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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)


Postby Bananiot » Thu May 13, 2010 9:15 pm

I have found the following article written by Gaston Neokleous, member of the Ecologists and an economist, which is in Greek but I thought I would post it here for the benefit of Greek readers. Basically, it says what I have been saying for a long time in this forum and Gaston makes his points in an eloquent manner.

Αγαπητοί μου συμπατριώτες

1. Έχω χάσει τελευταία τον ύπνο μου με τις πολιτικές μας εξελίξεις. Άλλοι τον έχασαν με την οικονομική κρίση που μας πολιορκεί, αυτή όμως θα περάσει, αργά ή γρήγορα, με βάση τη θεωρία των οικονομικών κύκλων. Τι θα γίνει όμως με το μέλλον του νησιού μας; Πορευόμαστε ακάθεκτοι τον τελευταίο μισό αιώνα από το κακό στο χειρότερο και ο τόπος μας και οι άνθρωποί του χάνονται.

1. Ένα-ένα τα σχέδια και πρωτοβουλίες λύσεων συμβίωσης και προοπτικής προόδου και ευημερίας τα έχουμε στραπατσάρει, τα τινάξαμε στον αέρα, μια εμείς και μια οι Τούρκοι, γυρεύοντας πάντα κάτι καλύτερο, με αποτέλεσμα να μείνουμε σήμερα ξεκρέμαστοι και εκτεθειμένοι μπροστά στον εθνικισμό που επανέρχεται με την μορφή του Έρογλου, και όχι μόνο… Και φτάσαμε στο τραγελαφικό να ελπίζουμε τώρα από την Τουρκία να πιέσει για λύση, αφού ο «νέος» Τουρκοκύπριος ηγέτης είναι πιο ευχαριστημένος όπως έχουν τα πράγματα…

1. Αφού δεν είδαμε τι γινόταν στην πατρίδα μας για πολλές δεκαετίες, αφού δεν είδαμε τη συρρίκνωση του πληθυσμού της τουρκοκυπριακής κοινότητας που προέκυψε από τη δική μας βουλιμία και αλυτρωτικές ψευδαισθήσεις και από την τουρκική επεκτατικότητα και διχοτομική στόχευση που εξυπηρετούσαν ξένα παρά δικά μας συμφέροντα, οδηγήσαμε τα πράγματα στον ανεξέλεγκτο εποικισμό και εκτουρκισμό της μισής μας πατρίδας, ενώ χάσαμε τον έλεγχο και στο άλλο μισό. Και καταντήσαμε να συζητούμε μια ζωή για το Κυπριακό ενώ η ποιότητα ζωής έχει υποβαθμιστεί επικίνδυνα.

1. Μηδενίζοντας τη μοναδική ιστορική προοπτική που δημιουργήθηκε τον τελευταίο μισό αιώνα για ενοποίηση του λαού του νησιού μας, που φάνηκε πιθανή το 2003 ως αποτέλεσμα της εξέγερσης των Τουρκοκυπρίων ενάντια στην σκληροπυρηνική τους ηγεσία, και αφού αποφύγαμε να δουλέψουμε να κάνουμε το σχέδιο Αννάν καλύτερο και να το υποστηρίξουμε για να σταματούσαμε τον κατήφορο και την κατοχή, πείσαμε τον εαυτό μας ότι κάναμε αντίσταση και μείναμε στο κενό. Αντίσταση όμως θα ήταν να βασιστούμε κάπου για να κτίσουμε προοπτική και μέλλον για τον τόπο μας κι όχι να περιχαρακωθούμε πίσω από τις φοβίες και τις ανησυχίες μας που μας της αναμόχλευσε ο εθνικισμός μας που πουθενά δεν μπορεί να μας οδηγήσει.

1. Γίνεται τώρα μια σημαντική (τελευταία ίσως) κίνηση για να ξεπεράσουμε το αδιέξοδο. Εμείς όμως είμαστε κολλημένοι και ζητούμε μάλιστα από τον Πρόεδρό μας να αποσύρει τα όσα συμφωνήσαμε με τον κ Ταλάτ και να αρχίσουμε από την αρχή. Αυτό πολύ θα το ήθελαν οι ακραίοι κάθε πλευράς για να διατηρήσουν την μίζερη διχοτόμηση που πιστεύουν ότι την ελέγχουν καλύτερα απ΄ ότι ένα ενωμένο νησί με ανάμειχτους κατοίκους. Άποψή τους, βέβαια, που δικαιούνται να την έχουν αφού είναι τόσο κολλημένοι στην εθνικοφροσύνη τους, όμως ο λοιπός πληθυσμός δεν βλέπει πως η διατήρηση της σημερινής διχοτόμησης (που σύντομα θα πάψει να είναι ντε-φάκτο και θα γίνει ντε-γιούρε – βλ. ΕΔΑΔ, βλ. απευθείας εμπόριο) θα καταστρέψει οριστικά την επιβίωσή μας στο αγαπημένο μας νησί; Πώς θα ζήσουμε (είτε οι ΕΚ είτε οι ΤΚ) όταν στα επόμενα χρόνια το μισό σχεδόν εκατομμύριο εποίκων (είτε τους έχουν δώσει «ιθαγένεια» είτε όχι) θα αυξηθεί ακόμη πιο πολύ και θα καταστήσει τη ζωή όλων των γνήσιων Κυπρίων αφόρητη αφού θα έχει αλλοιώσει οριστικά και αμετάκλητα όλες τις παραμέτρους λύσης που προσδοκούσαμε όλα αυτά τα χρόνια.

