BirKibrisli wrote:Gasman wrote:Birkibrisli,
'Will discuss' does not equate to 'will do'.
I'd have thought that anything that requires the international recognition of the TRNC to go ahead would not be possible unless and until it is ever internationally recognised.
However, if, by some chance, restrictions on Trade were to be lifted in the North, how many 'ordinary Turkish Cypriots' would start to immediately benefit from this?
Are they waiting in their thousands with innovative ideas for international businesses to be set up? Do they produce stuff in enough quantity (whatever it might be) to be able to offer it worldwide and turn their economy round?
Obviously there are a certain number of folk who would be happy to be able to import stuff for their personal use a bit quicker and cheaper than they can now. But I should have thought that both sides have to demonstrate that they can solve the Cyprus Problem before restrictions that have been put in place by both sides can be lifted by some outside powers.
What would be the point in these long drawn out discussions of the problem if all the things both sides complain about can be sorted without their 'permission' or either being able to veto or have a say in those decisions? There'd be no need for a 'solution' if all the problems went away without one would there?
Having said that - it did rather seem that, where the question of GC 'property' was concerned - that was what was being mooted - that GCs would have to abide by ECHJ rulings about it.
As VW stated above the decision ,if it comes,will be symbolic. It will indicate that the EU will not be part of a political and geopolitical struggle,about which it can do nothing...The fact that there is at present little to trade does not mean there won't be any in the future if the trade bans are lifted...TCs in and out of Cyprus are no less enterprising than their GC cousins,and given half a chance they will put it to good use ,I am sure...I am personally aware of certain IT projects waiting to get off the ground..Lifting of the trade bans will also signal a recognition by the EU and perhaps the UN subsequently that the TCs have been unfairly treated for a very long time..I hope you did not buy the offical GC government arguments that the TCs simply walked out of government and refused to return in 1963...The indisputable fact is that nobody could guarantee the physical security of any TC in the GC majority areas at the time...It was simply too risky for the TC MPs and Ministers,let alone for the other lower government officials or employees to venture anywhere out of their enclaves at the height of the troubles...Please don't let anyone tell you otherwise...And I hope you will ignore GR's rather stupid post above and will treat him with the contempt he so rightly deserves...
Well in that case then, we may just as well get rid of the UN, since their resolutions are meaningless now that the EU can overide them a?
The lisbon treaty, was to allow better governance within the Union not to get involved in war, conflicted disputes.
Speaking of better governance and vetos, isn't this what Makarions was trying to achieve, go figure.
It is always about what suits the turks and no one else matters.
Talk is cheap, they can talk all they like it will never happen.
Keep those wet dreams coming Bir.