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Threats against the life of journalist Makarios Droushiotis!

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Tue May 11, 2010 5:31 am

I am not trying to de-hellenise Cyprus...You are doing a great job of that,Piratis...One day you will realise it but it will be too late...Your ENOSIS dream cost you 37% of Cyprus and brought Turkey to the island...Your insistance that Cyprus is Greek will make sure Turkey stays and at least 37% of Cyprus will be totally Turkified..I am helpless to do anything about that..No Turkish Cypriot will take up arms against the Turkish Army to drive Turkey out...And what for? To make Cyprus a Greek island to please bloodyminded, reactionary, Greek nationalists like yourself???
You are bonkers if you expect that...Stop saying Cyprus is a Greek island...That is as stupid as saying Australia is a big British Island...Start saying Cyprus is an island where the majority of her citizens are of Greek ethnic background...Then repent your past ENOSIS actions,declare Never Again to want to give my country away to anybody,stop calling Turkish Cypriots the "Muslim minority" and I might start thinking you are serious about your democracy and human rights "argument"...Till then you will stay a dangerous,fanatical Greek nationalist who wants to extract revenge on my community for the real or imaginary sins of the Ottomans starting from 1571...And nobody will want to live anywhere near you...
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Postby Bananiot » Tue May 11, 2010 7:12 am

So Pyrpoliser, it appears that Piratis will not eventually have his shish kebab in Limassol at the Turkish restaurant, with his woman! He would not want to be seen making friends with the confirmed enemy, whom he will be targetting to kill, when the inevidable war happens.

And, Piratis should be more careful when he talks to his army superiors. I can have him tied in chains and begging for mercy, any moment now.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Tue May 11, 2010 8:53 am

Bananiot wrote:So Pyrpoliser, it appears that Piratis will not eventually have his shish kebab in Limassol at the Turkish restaurant, with his woman! He would not want to be seen making friends with the confirmed enemy, whom he will be targetting to kill, when the inevidable war happens.

And, Piratis should be more careful when he talks to his army superiors. I can have him tied in chains and begging for mercy, any moment now.

REALLY? Can you make a video of Piratis in chains and begging for mercy,Bananiot??? I would love to see it...on the internet of course.. :wink: :lol:
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Postby Bananiot » Tue May 11, 2010 9:23 am

He has questioned my army (wasted time) birkibrisli. I bet I am a higher ranked officer than he.

Sorry to come back to the following, but I have just seen it.

Pyrpolyser wrote

Code: Select all
FIRST SENTENSE-->> Conclussion: we don't know his nationality
BEGINING OF SECOND SENTENSE ---> My personal opinion
SECOND SENTENSE AFTER the NEVERTHELESS ---> Even if my personal opinion were true, it doesn't matter for me personally, I respect the person for what he is, i know him, i discussed with him many times.

Although it was Copperline who started it, Piratis overreacted and I thought by posting the above would help stop the fight AT THAT POINT.

Why is it only you who sees it like that? Other people understood it as it was, some people even expressed their own opinions about what the nationality of Copperline might be. What's wrong with that???

Btw you are too fast in labeling with the WORST INSULTS everybody.What was the label you used Vs Syllouris a "fascist "?
I tell you what, you don't know what a fascist is...

My whole argument focused on the first sentence Pyrpolyser wrote but, judging by his half hearted effort to explain, he still fails to grasp the essence of my criticism. He said, in the first sentence:

I suspect he is some Turkish diplomat (he did not say he didn't know his nationality.

All I am basically asking is for Pyrpolyser to tell us how he came to the conclusion that copperline is a Turkish diplomat (and thus his views are biased towards the Turkish side and we should noy take him seriously). I have an issue with this logic because this is the legacy the late President Papadopoulos left us and we should throw this in the dustbin, as fast as we can. He could not tolerate a different opinion. He saw traitors everywhere, people that say in Greek what the Turks say in Turkish, people that spend time in the courtyard of Xerxes and all these rubbish. He was the spiritual father of the infamous "ambient tmoshere".

The insinuation that someone that I do not agree with might be Turkish will not neutralise his arguments in a cultured society but sounds like sweet music to the ears of the bananiots in this plantation. It shows limited mental capability for those that make such arguments and those that accept these arguments as god sent.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue May 11, 2010 9:46 am

Piratis wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Piratis wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Piratis wrote:
CopperLine wrote:
Piratis wrote:The mass murders in Cyprus of 1000s and 10s of thousands of people at a time were committed by the Turkish invaders. People who collaborate with the invaders are traitors and they deserve to be treated accordingly.

I do not support the murder of any innocents, but the punishment of traitors who are anything but innocent. I support our right to protest against the invaders and their collaborators and demand justice and the liberation of our island.