1. Ο Κληρίδης, παρά και τα δικά του λάθη, είχε σε διάφορες ευκαιρίες ζητήσει να λογικευτούμε και να προλάβουμε τα χειρότερα. Το έκανε το 1973/4 όταν είχε σχεδόν φτάσει σε συμφωνία με τον Ντενκτάς, που ήταν καλύτερη από τη Ζυρίχη αλλά επειδή απέκλειε την Ένωση δεν την αποτολμήσαμε… Δεν είχαμε ακόμη ωριμάσει ως λαός. Το τραγικό όμως είναι ότι δεν φαίνεται να έχουμε ωριμάσει ούτε και σήμερα. Το έκανε (ο Κληρίδης) το 1974/5 στην γκαλερί Αργώ που προ-λάλησε την ανάγκη ομοσπονδιακής λύσης και τον θεώρησαν ηττοπαθή και μειοδότη, αλλά δυόμιση χρόνια μετά την δεχτήκαμε (την ομοσπονδία) όταν πλέον οι πρόσφυγες δεν ήσαν μέσα στα αντίσκηνα και δεν ήταν άμεσα ανθρωπιστικό θέμα η επιστροφή τους. Είχαν βλέπετε αρχίσει να συνηθίζουν όλοι με τα νέα δεδομένα αντίστασης ή βολέματος ή προσδοκίας για κάτι το καλύτερο που δεν κινούνταν. Είχε βέβαια στο μεταξύ ισχυροποιηθεί και η τουρκική αδιαλλαξία που πίστευε πως το Κυπριακό είχε λυθεί το 1974…

1. Και ήλθε το 2003-04 όπου η νέα τουρκική κυβέρνηση υπό τους Γκιουλ-Ερτογάν διατράνωναν πως ήθελαν λύση και πως το Κυπριακό δεν είχε λυθεί το 1974. Η προσπάθεια Κληρίδη (παρά τα πισωγυρίσματα με την, νωρίτερα, καταστροφή των ιδεών Γκάλι και τους S-300) άρχισε να ανοίγει επιτέλους προοπτική λύσης. Στην ίδια περίοδο η ενεργός συμπαράσταση της Ελλάδας και η σύμπλευση των νέων ηγετών στην Τουρκία (ενθαρρυμένοι και από την κινητοποίηση των Τουρκοκυπρίων την οποία βέβαια και ενθάρρυναν) οδηγούσαν τα πράγματα στην επίλυση και επανένωση του νησιού μας και στο σταμάτημα της κατρακύλας αλλοίωσης του νησιού μας.

1. Κι ενώ οι Τουρκοκύπριοι ενέτειναν τον αγώνα τους και έτειναν χέρι φιλίας και συνεργασίας προς εμάς (μέσα από την απογοήτευση και μιζέρια που τους οδήγησαν οι εθνικιστές και τα ξένα συμφέροντα για μισό αιώνα), εμείς ζώντας σε άλλες εποχές, ίσως γιατί ποτέ δεν πιστέψαμε στους ανθρώπους, ίσως γιατί είχαμε πολλές τραυματικές εμπειρίες που δεν μας άφηναν, ίσως γιατί κάποιοι μάς θέλανε να μείνουμε κολλημένοι για να μας εκμεταλλεύονται, μείναμε στην άρνηση και την εθνική αντίσταση. Μια αντίσταση στην οποία οδηγήθηκε ο λαός ενθαρρυμένος από εκείνους που δεν είχαν το όραμα αυτό της νέας εποχής που ορθωνόταν μπροστά μας.

