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G.C. parties-no consensus,a depressing scenario...

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Bananiot » Fri May 21, 2010 11:35 pm

Larnacaman, I reckon another 5 or so years and there will be no Cyprus problem to solve, never mind another 35 years. Regarding the so called national Council, it is a third world institution. It has nothing to offer to the cause of Cyprus. It has been tested and failed so many times since 1974.

I agree that the status quo serves our full time politicians very well. If the Cyprob is solved they would automatically become redundant.

Just think of early 2008, a few months prior to elections. Our dams were running dry and there should have been some serious water cuts. Yet the outgoing government would not introduce the much needed cuts because voters were more important. We were forced to import water from Greece at a huge brotherly cost. This is how much they care of this country! I think any government would have done the same, I am not just blaming Papadopoulos. Party above everything, the patriotic jargon is just sweet music for the ears of the sheep.
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Re: G.C. parties-no consensus,a depressing scenario...

Postby BirKibrisli » Sat May 22, 2010 1:28 am

Sotos wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
cymart wrote:Once again the Greek-Cypriot political parties have failed to rise to the needs of the times by being able to even issue a joint annoucement after several marathon sessions of the national council,effectively leaving Christophias alone to deal with what looks like being probably the most crucial phase of the negotiations to find a solution!Their failure to see 'outside the box' and look at the wider issues,preferring to give priority to petty party ambitions,no doubt because they have their sights on parliamentary elections next year, is a reflection of the sorry state of affairs things are in wonder opinion polls show that the public rating for politicians is so low!How they will re-act to coming crucial developments is also fairly predictable and with the economy here also facing mega problems,the situation is far from encouraging.
Meanwhile,Greece,Turkey and the rest of the world are moving on and even the U.N. Secretary General have diplomatically said that time is running out and that now is the correct moment for a solution!
As last Sundays events in Kondea showed,when the ordinary people have the will and desire,there is a way forward and positive things can happen if the effort is made.
Maybe its high time more and more of us on both sides took the initiative and bypassed the incompetent and self serving politicians...the tide is turning so lets ride with the wave,rather than try to resisit it!!

Speak to DT and GR! They have the monopoly on ideas to get Turkey to leave...I will read their contributions in the morning and have a good laugh...It is pathetic how the GCs one by one have turned Partitionist on this forum...I am waiting for Bananiot to accept partition as well before I kiss you all goodbye... I have never seen people as bloodyminded,senseless, clueless,and stubborn as people on this forum...Poor Cyprus,she deserve better than what she has in you miserable lot... :evil:

We will never surrender to the Muslim barbarian invaders.

Sorry,Sotos,I forgot about you...You have been quiet for some time...
Your racist rants and senseless drivel were not missed...You tell us how you will drive out the "Muslim barbarian invaders",so we can all know there is a great plan out there...But I will not hold my breath... :roll:
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Re: G.C. parties-no consensus,a depressing scenario...

Postby BirKibrisli » Sat May 22, 2010 1:30 am

Get Real! wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:It is pathetic how the GCs one by one have turned Partitionist on this forum...

You wish... we're all liberationists. :wink:

Trouble is by the time you "liberate" Cyprus there won't be any Cypriots left on it...Think about that for a minute... :(
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat May 22, 2010 1:47 am


Once upon a time,I believed the same thing...All we needed was to throw away out ethnic identity and embrace our Cypriotness and all would be well...Untill I realised how much mistrust and hatred there were between the two communities...The problem is both sides have done their best since the 50s to paint the other as EVIL and themselves as whiter than white...Stick around and you will see this place is filled with historical revisionists and deniers...And with people who refuse to accept the TCs as Cypriots,and call us Ottoman remnants...Some even hold us responsible for 1571....And these are the more educated and enlightened lot who can converse in English...Think what the average TC and GC in the street thinks of the other...

