So my posts offend you? I am so sorry. I will certainly remove them. But there is also something that offends me and that is the verse 9:28 which says “Verily, the Mushrikûn (unbeleivers) are Najasun (impure).”
I happen to be an unbeliever and I find this verse very offensive. I want you to remove it from your holy book. Do you think you can do that for me?
The world is not all about YOU. We don’t live in function of what YOU Muslims like and dislike. We are also part of this world and have rights. The more the world gives in, the more arrogant and demanding you Muslims become. This must stop. Non-Muslims must wake up and say enough is enough. Muslims can't become friends through appeasement. Appeasement only emboldens them. We have to learn from the history. Islam has advanced only because people underestimated its evil force and foolishly tried to be nice to Muslims. This was the mistake of the Meccans, The Jews of Medina, all the tribes of Arabia and the rest of the world. If this misguided appeasement continue, the rest of the world will soon succumb to Islam. It is time to say NO and hold Muslims responsible. We can't give in just because you are angry folk, throw tantrums and can be violent. If we do not stand for our rights and our freedoms, we will lose everything. Islam is a menacing threat to mankind. Woe to us if we do not take this threat seriously.