Kikapu wrote:
Can I ask a "dumb" question here.??
Just what is it that these people in Greece are protesting about.??
As the saying goes "No Money, No Honey".!
The party is over. It has been over for the last two years, it's just that some have not yet woken up to the realities of what has been, what it is, and what's yet to come. I'm not just talking about the Greeks and Greece here, but by and large all those who has been on the binge with others "free money" at their disposal to do as they pleased with virtually zero accountability. Well, guess what people, the fucking party is over. Get used to it. It is time to pay for all your mistakes in thinking that the "gravy train" would just keep on rolling just to provide you with your "financial fixes" so that you can work less and make more, buy that house(s) that was going to be bigger and better than your friends and other family members, drive that hot car that you always wanted but couldn't afford it when you had to work for your money and had responsibilities to take care of.
But everything became possible to have the life of the Rich & Famous" when "free money" was passed to all those whom wanted it, given by your local friendly bank manager, and you thought it was your birthday again, and again, and again and again to receive such wonderful gifts with just a blink of an eye. It was your own version of the "groundhog day" with free money, money, money everywhere. Yeah right.! What morons.
They never heard of "What goes up must come down" before.! Really, they haven't. What Morons.! So now, all those who are protesting, it is time time to wake up and get back into the real world. It's time to roll your sleeves and start working for your fucking money again, and since you were on a such a binge in spending, you are going to have to work more for less now, because you were spending others money and not yours, and now they want it back.
You will work more and receive less for it. You had your fun, you impressed your friends with what a "high roller" you were, you had those wonderful holidays in the sun, but it's time for you to pay the bills. No you fucking moron, it was not free money and no, it was not your fucking birthday every morning when you woke up. You were in the Fantasy Land along with all the other morons who thought they had just discovered the "secrets to life's happiness". No you moron, what you should have discovered was, that your discover credit card was busting at it seams of being overloaded with debt.
Now, stop complaining by blaming others for your binges that you could not afford in the long run. Time to wake up and shut up and not fight in the streets just because you are now told to pay back all your "free money" you have gotten. The owners want it back, and they want it........NOW.!!
Spot on post Kikapu.
Sadly, your post is Greece in a nutshell!
This is why I believe that this crisis is the best thing that has happened to Greece. Many people will get an urgently needed reality check.
The unfortunate thing is that the innocent working class will feel more pain than the richer elites who are responsible for this mess. But that's just the way it is. The whole country will now pay a very heavy price.
But still, it will be very good if the current Government manages to do something that was urgently needed for a very long time, and that is to reform the country from the ground up and rationalize spending.