No,the answer is not to ignore our history and ethnicity...But lies in dealing with these factors openly and faithfully and responsibly...We need to build mutual trust and understanding,not by throwing insults in forums like these,but by meeting and working together,and realising that our homeland deserves beter subjects than we have been in the past...Don't let anyone tell you otherwise,TCs and GCs are Cypriots first and foremost...They just have to learn to accept and respect each others differences,for sake of Cyprus...When we all realise that we do not own Cyprus but Cyprus owns us,and we have a sacred duty to our Mother to preserve it in one piece no matter our human failings,then we will find a just and lasting solution....But as Bananiot points out,time is running out fast... :(
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Postby georgios100 » Sat May 22, 2010 2:29 am

larnacaman wrote:cymart/BirKibrisli,

Further to your posts,

Cypriots, on both sides, have been brainwashed and hijacked by bent and/or corrupted politicians, that in the real world are looking after No1 and to hell with you lot!!! Then you have, what you can call the ''hard line'' core that are actually in the minority but not if you listen to them. Many of these also have a undisclosed interests to keep things in the Status Que. None of these people /parties are working for the good of the country. So toss them to one side and start thinking for yourselves.

Nothing is ever going to come to either side, without ''compromises''!! ...If your going to keep your minds firmly fixed in the past, your all lost before you have even began. One things for sure, there is no gain to be made by supporting another nations flag. Hell, many of you have even been to these countries that you vehemently support, how many of your parents or there parents have ever been??? Both are virtually bankrupt and on there knees, ....So Toss them to one side too, and start thinking as CYPRIOTS because that's what you ARE, ....and ''Not'' GC or TC!!

You all lived in basic harmony together from way back when. ...It was only the bloody politicians and zealots that screwed that up in the first place, and it was politicians and the same zealots that basically screwed you up again on your first real chance of solving the Cyprus problem. That also resulted in the EU washing there hands of any further involvement in the Cyprus problem (They don't like being blatantly lied too) Realise that on the whole the Cypriots have been treated like mushrooms by your politicians for donkey's years, and they tried the doing the same in Brussels.

You have been separated for around 35 years or so to date, if you don't want it to be another 35 years, or even considerably longer, then your going to have to start listening to each other as Cypriots. No ones saying it's going to be easy, but then nothing ever is that's worth having, it??

All these so called patriot's, be they politicians or otherwise, that have blocked Evey single move or action towards unification should be kicked out of whatever position of power they presently hold, and make dammed sure that they have no involvement in any future talks. Then maybe ...just maybe you'll stand a Real chance of solving the Cyprus problem, ....Who knows!!!

I guess this BirKibrisli, where all those bloody minded, senseless, clueless , zealots, believing mushrooms and the purely stubborn people on this forum will show why nothing will ever get settled, if they, and people like them have anything to do with it!!!!

Bloody SAD!!!

I am with you larnacaman,

But, there is a but, people like you & me, looking at the Cyprob in a "new" kinda neutral way ( as Cypriots, not GC or TC) are branded as traitors, propaganda makers, Turks and so on.

I won't be long before the attacks come from the "self acclaimed" true GCs or TCs, dismissing your proposals. These attacks are going to be brutal c/w foul language and swearing.

In a few words, if you don't take sides, you are now "fair game" to the above mentioned "patriots".

Enjoy the forum.

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Postby DT. » Sat May 22, 2010 6:27 am

Bananiot wrote:Larnacaman, I reckon another 5 or so years and there will be no Cyprus problem to solve, never mind another 35 years. Regarding the so called national Council, it is a third world institution. It has nothing to offer to the cause of Cyprus. It has been tested and failed so many times since 1974.

I agree that the status quo serves our full time politicians very well. If the Cyprob is solved they would automatically become redundant.

Just think of early 2008, a few months prior to elections. Our dams were running dry and there should have been some serious water cuts. Yet the outgoing government would not introduce the much needed cuts because voters were more important. We were forced to import water from Greece at a huge brotherly cost. This is how much they care of this country! I think any government would have done the same, I am not just blaming Papadopoulos. Party above everything, the patriotic jargon is just sweet music for the ears of the sheep.

100% agreed
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Postby Bananiot » Sat May 22, 2010 7:21 am

Drinks on me DT. Name the pub.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Sat May 22, 2010 10:13 am

Bananiot wrote:Drinks on me DT. Name the pub.

Please buy a drink for DT from me too,Bananiot... :shock: :shock: :shock:
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I'll be there too...

Postby cymart » Sat May 22, 2010 11:43 am

First there were one then a hundred and one and then a thousand and one!!I don't think we have enough people here in Cyprus to reach a million but we will get quite close to it!
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