SKI-preo wrote:Its personal, the fact that I made my opinion of him public doesn't mean i need to give the reason.
Diladi? WTF are you saying? should people avoid Easyjet, Easypizza or easylapdancers ? Just for the record I haven't flown less than business in 12 years. Thankyou.
By the way Y Fred is fucking with most of your minds to make people type extremist bullshit so they look like idiots. He probably supports a reasonable solution which is in accordance with established and recognized human rights for all Cypriots.Am I right Y Fred?
Don't spoil it. Just enjoy. We will get to their hearts sooner or later. You will find that some of the bastards on the forum have softened somewhat. Not that I am claiming any of the responsibility for it. Although I was surprised at DT’s and GRs outburst recently of personal attacks and familyiar attacks on my now deceased mother. You know, “her kuzu kendi bacagindan asilir”.
My own beliefs are same as any of the moderates on the forum although there may be a few contentious issues in the practical details of how one can apply human rights in Cyprus.
What's this rumour about my lands being in the UN zone. Since when has Bodamya and Lurucina been in the UN zone? Tell Kicks baby to grow up and stop false accusations.