1. Και αφού οι Τουρκοκύπριοι ολοκλήρωσαν την εξέγερσή τους (και παρά το ράπισμα που δέχτηκαν κατά το δημοψήφισμα) ανάδειξαν το 2005 ηγέτη τους έναν ΤΚ πολιτικό της αριστεράς που είχε συμμετάσχει στην εξέγερση και που πίστευε στη λύση, και που δήλωνε πως ήθελε μια πραγματική ομόσπονδη Κύπρο για τους Κυπρίους (διαμετρικά αντίθετος με τα όσα πρέσβευε και προωθούσε για 50 χρόνια ο Ντενκτάς). Και συνέβαλε η παρουσία Ταλάτ στην αλλαγή των δεδομένων και στην ελεύθερη Κύπρο όπου ο λαός άρχισε να συνειδητοποιεί τι γινόταν και έφερε στην εξουσία τον επίσης αριστερό πολιτικό Δημήτρη Χριστόφια – μια προσωπικότητα ευγενική και ανθρώπινη, έναν ηγέτη που πίστευε στον άνθρωπο, που πίστευε στη λύση.

1. Όμως η συγκυρία δεν ήταν αρκετή, αφού χάσαμε πολύτιμο χρόνο με την αντιδραστική μας κυβέρνηση (τρία χρόνια σύμπλευσης Τάσσου-Ταλάτ δεν μας οδήγησαν πουθενά παρά στην πτώση της διοίκησης του κόμματος της αριστεράς στην ΤΚ κοινότητα από το οποίο είχε ξεπηδήσει ο κ Ταλάτ) με αποτέλεσμα να είναι κάπως πιο δύσκολα τα πράγματα, παρά το ότι η παρουσία Ταλάτ και Χριστόφια υποσχόταν επιτέλους το θαύμα.

1. Δυστυχώς το θαύμα έμεινε στη μέση αφού η Άγκυρα (ή το βαθύ κράτος) φαίνεται πως δεν τον ήθελαν να φτάσει στο τέρμα της διαδρομής. Όμως ενώ διαφαινόταν ουσιαστική πρόοδος και οι δυο ηγέτες μας σιγά-σιγά προχωρούσαν και ελπίζαμε πως θα επενέβαινε ο διεθνής παράγων για την επιτυχία της προσπάθειας, αυξήθηκαν οι μαξιμαλιστές του ελληνοκυπριακού περίγυρου με δηλώσεις τους που υπέσκαπταν τη λύση, οι οποίοι συνέβαλαν στην αύξηση του αντίστοιχου τουρκικού μαξιμαλισμού που έφερε τον Έρογλου στην εξουσία. Και όλα έγιναν ξαφνικά πιο απαισιόδοξα.

1. Οι μαξιμαλιστές συνεχίζουν βέβαια το βιολί τους, λέγοντας πως τι Ταλάτ τι Έρογλου, και πως μόνο η Τουρκία μπορεί. Είτε είναι έτσι είτε όχι, τώρα δεν μας μένει άλλη διέξοδος από την αξιοποίηση της ευρωπαϊκής εικόνας και προσπάθειας που προωθεί συστηματικά η Τουρκία με τους Γκιούλ-Έρογλου με το να τους φέρουμε στο ίδιο τραπέζι, μαζί με την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση (που η Τουρκία την δέχεται να προεδρεύει…), τον ΟΗΕ, την Αγγλία, την Ελλάδα, και, βεβαίως, με τις δυο κοινότητες, για να φτάσουμε στη συμφωνία. Ο Αναστασιάδης την ονομάζει διευρυμένη διαπραγμάτευση των δυο ηγετών, ο Χριστόφιας την επιθυμεί να γίνει μόνο αν θα είναι παρούσα και η Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία, πέρα από τις δυο κοινότητες, κοκ.

1. Εγώ λέω πως έφτασε η ώρα. Ή ταν ή επί τας. Ας αρπάξουμε την ευκαιρία των διευρυμένων συνομιλιών κι ας αναγκάσουμε τον Έρογλου να συνθηκολογήσει, ή αλλιώς ας εκτεθεί ενώπιον όλων για την αδιαλλαξία του. Αν η Τουρκία παρουσιαστεί η αδιάλλακτη, ας πληρώσει αυτή το τίμημα. Φτάνει να τεθεί η συζήτηση στη βάση των αρχών που έχουν συμφωνηθεί μέχρι σήμερα. Τι έχουμε να χάσουμε; Αντίθετα, μόνο κέρδη μπορούμε να αποκομίσουμε τώρα που η Τουρκία το παίζει προοδευτική και ανοικτόμυαλη και θέλει να κερδίσει τους Ευρωπαίους. Διότι εξάλλου πώς αλλιώς πιστεύουμε πως θα λύσουμε το Κυπριακό; Με συνομιλίες τετ-α-τετ με τον Έρογλου; Ούτε ύστερα από εκατό χρόνια δεν φαίνεται να είναι δυνατή η συνεννόηση μαζί του αν θα είναι μόνος του στο τραπέζι χωρίς πλαίσια και επιτήρηση.

