vaughanwilliams wrote:Paphitis wrote:IMPOSTALIEDUS wrote:Irans nuclear program has nothing to do with america or israel, under the non proliferation treaty,any state can ,and has the right to ,enrich uraneum to be used as fuel for civil nuclear power ,such states have to be under inspection of the iasa , and iran is already being inspected,Only nations with a nuclear weapon at the time of the treaty are allowed to enrich to high grade needed for a weapon . Iran are only doing what is allowed under the treaty,and want to contol the the whole process of the low grade stuff themselves, and have agreed to turkey processing 1200 kls of low grade ,and getting back in return 20 kls of a grade suitable for civil power,,,, but this has really nothing to do with Iran producing a weapon ,but america and the uk and israel losing a mega bucks contract now and in the future for the processing of the low grade stuff , some of you on this forum are getting a little carried away that this is in some way going to help cyprus
It's all about regional alliances!
If Cyprus is not dogmatic towards Israel and even forms good diplomatic and military ties, then all of a sudden Cyprus becomes a nation of immense importance to them, because Cyprus then becomes not only a nation that is not hostile to Israel, but an enormously important ally.
Then there will be joint military exercises, arms deals, shared intelligence, investment and trade. The key is to do all of the above without upsetting other nations other than Turkey.
Then there is AIPAC, and Israel has enough influence to really hurt Turkey.
Just keep looking towards Iran! That is all I dream about!
" enormously important ally."
Being an ally(sic) means walking the walk, not just talking the talk.
Alliances could mean a variety of things. Cyprus has been walking the walk and Israel has taken note.
Allies that are geographically close are enormously important, particularly when surrounded by so many hostile nations. The importance of certain allies is not directly proportional to Military Strength. Singapore for example is an important ally to Australia, probably one of our most important. The same can be said about NZ. It is possible for Cyprus to be a more important ally to Israel than Australia is, purely for the fact that Cyprus is only 148 nms from Israel.
So yes, Cyprus is of immense importance to Israel.