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Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

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Re: Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

Postby Cap » Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:06 pm

Here you go GR, all 3 lanes just for you. :wink:

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Re: Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:41 pm

steliosco wrote:
Get Real! wrote:Hey Cap, that last picture... it's still a 2x2 lane highway! :lol:

You've got a lot of catching up to do with Nicosia... 8)

lol what?

and how many stuff does nicosia has to do to keep up with limassol?

like being relevant the whole year?

So the government is irrelevant except for some seasons… :lol:

there are sections of the highway (tsirio) btw that are 3x3 but its irrelevant cause it doesn't need to.the traffic is not the worse in the nicosia it is.
good for you.

If Nicosia is so irrelevant how come there's so much traffic? :)
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Re: Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

Postby Get Real! » Sun Nov 25, 2012 3:43 pm

Cap wrote:Here you go GR, all 3 lanes just for you. :wink:

Why thank you humongous Rugby boy! :)
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Re: Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

Postby supporttheunderdog » Sun Nov 25, 2012 4:12 pm

cyprusgrump wrote:
supporttheunderdog wrote:yeah thats better - the twins, and I know that Junction well....taken from the foot bridge with the blue lights - not too far from my home.

Considering the size of the Job I think the contractors did an excellent task in upgrading the highway and with relatively little extra inconvenience for the motorist, and that all unavoidable due to the nature of the task.

You are joking??? :evil:

It was a complete nightmare for anybody that had to travel up and down there on a regular basis... :x

the road was nightmare even before the roadworks - that was why we had to have them...
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Re: Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

Postby Nikitas » Sun Nov 25, 2012 7:21 pm

This 28 storey thing is right on the seafront, ie the southernmost spot. This means it will block winter sunlight from the solar heaters of all residences to the north of it. Is there provision for this deprivation, not to mention loss of seaview for existing buildings and other burdens?

I suspect that such details are lost on the planners, pretty much like in Greece. While there is a lot of talk of renewable this and sustainable that, we had a 5 storey crap pile put south of our house reducing the solar exposure of all houses to the north of it by 50 per cent. One lady planning officer even had the balls to dispute the fact that southern exposure is necessary for solar heat gain.

Interesting that the green area offset will be to the north of this building. That means that the green "park" put up to satisfy the surrounding residents will be shaded in the winter by the 28 storey behemoth. Do any of you enjoy sitting in a shaded park in January? As for the summer, the sun is higher and the shading is irrelevant.
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Re: Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

Postby B25 » Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:07 pm

Nikita, planning and Cyprus cannot be used in the same sentence. The so called planners have no f*ucking idea about planning. The Poleodomia, have no clue about such things or just dont care. My 3 year old could come up with better ideas.
These are the government organs that really piss me off.
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Re: Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

Postby Cap » Sun Nov 25, 2012 8:17 pm

Make a good point Nikita.
The really tall commercial buildings should be in the business district zone... but then again, what CBD?
The tall residential buildings, further inland away from heart of the tourist area.

All boils down to planning like B25 says, it was a mess when they began and like a chain reaction a mess now.
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Re: Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

Postby bill cobbett » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:08 pm

Yes, agree, what sort of planning is this...??? ... and just what planning zone is this in anyway...???

In much of the Med, the move is towards moving high-rise blocks, even of hotels, away from the sea-front.
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Re: Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

Postby GreekIslandGirl » Sun Nov 25, 2012 9:15 pm

Well, there is a "right to light" if people can be bothered to put in an appeal. It's NOT just the Planners, you know. The public has to complain and put in objections! :roll:
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Re: Is this just hype or true, cos its huge for Limassol...

Postby Cap » Fri Nov 30, 2012 2:08 pm















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