1. Άρα ας κάνουμε επιτέλους το άνοιγμα. Ας αρπάξουμε την πρόταση (μπλόφα ή μη) της Τουρκίας κι ας σπεύσουμε να φτάσουμε στη λύση-πακέτο που να μας απελευθερώσει από τη μιζέρια της διχοτόμησης που καμιά προοπτική δεν φαίνεται να δίνει στο νησί μας και τους ανθρώπους του. Ας προκαλέσουμε την αντιστροφή της κατοχής, την λήξη του εποικισμού, την λήξη της καταπάτησης της περιουσίας μας και της πολιτιστικής μας κληρονομιάς. Ας δώσουμε την ευκαιρία για ανοικοδόμηση και επιστροφή. Ας κινηθούμε με τρόπο που να κερδίσει την εκτίμηση των απλών ανθρώπων στην Κύπρο και το εξωτερικό. Ας δυναμώσουμε το εσωτερικό μας μέτωπο ενισχύοντάς το με αυτοπεποίθηση, περηφάνια και προοπτική. Ας κάνουμε τους Τουρκοκύπριους να κοιτάξουν και πάλι προς εμάς ως την σανίδα σωτηρίας τους, για να αποπροσκολληθούν για τα καλά από τους κύκλους που τους καταδίκασαν στην καθυστέρηση και τον ξεριζωμό για 50 τόσα χρόνια (έστω κι αν μερικοί από αυτούς βολεύτηκαν και νέμονται τη γη και το βιος μας). Ας τονώσουμε την εμπιστοσύνη στον κάθε πολίτη αυτού του τόπου πριν χάσουμε και τ’ αυγά και τα καλάθια. Ήδη ένας φίλος επιχειρηματίας μού είπε πρόσφατα πως έχει απογοητευθεί πλήρως πως λύση δεν έρχεται και πως από τώρα έχει ήδη κάνει κινήσεις για να μεταφέρει στο μέλλον τα κεφάλαιά του στο εξωτερικό σταματώντας οριστικά τις επενδύσεις στην Κύπρο… Πού πάμε λοιπόν με μισή πατρίδα και χωρίς προοπτική;

1. Μια παλιά αμερικανο-εβραία φίλη, Καθηγήτρια πανεπιστημίου, παντρεμένη με φίλο ΕΚ της Αγγλίας, μου ανέφερε σε πρόσφατη επίσκεψή της στην Κύπρο πως ο εθνικισμός και ο φανατισμός μόνο καταστροφή μπορούν να φέρουν και ότι η ίδια πιστεύει πως το Ισραήλ δεν έχει μέλλον και πως θα αφανιστεί στα επόμενα 50 χρόνια υπό την πίεση των αμέτρητων Αράβων. Εκπλάγηκα γιατί θεωρούσα το Ισραήλ άτρωτο. Κι όταν σου το λέει μια Εβραία Καθηγήτρια αυτό, μετρά. Μού είπε όμως και ότι ανάλογη τύχη θα έχει και η Κύπρος αν δεν βρούμε τον τρόπο να την επανενώσουμε για να την κάνουμε την Κύπρο των ανθρώπων της, την Κύπρο της συνεργασίας, της ανθρωπιάς και της προοπτικής. Ας μας προβληματίσει αυτό το τελευταίο ακόμη πιο πολύ. Εμένα με έχει σιοκάρει.

Γαστών Νεοκλέους

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Postby Gasman » Thu May 13, 2010 9:34 pm

Bananiot - I would like to draw your attention to Rule 3 of the Forum Policies:

3) English is the only language allowed. You can post phrases or words in other languages but in this case an accurate translation should be provided.

I await the translation ...

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Postby YFred » Thu May 13, 2010 9:41 pm

Gasman wrote:Bananiot - I would like to draw your attention to Rule 3 of the Forum Policies:

3) English is the only language allowed. You can post phrases or words in other languages but in this case an accurate translation should be provided.

I await the translation ...


I realise that this is not very accurate but it will give you a gist of what is being said.


