CBBB wrote:YFred wrote:CBBB wrote:YFred wrote:CBBB wrote:YFred wrote:Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:Get Real! wrote:YFred wrote:Was it not you who were saying that GC soldiers had gone to Serbia for training? How nice to know that we are good friends with serbians then.
No, you must've been assuming again!
I mentioned that two groups of the CNG had gone to Siberia ...to train for Russian equipment that were due to arrive.
Please tell me a nationalist group that has not turned to expansionism. But spare me the cheekykittens, they don't count.
Many countries in the world have not attacked or bothered anyone, yet they have their annual military and civilian parades, etc.
Really Nationalism and fascism go hand in hand. One leads to another then to expansionism. Power corrupts, you should know that. They are power and weapon crazy not unlike you, what?
No they don’t! Nationalism is a misused word and fascism is something totally irrelevant!
Look, what words really mean and how fools interpret them is a debate in its own right!
But anyway, you’re too thick to be discussing anything with me so go back to telling Kikapu that he’s gay like you’re used to.
I say that's rather strong words coming from a Neanderthal cheekykitten. What?
Let’s take Mussolini, how did he start and how did he end up attacking Greece. Not that it was a bad thing and all that, what?
Why do I need to tell Chickopoof that he is, he surely already knows he belongs to your and DT's club. You bunch of poofders.
Its pouffters YMallaka old chap, what?
That's all we needed, fuckin Cuntus is back. Shit, bums against the wall boys at the double.
Why, are you in the vicinity old chap, what?
I am not in the habit of controlling where anybody goes. There I was posting in the forum and suddenly you appeared from nowhere. Not trusting you closet gay chappies, us straight men have an involuntary reaction to your presence, what?
You rabid arse licker you.
Methinks he doth protest too much, old chap, what?
YQueer is obviously in self-denial about his sexual inclinations. Feel free to admit your homosexuality, we don't mind old chap, what? We will still to take the piss out of you and you ignorance!
Ai, which furkin planet are you from? Uranus?
You are a bunch of poofders going around accusing people of being poofs. We have established that only poofs do this, are you with me so far? I would,'t want you to fall behind or anything.