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I hate to say this, but...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby larnacaman » Mon May 24, 2010 6:44 pm

I first stated posting on this thread, to point out the importance of tourism in Cyprus, But it seems that the thread has been hijacked by the usual credulous members here, that refuse to even acknowledge that Cyprus has a tourist economy. ''Where The Hell Have They Been All There Lives'' Certainly not living in Cyprus. Then again, maybe they have, ....closed minds and blinkered eyes, has a way of bringing the worst out in people, especially when faced with the reality, ....then it's all down to blatant denial!!!!

Now we have a comment ''Tourism has been flogged to death, and I don't believe we can develop tourism any more that it already has.'' Jeeeeezzzzus, that's one of Cyprus's problems, haven't provided any development for your tourist industry for bloody years,'ve sat on your laurel's and hoped no-one would notice. Room for development, ....there's masses of room for improvement in just about every sector of that industry you can imagine. You only have to look at what other tourist countries have put in place or have provided, for there tourist industries.... Honestly, the mind boggles at such ill informed comments!!!

The Cyprus front-line tourist industry was once a thriving gold mine, when fortunes were made by many, that was in a time, when effort and money was being injected by Cyprus. Times and needs have changed, but your still giving today's tourists what you were 20 years ago....

It seems a pointless exercise continuing pointing out the obvious to those that can only see to the end of there nose and no further. They just cannot, or will not see the much bigger picture where your tourist industry is concerned. As i stated before, lose it, and all will come clear!! ...But then these very same people will be blaming others for the demise, it won't be anything to do with them. They will maybe, still be quoting those statistic's there so fond of, and still believing in them too!!!

Well i really do hope that 2010 will be a bumper year for tourists. Anything that will bring them to Cyprus, .... I'm all for ...110%. Too many people/workers rely on it, as well as Cyprus as a whole.

As a final footnote, i agree totally with Acikgoz's final comment in his last post, and it's a shame that this Forum works in this way, and is ''allowed'' to work this way too!!!

QUOTE : When you break it down one sees that winning a fragmented argument is more important than the result, with any opportunity to have a dig seen as either a bonus or objective.
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Postby Gasman » Mon May 24, 2010 7:02 pm

If the Stupid government would restrict tourists to the dark side, I daren't say our figures would be even better.

I don't believe that is true. I think if the typical holidaymakers who opt for 'TRNC' holidays were stopped from doing so, they would head for Turkey or anywhere else their money would go further than it does in the Eurozone (especially Cyprus as there are other destinations in the zone that are cheaper).

If you've seen prices for package holidays in the North, you will see that they are incredibly low. To be honest, I don't know how they make any money out of some of them. There are hotels over there offering £99 for a week B&B. You can get dorm rooms right on Kyrenia Harbour for between 10 and 30 euro a night.

They collect from Lca Airport and lots of the restaurants over there (for instance Kybele at Bellapaise) will collect you from your hotel anywhere and take you home again for no charge if you book a table.

I think Cyprus could manage more tourists. Try telling the owners of tavernas and bars who have just one or two customers sitting in there that 'Cyprus is full up'. I know some who have got rid of ALL their permanent staff and relying on one or two part timers who they call in only when needed now.

Last year I visited Napa and Protaras in high season. A few aparthotels in the main tourist area hadn't even bothered to open up for the season due to very low bookings.

I've noticed it to be a particular problem in the area west of Larnaca Airport - outside Kiti and Pervolia along the coast there where all those 'holiday villages' are. It was like no man's land in early April. Some that had been thriving the year before were empty and deserted and becoming overgrown with weeds already. Hardly any shops had opened up and the beaches were TOTALLY deserted.

It's still busy most places on Saturday night, Sundays and public holidays. But it always was and always will be - it's mainly locals providing that trade. Establishments cannot survive on one or two busy days a week.

I think they should concentrate more on refurbishing what is already in place instead of continuing to build more new places. Often the new ones are being erected right alongside the hulk of a disused hotel or apartment block.

And just TIDY THE PLACE UP A BIT in general!
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Postby YFred » Mon May 24, 2010 7:40 pm

Gasman wrote:
If the Stupid government would restrict tourists to the dark side, I daren't say our figures would be even better.

I don't believe that is true. I think if the typical holidaymakers who opt for 'TRNC' holidays were stopped from doing so, they would head for Turkey or anywhere else their money would go further than it does in the Eurozone (especially Cyprus as there are other destinations in the zone that are cheaper).

If you've seen prices for package holidays in the North, you will see that they are incredibly low. To be honest, I don't know how they make any money out of some of them. There are hotels over there offering £99 for a week B&B. You can get dorm rooms right on Kyrenia Harbour for between 10 and 30 euro a night.

They collect from Lca Airport and lots of the restaurants over there (for instance Kybele at Bellapaise) will collect you from your hotel anywhere and take you home again for no charge if you book a table.