My dear compatriots
1. I have lost finally my sleep with our political developments. Other lost him with the economic crisis that us beseiges, this however will pass, sooner or later, with base the theory of economic circles. What will become however with the future of our island? We head headlong the last half century from the villain to the villain and our place and his persons they are lost.
1. A-one drawings and initiatives of solutions of living together and prospect of progress and prosperity [strapatsarei], we shook him in air, we and the Turks, always looking for something better, so that we today remain [xekremastoi] and exposed front in the nationalism that comes back with the form of [Erogloy], and not only… And reached in grotesque to hope now from Turkey it presses for solution, after the “new” Turkish Cypriot leader is more thanked as has the things…
1. After we did not see what became in our homeland for a lot of decades, after we did not see the shrinkage of population of Turk Cypriot community that resulted from our own greed and [alytrotikes] hallucinations and from the Turkish [epektatikotita] and bisecting aiming that they served foreigner despite our own interests, we led the things in the unverifiable colonise and [ektoyrkismo] our half homeland, while we lost the other control and in half. And ended up discuss a life for the Cypriot question while the quality of life has been downgraded dangerously.
1. Annihilating the unique historical prospect that was created the last half century for unification of population of our island, that appearred likely in 2003 as resulting from the revolt of [Toyrkokyprion] against their hard-core leadership, and after we avoided working making the drawing Anna better and supporting him in order to we stopped the slope and the possession, we convinced that we made resistance and remained in the void. Resistance however would be we are based somewhere in order to we build prospect and future for our place and no we entrench itself behind the phobias and our concerns that us [anamochleyse] our nationalism that nowhere cannot us lead. 1. Becomes now important (finally perhaps) movement in order to we exceed the impasse. We however we are stuck and we in deed ask from our Chairman to withdraw what we agreed with the [k] [Talat] and to begin from the start. This a lot they would want him extreme each side in order to they maintain the miserable partition that they believe that him they check better [ap]΄ that a linked island with [anameichtoys] residents. Does opinion their, of course, that they are eligible him they have after they are so much stuck in the nationalism their, however remaining population see that the maintenance of current partition (that at an early date it will cease it is [nte]-[fakto] and will become [nte]-[gioyre] - cf. [EDAD], cf. direct trade) will finally destroy our survival in our beloved island? How we will live (or EC or the [TK]) when in the next few year the half almost million of colonists (or they have given them “citizenship” or no) it is increased still more a lot and it will render the life of all genuine Cypriote unbearable after it finally degrades and irrevocably the all parameters of solution that we expected all these [chronia].
1. [Kliridis], despite and his own errors, had in various occasions it asks [logikeytoyme] and we anticipate the villains. It made him in 1973/4 when almost it had in agreement with reached [Ntenktas], that was better than Zurich but because it excluded the Union him we did not dare… Still we had not matured as population. Tragic however is that we do not appear to have matured neither today. It made him ([Kliridis]) in 1974/5 in the gallery I am late that [pro]-[lalise] the need of federal solution and him they considered defeatist and underbidder, but [dyomisi] [chronia] afterwards him we accepted (the federation) when henceforth the refugees they were not in [antiskina] and were not immediately humanitarian subject their return. You see they had begun to get used all with the new data of resistance or accommodation or expectation on something best that was not moved. It had of course in between is strengthened and the Turkish intolerance that believed that the Cypriot question had untied in 1974… 1. And came in 2003-04 where the new Turkish government under their [Gkioyl]-[Ertogan] [diatranonan] that they wanted solution and that the Cypriot question had not untied in 1974. The effort [Kliridi] (despite the setbacks with the, earlier, destruction of ideas [Gkali] and their S-300) began to open at last prospect of solution. To the same period the active support of Greece and the accordance of new leaders in Turkey ([entharrymenoi] and from the mobilisation of [Toyrkokyprion] which of course and they encouraged) led the things to the resolution and reunification of our island and to her halt topple over alteration of our island. 1. And while [Toyrkokyprioi] intensified their fight and tended hand of friendship and collaboration to us (through the disappointment and misery that them led the nationalists and the foreigner interests for half century), we living in other seasons, perhaps because never we perhaps did not believe in the persons, because we had many traumatic experiences that to us they perhaps did not leave, because somebodies us wanted we remain stuck in order to us they exploit, we remained in the refusal and the national resistance. A resistance to which was led the population [entharrymenos] from those that did not have this vision of new season that was erected front us. And after [Toyrkokyprioi] completed the revolt (and despite the slap that they accepted at the referendum) elected in 2005 their leader a [TK] politician of Left that had participated in the revolt and that it believed in the solution, and that declared that it wanted real confederate Cyprus for the Cypriote (diametrically opposite with what supported and promoted for 50 years [Ntenktas]). And contributed the presence [Talat] in the change of data and in free Cyprus where the population began to realise what became and brought in the power the also left winger political Dimitri [Christofia] - a personality polite and human, leader that believed in the person, that believed in the solution. 1. However the economic situation was not enough, after we lost precious time with our counteractive government (three years of accordance [Tassoy]-[Talat] did not lead us nowhere despite to the fall of administration of party of Left to the [TK] community from which had sprung up the [k] [Talat]) so that they are somehow difficult the things, despite that the presence [Talat] and [Christofia] promised at last the marvel. 1. Unfortunately the marvel remained in the middle after Ankara (or the deep state) appears that him they did not want it reaches in the finish of way. However while emerged essential progress and the two our leaders slowly-slowly advanced and we hoped that would intervene international producing for the success of effort, was increased [maximalistes] the Greek-Cypriot problem of environment with their statements that undermined the solution, which contributed in the increase corresponding Turkish [maximalismoy] that brought [Erogloy] in the power. And all became suddenly more pessimistic.
1. [Maximalistes] continue of course their violin, saying that what [Talat] what [Erogloy], and that only Turkey can. Or it is thus or no, now us remains other exit than the exploitation of European picture and effort that promotes systematically Turkey with their [Gkioyl]-[Erogloy] with to them we bring in the same table, with the European Union (that Turkey him accepts chairs…), the UN, England, Greece, and, of course, with the two communities, in order to we reach in the agreement. [Anastasiadis] names him extended negotiation of two leaders, [Christofias] him wishes it only becomes if is present and the Cypriot Democracy, beyond the two communities, coke.
1. I I say that reached the hour. OR [tan] or on [tas]. [As] we seize the occasion of extended discussions and [as] force [Erogloy] [synthikologisei], or differently [as] is exposed front all for his intolerance. If Turkey is presented intolerant, [as] pays [ayti] [to] price. It reaches is placed the discussion in the base of beginnings that has been agreed up to today. What we have we lose? On the contrary, only profits we can acquire now that Turkey plays him progressive and [anoiktomyali] and wants it gains the Europeans. Because moreover how differently we believe that we will resolve the Cypriot question? With discussions [tet]-a-[tet] with [Erogloy]? Nor after hundred years it does not appear is possible the communication with him if he is alone him in the table without frames and monitoring. 1. Hence [as] we make at last the opening. [As] we seize the proposal ([mplofa] or not) Turkey and [as] hurry to reach in the solution-parcel that would release us from the misery of partition that no prospect does not appear to give in our island and his persons. [As] we cause the inversion of possession, the expiry of colonise, the expiry of trespass of our fortune and our cultural heritage. [As] we give the occasion for reconstruction and return. [As] we move themselves with way that would gain the estimate of simple persons in Cyprus and the abroad. [As] we strengthen our internal forehead strengthening him with self-confidence, pride and prospect. [As] we make their [Toyrkokyprioys] look at once again to us as their board of salvation, in order to [apoproskollithoyn] for good from the circles that them condemned in the delay and the unrooting for 50 so much years (even if certain of them were accomodated and are distributed the ground and our [bios]). [As] we stimulate the confidence in this each citizen of place front we lose also [t]' eggs and the baskets. Already a friend businessman said to me recently that it has been disappointed completely that solution does not also come that from now already it has made movements in order to it transports in the future his capital in the abroad stopping finally the investments in Cyprus… Where we go therefore with half homeland and without prospect? 1. A old American-Jewish friend, Professor of university, to wedded with friend EC of England, it reported me in her recent visit in Cyprus that the nationalism and the fanaticism only destruction can bring and that the himself it believes that Israel does not have future and that it will be ruined in the next 50 years under the pressure of innumerable Arabs. I was astonished because I considered Israel invulnerable. And when it says to you him a Jewish Professor this, it measures. It said also to me however that proportional chance will have and Cyprus if we do not find the way him [epanenosoyme] in order to him we make Cyprus of her persons, Cyprus of collaboration, humanity and prospect. [As] puzzles us this last still more a lot. [Emena] with [siokarei]. [Gaston] [Neokleoys] Economist, Ecologist

