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I hate to say this, but...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby larnacaman » Tue May 25, 2010 1:27 am

As you know .... i live here, and I've lived here for a good many years too, ...So what makes you think that this year will be any different???

If you happen to have 3 planes go over 10 Min's apart, That's unusual... Having planes go over every 10 Min's ....That's unheard of, and be a bloody miracle, as even the New airport isn't designed to cater for that amount of traffic!!!....
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Postby larnacaman » Tue May 25, 2010 1:31 am

We'll see, ....Just remember those camel's get the hump with people like you, and can be far more stubbon than any Donkey in Cyprus too....
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 25, 2010 1:33 am

larnacaman wrote:As you know .... i live here, and I've lived here for a good many years too, ...So what makes you think that this year will be any different???

If you happen to have 3 planes go over 10 Min's apart, That's unusual... Having planes go over every 10 Min's ....That's unheard of, and be a bloody miracle, as even the New airport isn't designed to cater for that amount of traffic!!!....

So how do you suppose those 2,000,000 people will come over in A320 size planes if there are only 3 landings per day? :lol:
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Postby larnacaman » Tue May 25, 2010 1:36 am

Do you make these things up as you go along GR ?? .....Did i say there are only 3 flights a day ??? Jeeeez!!!

Goodnight GR, Enjoy your night shift....
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Postby Get Real! » Tue May 25, 2010 1:50 am

larnacaman wrote:Do you make these things up as you go along GR ?? .....Did i say there are only 3 flights a day ??? Jeeeez!!!

Goodnight GR, Enjoy your night shift....

I’ll tell you what… let’s give Larnaca 1,500,000 of the tourist arrivals during the summer season and assume the rest landed at Paphos…

1,500,000 / 120 days (Jun-Sep) = 12,500 tourists must land each day!

12,500 / 150 seats (A320) = That’s 83.33 flights p/day!

24 hours x 60 minutes = 1440 minutes p/day.

1440 / 83.33 = A landing every 17.28 minutes! Image
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 25, 2010 2:39 am

rastan, i can't go through this topic, i'm on page seven and too tired to read on...

go and visit cyprus, enjoy. i hope that you will remember that "Greeks", "Turks", and Cypriots live here; it is the Cypriots that need your help: spend wisely.

if you think that seperating people because they are "Black" and "White" is a convenient solution, so be it but you fail our comrades in arms who were slaughtered over the last 100 years across many Continents in favour of Human dignity. it is not a Problem of ethnic proportions, although ethnicity is the element that is being exploited. it is an issue of Tolerance and the Principals which people choose Universally. many fear change, they cannot embrace a future which they are in the process of resisting, but by the goodwill and the Grace of those who do not have this fear an exchange can be made.

...if i were you, i would find loving people.

and while you visit the beautiful relics all over the island, you will find ruined ruins, which up until about fifty years ago, thrived. ask yourself, how did Cypriots live communally for hundreds, and for some thousands of years? ask yourself, how will tearing the island in two promote this Patromony which is so important to all Mankind?
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Postby repulsewarrior » Tue May 25, 2010 2:53 am

oh yea, visit the Maronites while you are in the north, help them...

...and why not the Armenians, their monastary is a special place if the world's ethnosphere interests you.
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Postby Kikapu » Tue May 25, 2010 7:28 am

Get Real! wrote:
larnacaman wrote:Do you make these things up as you go along GR ?? .....Did i say there are only 3 flights a day ??? Jeeeez!!!

Goodnight GR, Enjoy your night shift....

I’ll tell you what… let’s give Larnaca 1,500,000 of the tourist arrivals during the summer season and assume the rest landed at Paphos…

1,500,000 / 120 days (Jun-Sep) = 12,500 tourists must land each day!

12,500 / 150 seats (A320) = That’s 83.33 flights p/day!

24 hours x 60 minutes = 1440 minutes p/day.

1440 / 83.33 = A landing every 17.28 minutes! Image

GR wrote:I’ve never met anyone in real life that had such a fascination with flights and airports like some of the people on this forum…:?

One could be forgiven for thinking that they’re just a bunch of planes parked next to each other on a tarmac having a chit-chat! :lol: ... c&start=80

GR has caught the "plane bug" it seems.! :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby larnacaman » Tue May 25, 2010 4:09 pm


...Like the statistic's your so fond of, Your figures bare no relationship to actual reality. You like many here, assume too much, and as always your assumptions are quite ''Wrong''

Now go back, and work your figures out again, this time based on reality, rather than the assumptions you made above, ....that just happened to suit your quest for having anther dig.

Even with these figures you have quoted, your 10 minute time interval you've been promoting as ''fact'' has almost doubled!!! ...haha!!!

I take it GR, that you don't work with figures for a living??
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Postby Oracle » Tue May 25, 2010 4:35 pm

larnacaman wrote:GR,

...Like the statistic's your so fond of, Your figures bare no relationship to actual reality. You like many here, assume too much, and as always your assumptions are quite ''Wrong''

Now go back, and work your figures out again, this time based on reality, rather than the assumptions you made above, ....that just happened to suit your quest for having anther dig.

Even with these figures you have quoted, your 10 minute time interval you've been promoting as ''fact'' has almost doubled!!! ...haha!!!

I take it GR, that you don't work with figures for a living??

I think you'll find GR! was calculating landings!

There would have to be (approximately) the same number of take-offs too, don't you think?

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Reh Get Real!, why do you bother with these guys? :lol:
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