Get Real! wrote:halil wrote:Turkish Cypriots had an expectation from the international community to remove the inhuman and unjust international isolations and embargoes imposed on them for the last 47 years, that such a move would push the Greek Cypriot Administration to adopt a more flexible and constructive stance at the talks.
Only a military solution that enforces international law…
UN RESOLUTION 361 (1974) UN RESOLUTION 541 (1983)…can put an end to the kind of stupidity displayed by deluded people like Halil!
Get Real is one of the smartest guys on the forum. I had the pleasure of having a beer or 2 with him a few years back and is great company, we even hugged as we said our goodbyes, so an all round nice fella you may say.
I cant believe for the life of me how he can come up with such rubbish as above. Yes, Cyprus can go into battle with Turkey if it so wishes, but at what cost? Would anybody take me seriously if I said I wanted to challenge the Hayemaker for the world heavyweight championship? Can we really take GR seriously here?