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Postby Gasman » Thu May 13, 2010 9:51 pm

Well that was very kind of you YFred! I do find it a bit hard to read. I am looking for the Forum Policies Rule that says you have to use paragraph breaks in long posts ... unfortunately I think they left that rule out!

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby YFred » Thu May 13, 2010 9:55 pm

YFred wrote:
Gasman wrote:Bananiot - I would like to draw your attention to Rule 3 of the Forum Policies:

3) English is the only language allowed. You can post phrases or words in other languages but in this case an accurate translation should be provided.

I await the translation ...


I realise that this is not very accurate but it will give you a gist of what is being said.


My dear compatriots
1. I have lost finally my sleep with our political developments. Other lost him with the economic crisis that us beseiges, this however will pass, sooner or later, with base the theory of economic circles. What will become however with the future of our island? We head headlong the last half century from the villain to the villain and our place and his persons they are lost.

1. A-one drawings and initiatives of solutions of living together and prospect of progress and prosperity [strapatsarei], we shook him in air, we and the Turks, always looking for something better, so that we today remain [xekremastoi] and exposed front in the nationalism that comes back with the form of [Erogloy], and not only… And reached in grotesque to hope now from Turkey it presses for solution, after the “new” Turkish Cypriot leader is more thanked as has the things…

1. After we did not see what became in our homeland for a lot of decades, after we did not see the shrinkage of population of Turk Cypriot community that resulted from our own greed and [alytrotikes] hallucinations and from the Turkish [epektatikotita] and bisecting aiming that they served foreigner despite our own interests, we led the things in the unverifiable colonise and [ektoyrkismo] our half homeland, while we lost the other control and in half. And ended up discuss a life for the Cypriot question while the quality of life has been downgraded dangerously.