You don't support the murder of innocents but you do support extra-judicial killings (you've just said so) you do support lynch mob justice (you've just said so), you do support vengeance killings of those who you disagree (you've just said so). And you Piratis speak of your support for human rights ! Human rights in your book spells self-interest, because when you advocate extra-judicial, lynch-mob, and vengeance killings, of necessity innocent people will be killed. In every one else's book that defines a fascist.

Apart from you advocating the casual breach of the most basic right to life, you also deny people a right to a fair trial - with you and your murderous friends acting as prosecution, judge, jury and executioner.

Yours is a disgraceful posting.

I do not support any of those things you filthy criminal invader.

What I support is to take those who collaborate with you to help you occupy our country and violate our human rights, take them to courts, and if found guilty of collaborating with the enemy in any way, execute them. Treason is one of the worst crimes for which the death penalty is the appropriate punishment, especially in times of war.

Traitors are not "innocent", far from it. I would never support the murder of any innocent. This is what you do.

"Filthy, criminal invader"? Well, well, well. A good of example of the point I just made to you on another thread:

"Nobody is helping Turkey more than died-in-the-wool bigots like yourself, but you will never understand that."

Why don't you tell me in what way I am helping Turkey?

You, if I am not mistaken, are addressing Turkish Cypriots, en masse, as "filthy, criminal invaders." Turkish Cypriots, on hearing this kind of comment, will conclude that they do not wish to risk their lives by reuniting with such rabid , Turk-hating fascists and would prefer to have the Turkish Army there to protect them in their statelet so that they can sleep safely at nights. This suits Turkey's long-term goals. Once partition has become solidified and the north has been turned into a de facto province of Turkey, perhaps Turkey will send you a medal for all of your good services.

My comment was directed to Cooperline and to people who share his criminal mentality and not "en mass".

The fascists are those who support the illegal occupation of our lands and we of course hate such fascists.

Most TCs will always be on the side of Turkey regardless of what we do or say just like they have been since 1571. The reason is that in this way they can have gains on the expense of the local population. The Ottomans had divided the population into Christians and Muslims, giving to the Muslims far more rights. The same divisions were forced on Cyprus with the 1960 constitution, again to benefit the Muslim minority on the expense of the majority of the population. And the same thing they want to continue doing in the future.

The reason is obvious: Turkey uses force to take away our rights and give privileges to their Muslim minority on our island, and in return this Muslim minority serves the Turkish interests in Cyprus. They are both partners in the crime against the Cypriot people.

We have witnessed their crime for over 400 years, and their behavior is not related with what Piratis says in a forum in 2010. So stop repeating the lame excuses of the Turks.

Sorry, but that would only make sense if CopperLine had said something in support of the Turkish invasion in the post which you were replying to. Since he didn't, your answer (rather than, as you allege in your crude stereotypical reply, CopperLine) simply does not wash. I said you would never understand, and you won't.

Who cares. I dined this lunchtime at the Turkish Cypriot owned restaurant in Limassol. Apart from me, there were about six other customers there. They were all working class Greek Cypriots. I could see that they were all regular customers who were on very friendly terms with the owner, whom they kept addressing as Αïχαν (Ayhan), so they must have been aware of his ethnicity. Is the reality in Cyprus what I witnessed first hand this lunchtime, or the bickering that goes on here?

Cooperline wrote 100s of posts. I didn't wait for that 1 post of him to understand what he is all about and that he supports the "trnc" and the Turkish occupation of Cyprus, making him therefore an enemy of Cyprus.

The Turkish Cypriot that you are talking about above I am sure respects the human and democratic rights of the Cypriot people and he is not trying to find excuses to support illegalities and human rights violations against 100s of thousands of innocent people. So why shouldn't GCs be in friendly terms with him?

I repeat: Our enemies are those who support the Turkification of the north part of our island and the violation of our human and democratic rights regardless of their ethnicity. Similarly those who support our human rights and our right to freely rule our own island in a democratic way are our friends, again regardless of their ethnicity.

One minute, file mou.
You have just told Birkibrisli that he is guilty because
"you knew that you were coming to a Greek island when you first came here".
I take this to mean that Turkish Cypriots bear a collective guilt the moment they are born for being the descendents of people who came to Cyprus "knowing that it was a Greek island", a pretty absurd accusation really, especially considering that:

1- A lot of the people who came from Anatolia to Cyprus were forcibly settled there by the Ottoman authorites so they came against their will and thus cannot, posthumously, be held culpable for that act, and

2- As you have tirelessly told us in the past, most of the people who today call themselves 'Turkish Cypriots' were, in your opinion, Greeks who converted to Islam, and as such do not descend from people who were settled on Cyprus by the Ottoman authorities (so why are these people guilty at birth, I wonder?)

