Here is a little taster:







Why did you post your particulars, Paph? Some of these people in here are dont have to prove anything to them.
Last edited by Lit on Wed May 26, 2010 10:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lit » Wed May 26, 2010 9:57 pm

Last edited by Lit on Wed May 26, 2010 10:33 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Lit » Wed May 26, 2010 9:59 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:How many of the same do you want me to post, do you think its that simple to prove this? I'm pretty crap with computers and even I could get such documents and doctor them to fool people.

Yeah, ok. You can clearly see his name on the license.
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Postby Lit » Wed May 26, 2010 10:06 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:How many of the same do you want me to post, do you think its that simple to prove this? I'm pretty crap with computers and even I could get such documents and doctor them to fool people.

You are even a bigger fraud than I thought. What happened t your internet being down and blah blah blah. You quickly came up with this rubbish and you want to be taken seriously? Kido, this man is not convinced, and sorry but I cant take your offer of showing your credentials to Milti or GR, no disrespect to my friends but this is my battle, I let others get involved.

My internet is not down. It has been disconnected because I am moving house. I also have an IPhone and a portable Optus USB Modem with 5Gigs of data. I am using the USB right now.

C'mon! I am waiting to see how many authentic Flight Crew Licences you can post! :?

Do you seriously expect me or anybody with any sense to take these seriously? Are you stupid or something?

Maybe for believing you would give to charity. Hows your conscience? Ha ha ha ha
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Postby Lit » Wed May 26, 2010 10:13 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
YFred wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Paphitis wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
MR-from-NG wrote:
Paphitis wrote:Don't make me do it Mr-from-NG.

I actually respect your hard earned money and don't want to cause you any unnecessary hardship.

You should have betted a modest ammount, or offered to buy me some drinks should you lose.


You are full of shit. You posted a picture of yourself on the SHB, remember? So you don't mind us knowing who you are. How about you post some pictures with you in the cockpit of the planes you fly in? Do this first and then I'll tell what you'll need ti do next to prove your point.You have 5 minutes to do this. You are a very resourceful chap so get going.

I have a better solution.

MR-from-NG, why don't you get your friend, BigOz, who has claimed to being a pilot, flight instructor with all sorts of ratings under his belt, short of ATPL (he may have that also now) couple of years ago, which you had yourself personally vouched for him and have him and Paphitis quiz each other on anything that has to do with flying a plane, which they can get into all the technicalities that you and I cannot as novice pilots. Let the "Battle of the Titans" begin and lets see who will be standing in the end. Will it be BigOz, will it be Paphitis, both, or neither.??

I believe Paphitis would like to take on BigOz.!

What do you think.??

Kikapu, I am more than willing to talk technical with Big Oz, if he is capable.

I know you are capable of that, but somehow I doubt BigOz can offer me anything of any value in Aviation.

But we must remember, I don't need to prove a thing on Cyprus Forum. I will if need be, for 5000 Euros to a good cause, but I will do it with caution. I will reserve the right to protect my identity and privacy.

And so you should and must.!

OK, this is what we'll do. Paphitis tells us the type of plane he flies, he does this in the next 2 minutes. I will ask him 3 technical questions about the particular plane, if he answers within 1 minute of my post I will then tell him what he'll need to do next to convince me. So, the 5000 euros may still be on.

Somehow the plane he flies is not what you are used to flying, so I don't know how you can quiz him on anything on a aircraft you have no knowledge about, but, hey, you take it up with Paphitis.!

Why are you interfering, let them get on with it FFS.

Bafitis is a fraud and we are about to prove it.

Well said YFred. The mans a fraud, a ten year old can see this. As for Kikapu, if the roles were reversed, i.e Pahitis TC and I a GC then he would have shouted at the top of his voice that he was a fraud :lol: :lol:

I just saved you 5,000 Euros. The least you could do, is be grateful and also send over 10% as my commission.! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: are you serious? I thought you were a smart guy. You honestly believe Paphidis? Come on Kikapu, stop being an arselicker :lol: :lol:

First of all you, have no evidence that Paphitis is not a pilot, and secondly, you have not given us any motives as to why Paphitis would pretend to be a pilot, if he wasn't. Now, you answer those question since it is you who is making the allegations that he is not a pilot. Personally, you should have walked away from your bet when you did, but you let Paphitis sucker you back into the bet. Now you are going to have to stick with it, if you want to save face, and lose 5,000 Euros.! Not a very smart move. You must be a lousy poker player.!

I had already predicted, that if Paphitis did not reveal his ID in the form of showing his pilot's licence and his flight log book, you would claim victory, a hollow one at that. That's why I suggested you put BigOz against Paphitis, but you seemed to have frowned at that idea for some reason.!!!!

Now, you tell me who is the smart one of us.?? :wink:

You're smart guy, far smarter than me :lol: :lol: Btw, I measure people smartness with their bank balance, how much are you worth? :lol:

Yeah, ok. Never mind the bullshit. You better tell daddy to fork up 5K, B|tch-from-NG. :lol:
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Postby Lit » Wed May 26, 2010 10:22 pm

MR-from-NG wrote:
B25 wrote:So, when does the MR.......NG pay up then. we will be expecting interest to incur at a rate of 10% pa and calculated daily for every day delayed.

Come big mouth, pay up, you fucked up well and truely this time.

:lol: :lol: :lol: Nice one Paphiti, about time someone put this CUNT in his place. he thinks he owns the joint, bloody squatter.

Milti please come and collect.

Whats your problem cuntface? is he your bit o the side or something. You fucking lowlife.

He's the lowlife? Arent you the one who is the cheap trick around here?
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Postby Oracle » Wed May 26, 2010 10:26 pm

How about we [CF forumers] all pitch in to help poor (rich :roll: ) Mr-from-NG to get out of this mess?

I'm happy to donate to bail the fool out (so long as he agrees to some provisos :D ) of this mess so that the needy don't suffer because he has gone back on his word!

Miltiades can garner our collections ... Milty is 100% foolproof! :D
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