1. Annihilating the unique historical prospect that was created the last half century for unification of population of our island, that appearred likely in 2003 as resulting from the revolt of [Toyrkokyprion] against their hard-core leadership, and after we avoided working making the drawing Anna better and supporting him in order to we stopped the slope and the possession, we convinced that we made resistance and remained in the void. Resistance however would be we are based somewhere in order to we build prospect and future for our place and no we entrench itself behind the phobias and our concerns that us [anamochleyse] our nationalism that nowhere cannot us lead. 1. Becomes now important (finally perhaps) movement in order to we exceed the impasse.

We however we are stuck and we in deed ask from our Chairman to withdraw what we agreed with the [k] [Talat] and to begin from the start. This a lot they would want him extreme each side in order to they maintain the miserable partition that they believe that him they check better [ap]΄ that a linked island with [anameichtoys] residents. Does opinion their, of course, that they are eligible him they have after they are so much stuck in the nationalism their, however remaining population see that the maintenance of current partition (that at an early date it will cease it is [nte]-[fakto] and will become [nte]-[gioyre] - cf. [EDAD], cf. direct trade) will finally destroy our survival in our beloved island? How we will live (or EC or the [TK]) when in the next few year the half almost million of colonists (or they have given them “citizenship” or no) it is increased still more a lot and it will render the life of all genuine Cypriote unbearable after it finally degrades and irrevocably the all parameters of solution that we expected all these [chronia].

1. [Kliridis], despite and his own errors, had in various occasions it asks [logikeytoyme] and we anticipate the villains. It made him in 1973/4 when almost it had in agreement with reached [Ntenktas], that was better than Zurich but because it excluded the Union him we did not dare… Still we had not matured as population. Tragic however is that we do not appear to have matured neither today. It made him ([Kliridis]) in 1974/5 in the gallery I am late that [pro]-[lalise] the need of federal solution and him they considered defeatist and underbidder, but [dyomisi] [chronia] afterwards him we accepted (the federation) when henceforth the refugees they were not in [antiskina] and were not immediately humanitarian subject their return.

You see they had begun to get used all with the new data of resistance or accommodation or expectation on something best that was not moved. It had of course in between is strengthened and the Turkish intolerance that believed that the Cypriot question had untied in 1974… 1. And came in 2003-04 where the new Turkish government under their [Gkioyl]-[Ertogan] [diatranonan] that they wanted solution and that the Cypriot question had not untied in 1974. The effort [Kliridi] (despite the setbacks with the, earlier, destruction of ideas [Gkali] and their S-300) began to open at last prospect of solution. To the same period the active support of Greece and the accordance of new leaders in Turkey ([entharrymenoi] and from the mobilisation of [Toyrkokyprion] which of course and they encouraged) led the things to the resolution and reunification of our island and to her halt topple over alteration of our island.

1. And while [Toyrkokyprioi] intensified their fight and tended hand of friendship and collaboration to us (through the disappointment and misery that them led the nationalists and the foreigner interests for half century), we living in other seasons, perhaps because never we perhaps did not believe in the persons, because we had many traumatic experiences that to us they perhaps did not leave, because somebodies us wanted we remain stuck in order to us they exploit, we remained in the refusal and the national resistance. A resistance to which was led the population [entharrymenos] from those that did not have this vision of new season that was erected front us. And after [Toyrkokyprioi] completed the revolt (and despite the slap that they accepted at the referendum) elected in 2005 their leader a [TK] politician of Left that had participated in the revolt and that it believed in the solution, and that declared that it wanted real confederate Cyprus for the Cypriote (diametrically opposite with what supported and promoted for 50 years [Ntenktas]). And contributed the presence [Talat] in the change of data and in free Cyprus where the population began to realise what became and brought in the power the also left winger political Dimitri [Christofia] - a personality polite and human, leader that believed in the person, that believed in the solution.

1. However the economic situation was not enough, after we lost precious time with our counteractive government (three years of accordance [Tassoy]-[Talat] did not lead us nowhere despite to the fall of administration of party of Left to the [TK] community from which had sprung up the [k] [Talat]) so that they are somehow difficult the things, despite that the presence [Talat] and [Christofia] promised at last the marvel. 1. Unfortunately the marvel remained in the middle after Ankara (or the deep state) appears that him they did not want it reaches in the finish of way. However while emerged essential progress and the two our leaders slowly-slowly advanced and we hoped that would intervene international producing for the success of effort, was increased [maximalistes] the Greek-Cypriot problem of environment with their statements that undermined the solution, which contributed in the increase corresponding Turkish [maximalismoy] that brought [Erogloy] in the power. And all became suddenly more pessimistic.

