sniper wrote:Schnauzer wrote:sniper wrote:CBBB wrote:sniper wrote:Schnauzer wrote:Jesus and Hitler and Richard the Lionheart
The three Kings and Moses and Queen Cleopatra
The Cobbler, the Maiden, the Mender and the Maker
The Sickener and the Twitcher and the glad Undertaker
The Shepherd of the willows, the Harper and the Archer
All sat down in one boat together and had....................
"A troubled voyage in calm calm weather".
I can understand that the friction between Jesus and Hitler, but the others i don't quite get. Maybe i'm just a little stupid. Please explain.
Just a little?
Well i would say just a little as i managed to work out some of it, so not so stupid
but seriously what would 3 kings, moses and queen cleopatra have that would make them argue??
On a lighter note (and by no means should you consider yourself stupid) I could imagine quite an interesting discussion (or heated argument) taking place among Moses, Queen Cleopatra, Jesus, Hitler and the Three Kings if the subject of Judaism became the topic of conversation, Richard the Lionheart would also probably have a word or two to say on the subject.
so, something like getting us all in a boat all together
with all our tempers raring, i think we would capsize ourselves.
Absolutely sniper, although, (without resorting to bad language OR becoming too philosophical
) I do really find it extremely annoying to observe (or hear) the comments of some who either voice or print, word for word, the declarations of those who supposedly act on our behalf and in our interests and adopt those words as their own.
Thus I drew attention to the reliance we are seemingly forced to have on those who lie to us and rob us (politicians for example) surely our systems of government should make provision for the immediate dismissal of any person in authority found to be guilty of (or even suspected of) any act of malfeasance.
If one is an habitual liar, how many times has that person heard the words "You ought to be a politician", similarly, if one is a thief the same advice is given OR, that that person should be in the legal profession.
Yet still there are those who await the outcome of the next 'Trick' to be foisted upon them, ready to step into the 'Boat' and argue among themselves whilst variously quoting the words of the latest trickster.