I think Cyprus could manage more tourists. Try telling the owners of tavernas and bars who have just one or two customers sitting in there that 'Cyprus is full up'. I know some who have got rid of ALL their permanent staff and relying on one or two part timers who they call in only when needed now.

Last year I visited Napa and Protaras in high season. A few aparthotels in the main tourist area hadn't even bothered to open up for the season due to very low bookings.

I've noticed it to be a particular problem in the area west of Larnaca Airport - outside Kiti and Pervolia along the coast there where all those 'holiday villages' are. It was like no man's land in early April. Some that had been thriving the year before were empty and deserted and becoming overgrown with weeds already. Hardly any shops had opened up and the beaches were TOTALLY deserted.

It's still busy most places on Saturday night, Sundays and public holidays. But it always was and always will be - it's mainly locals providing that trade. Establishments cannot survive on one or two busy days a week.

I think they should concentrate more on refurbishing what is already in place instead of continuing to build more new places. Often the new ones are being erected right alongside the hulk of a disused hotel or apartment block.

And just TIDY THE PLACE UP A BIT in general!

I was driving to Girne and saw an english couple with two kids callecting plastic bags by the side of the road. It wasn't you was it?
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Postby Gasman » Mon May 24, 2010 8:10 pm

I was driving to Girne and saw an english couple with two kids callecting plastic bags by the side of the road. It wasn't you was it?

Not that time, no. Because I am not 'an English couple with 2 kids' so it couldn't have been. But I do litter pick my local beauty spots. I wish more people would.

Well, actually, I wish people wouldn't chuck their litter everywhere, but they do and often just a spit away from a litter bin.

I never understand why some people dump their carrier bags of rubbish at the foot of wheelie bins either (but a lot of them do). Maybe they fear falling into the bin if they get too close? You see all these little tied up bags huddled like satellites round the mother ship wheelie bin.
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Postby larnacaman » Mon May 24, 2010 8:31 pm


Quote : You see all these little tied up bags huddled like satellites round the mother ship wheelie bin.

hahaha!! That's funny!!

But i do know what your saying. It also seems to be almost a National Custom in Cyprus, to just throw your rubbish wherever they maybe, and especially out of car and truck windows. They just can't see any harm or wrong in it!!!!

Shame really !!!!
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 24, 2010 10:42 pm

Gasman wrote:I've noticed it to be a particular problem in the area west of Larnaca Airport - outside Kiti and Pervolia along the coast there where all those 'holiday villages' are. It was like no man's land in early April. Some that had been thriving the year before were empty and deserted and becoming overgrown with weeds already. Hardly any shops had opened up and the beaches were TOTALLY deserted.

:? Since when were Kiti and Pervolia tourist areas? They’re just peasant villages along the plane flight path from the Larnaca airport! There’s nothing more diminishing for real estate than to be next to an international airport! :lol:
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Postby Get Real! » Mon May 24, 2010 10:47 pm

larnacaman wrote:The Cyprus front-line tourist industry was once a thriving gold mine, when fortunes were made by many, that was in a time, when effort and money was being injected by Cyprus. Times and needs have changed, but your still giving today's tourists what you were 20 years ago....

Let’s just say that a single Arab from Qatar, Oman or Kuwait, arriving to drop off a billion or two for investment, beats having to accommodate 2 million stingy tourists over many months anytime! :lol:
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Postby larnacaman » Tue May 25, 2010 12:05 am

Yeah!!, the Gulf State Arabs are well known for there benevolent gift's to Nations that are against there fellow Muslim brothers!! Bloody hell, just how naive can you actually be GR??

Oh yes, ...Sorry, your President has assured you all recently, ...there's no sting in the tail of these Investments, Right ?? ...I'm sure they'll publish statistics to prove it too.....
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Postby YFred » Tue May 25, 2010 12:13 am

larnacaman wrote:Yeah!!, the Gulf State Arabs are well known for there benevolent gift's to Nations that are against there fellow Muslim brothers!! Bloody hell, just how naive can you actually be GR??

Oh yes, ...Sorry, your President has assured you all recently, ...there's no sting in the tail of these Investments, Right ?? ...I'm sure they'll publish statistics to prove it too.....

What he does not realise is that profits from these organisation will go out of the country in due course, which will not be very healthy for the balance sheet. But since when did any of the patriots worry about the balance sheet of any kind financial or otherwise in cyprus.
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Postby larnacaman » Tue May 25, 2010 12:17 am

Your statement here, just shows how little you know about the different areas in your own country!! Albeit as small as it is. ....Those holiday villages along the coast road, cater for a different section of your tourist industry, and like Gasman say's they are normally thrieving during the season, and Faros beach Full....

By the way GR while your there checking the area you don't know about out, ....Just for research of course, See if you can buy a plot of land in that area, and if by chance you can, ....would you be able to afford it??

I'd say there are some very ''RICH'' peasants in that old village of Pervolia.....
Last edited by larnacaman on Tue May 25, 2010 12:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
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