1. [Maximalistes] continue of course their violin, saying that what [Talat] what [Erogloy], and that only Turkey can. Or it is thus or no, now us remains other exit than the exploitation of European picture and effort that promotes systematically Turkey with their [Gkioyl]-[Erogloy] with to them we bring in the same table, with the European Union (that Turkey him accepts chairs…), the UN, England, Greece, and, of course, with the two communities, in order to we reach in the agreement. [Anastasiadis] names him extended negotiation of two leaders, [Christofias] him wishes it only becomes if is present and the Cypriot Democracy, beyond the two communities, coke.

1. I I say that reached the hour. OR [tan] or on [tas]. [As] we seize the occasion of extended discussions and [as] force [Erogloy] [synthikologisei], or differently [as] is exposed front all for his intolerance. If Turkey is presented intolerant, [as] pays [ayti] [to] price. It reaches is placed the discussion in the base of beginnings that has been agreed up to today. What we have we lose? On the contrary, only profits we can acquire now that Turkey plays him progressive and [anoiktomyali] and wants it gains the Europeans. Because moreover how differently we believe that we will resolve the Cypriot question? With discussions [tet]-a-[tet] with [Erogloy]? Nor after hundred years it does not appear is possible the communication with him if he is alone him in the table without frames and monitoring. 1. Hence [as] we make at last the opening. [As] we seize the proposal ([mplofa] or not) Turkey and [as] hurry to reach in the solution-parcel that would release us from the misery of partition that no prospect does not appear to give in our island and his persons. [As] we cause the inversion of possession, the expiry of colonise, the expiry of trespass of our fortune and our cultural heritage. [As] we give the occasion for reconstruction and return. [As] we move themselves with way that would gain the estimate of simple persons in Cyprus and the abroad. [As] we strengthen our internal forehead strengthening him with self-confidence, pride and prospect. [As] we make their [Toyrkokyprioys] look at once again to us as their board of salvation, in order to [apoproskollithoyn] for good from the circles that them condemned in the delay and the unrooting for 50 so much years (even if certain of them were accomodated and are distributed the ground and our [bios]). [As] we stimulate the confidence in this each citizen of place front we lose also [t]' eggs and the baskets. Already a friend businessman said to me recently that it has been disappointed completely that solution does not also come that from now already it has made movements in order to it transports in the future his capital in the abroad stopping finally the investments in Cyprus… Where we go therefore with half homeland and without prospect?

1. A old American-Jewish friend, Professor of university, to wedded with friend EC of England, it reported me in her recent visit in Cyprus that the nationalism and the fanaticism only destruction can bring and that the himself it believes that Israel does not have future and that it will be ruined in the next 50 years under the pressure of innumerable Arabs. I was astonished because I considered Israel invulnerable. And when it says to you him a Jewish Professor this, it measures. It said also to me however that proportional chance will have and Cyprus if we do not find the way him [epanenosoyme] in order to him we make Cyprus of her persons, Cyprus of collaboration, humanity and prospect. [As] puzzles us this last still more a lot. [Emena] with [siokarei]. [Gaston] [Neokleoys] Economist, Ecologist


It's all greek to me.
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Postby Gasman » Thu May 13, 2010 9:56 pm


I was only pulling his plonker anyway! Just finished work and got the divil in me!

I don't understand half the posts written in English on here - so makes very little difference.
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Postby YFred » Thu May 13, 2010 9:59 pm

Gasman wrote:Well that was very kind of you YFred! I do find it a bit hard to read. I am looking for the Forum Policies Rule that says you have to use paragraph breaks in long posts ... unfortunately I think they left that rule out!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Just as well then int it.
If I made you tea would you complain that I did not stir it for you?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby YFred » Thu May 13, 2010 10:01 pm

Gasman wrote::lol:

I was only pulling his plonker anyway! Just finished work and got the divil in me!

I don't understand half the posts written in English on here - so makes very little difference.

So where exactly are you from then? Newcastle?
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Postby Gasman » Thu May 13, 2010 10:03 pm

If I made you tea would you complain that I did not stir it for you?

And there was me thinking you didn't know me 'off the forum'! I'd probably also complain that you'd put sugar in it!

:lol: :lol:

As a member of my family said to me recently 'Mum! Could you BE any MORE grateful?'

My response: Err, well, no - actually I couldn't!
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Postby Gasman » Thu May 13, 2010 10:05 pm

YFred, I am originally a Londoner - born and raised there. Have been moving further and further away from London since my twenties until, eventually, I fell right off the edge and ended up here.

Well, I might not 'end up' here. Who knows?
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