Even so, let us for the sake of argument accept your thesis that all Turkish Cypriots at birth are guilty of being 'dirty, criminal invaders' because the Ottoman authorites settled, or may have settled, their distant ancestors on the island, you now tell me, with reference to the chap called Ayhan who runs a restaurant in Limassol (maybe I shouldn't have told you that! Perhaps the place will be torched tonight by a band of fascists):

"The Turkish Cypriot that you are talking about above I am sure respects the human and democratic rights of the Cypriot people and he is not trying to find excuses to support illegalities and human rights violations against 100s of thousands of innocent people. So why shouldn't GCs be in friendly terms with him?"

Friend, either all Turkish Cypriots are automatically guilty on birth, or they are not. Which is it to be? I spot a glaring contradiction in your arguments.

Your bitter, twisted racism which defies all rational, logical analysis is a disgrace to humanity.

Incidentally, I have just heard a piece on CyBC television about Greek language courses which are being organised by one of the Turkish Cypriot teachers unions. It seems that about 300 Turkish Cypriot teachers are currently participating in these courses. Piratis, give us a further insight into the mindset of a bigot. What dark, evil purpose are these people learning Greek for?

Tim, if you are too stupid to understand what I say please refrain from calling me names, as your inability to understand is really not my fault.

I never said there is any quilt of TCs because of what their ancestors did. All I am saying is that Cyprus is and has been for 1000s of years a Greek island and I am asking from every minority that is coming to this island to respect our history and our identity and strop trying to de-hellinize our island by force and trying to tell us where our island should belong and where it shouldn't.

'File mou', 'friend' - that's calling you names?
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue May 11, 2010 9:48 am

Piratis wrote:So, Tim is stupid and, by your own admission, you are even more stupid. :lol:

Now that, my most esteemed and respected good fellow, is calling people names!
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue May 11, 2010 9:54 am

Piratis, just to clarify matters, perhaps you can explain the logic of saying "you knew that you were coming to a Greek island when you first came here" to a person who was born in Cyprus. I must be stupid, but please bear with me, because it makes no sense to me.
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Postby B25 » Tue May 11, 2010 9:56 am

Tim Drayton wrote:
Piratis wrote:So, Tim is stupid and, by your own admission, you are even more stupid. :lol:

Now that, my most esteemed and respected good fellow, is calling people names!

No, thats not a name call, but an insult, but much less offensive than what you said about him, here

"Your bitter, twisted racism which defies all rational, logical analysis is a disgrace to humanity. "

You decide!
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Postby Tim Drayton » Tue May 11, 2010 10:00 am

B25 wrote:
Tim Drayton wrote:
Piratis wrote:So, Tim is stupid and, by your own admission, you are even more stupid. :lol:

Now that, my most esteemed and respected good fellow, is calling people names!

No, thats not a name call, but an insult, but much less offensive than what you said about him, here

"Your bitter, twisted racism which defies all rational, logical analysis is a disgrace to humanity. "

You decide!

To tar a whole community with the same brush and say that all Turkish Cypriots, the moment they are born, automatically merit exactly the same odium, is racism. This is an objective comment, not an insult. I respect everyone's views and if he would just come out openly and say that he supports the ideology of EOKA-B, it would be far better.
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Postby Paphitis » Tue May 11, 2010 10:06 am

BirKibrisli wrote:I am not trying to de-hellenise Cyprus...You are doing a great job of that,Piratis...One day you will realise it but it will be too late...Your ENOSIS dream cost you 37% of Cyprus and brought Turkey to the island...Your insistance that Cyprus is Greek will make sure Turkey stays and at least 37% of Cyprus will be totally Turkified..I am helpless to do anything about that..No Turkish Cypriot will take up arms against the Turkish Army to drive Turkey out...And what for? To make Cyprus a Greek island to please bloodyminded, reactionary, Greek nationalists like yourself???
You are bonkers if you expect that...Stop saying Cyprus is a Greek island...That is as stupid as saying Australia is a big British Island...Start saying Cyprus is an island where the majority of her citizens are of Greek ethnic background...Then repent your past ENOSIS actions,declare Never Again to want to give my country away to anybody,stop calling Turkish Cypriots the "Muslim minority" and I might start thinking you are serious about your democracy and human rights "argument"...Till then you will stay a dangerous,fanatical Greek nationalist who wants to extract revenge on my community for the real or imaginary sins of the Ottomans starting from 1571...And nobody will want to live anywhere near you...

37% of the RoC has already been Turkified.

There is nothing more we can lose from this point, and when one side has nothing to lose, that is when they are at their most dangerous!

Don't ever forget that shithead. Turkey's presence is only temporary!
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