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An unexpected phone call received at 01.15 am (one hour ago)

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Re: An unexpected phone call received at 01.15 am (one hour

Postby Oracle » Tue May 04, 2010 4:39 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Or you too will be exposed as a racist ,two faced Cypriot... :evil:

Are you threatening me??? I hate anything Turkish. Do you blame me???Is that racist enough???

No I wasn't threatening you,kafenes...I missused the word "exposed" there..But hey,you don't need me to expose you...You just did it yourself..
That is racist enough,and I am very sad for you..What do you do when you hear people speaking Turkish??? Want to kill them,kafenes???
My adviceis to get rid of that hatred mate...It will do you more damage than anything else... :( :(

How condescending! Another interesting character flaw of yours. Instead of dishing out useless advice to sufferers you should be asking yourself what Turks as a Nation have done to so many fair minded and kindly people to make them feel so afraid (at least two major cataclysmic events in kafenes' immediate family) that only hatred remains. The hatred is a warning from experience that the Turks are quite capable of repeating the same atrocities, since you show so little desire to reform, only expecting others to love you! The hatred is a symptom of the painful losses we continue to feel at the perpetual atrocities your nation enacts every minute by occupying Cyprus. But no, let's not remove the cancerous Turks from our island, let's give ourselves therapy and learn to love the occupation!

You have so little knowledge of the desire we feel for freedom from oppression.
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Postby Bananiot » Tue May 04, 2010 6:47 am


Are you threatening me??? I hate anything Turkish. Do you blame me???Is that racist enough???

Do you also hate the Turkish scholars who demonstrated the other day for the recognition of the Armenian genocide?
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Re: An unexpected phone call received at 01.15 am (one hour

Postby kafenes » Tue May 04, 2010 9:07 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Or you too will be exposed as a racist ,two faced Cypriot... :evil:

Are you threatening me??? I hate anything Turkish. Do you blame me???Is that racist enough???

No I wasn't threatening you,kafenes...I missused the word "exposed" there..But hey,you don't need me to expose you...You just did it yourself..
That is racist enough,and I am very sad for you..What do you do when you hear people speaking Turkish??? Want to kill them,kafenes???
My advice is to get rid of that hatred mate...It will do you more damage than anything else... :( :(

I am sorry, but that is how I feel and I can't seem to change that. Now can you tell me why I feel that way?
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Re: An unexpected phone call received at 01.15 am (one hour

Postby YFred » Tue May 04, 2010 10:42 am

kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Or you too will be exposed as a racist ,two faced Cypriot... :evil:

Are you threatening me??? I hate anything Turkish. Do you blame me???Is that racist enough???

No I wasn't threatening you,kafenes...I missused the word "exposed" there..But hey,you don't need me to expose you...You just did it yourself..
That is racist enough,and I am very sad for you..What do you do when you hear people speaking Turkish??? Want to kill them,kafenes???
My advice is to get rid of that hatred mate...It will do you more damage than anything else... :( :(

I am sorry, but that is how I feel and I can't seem to change that. Now can you tell me why I feel that way?

The first advice you got should be enough. Hatred does more damage to the hater then the hated. You should know that just by reading Oracle's rantings on the this forum.
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Re: An unexpected phone call received at 01.15 am (one hour

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 04, 2010 10:59 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Or you too will be exposed as a racist ,two faced Cypriot... :evil:

Are you threatening me??? I hate anything Turkish. Do you blame me???Is that racist enough???
That is racist enough,and I am very sad for you..What do you do when you hear people speaking Turkish??? Want to kill them,kafenes???

My advice is to get rid of that hatred mate...It will do you more damage than anything else... :( :(

What's your IQ again? :lol:
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Re: An unexpected phone call received at 01.15 am (one hour

Postby Get Real! » Tue May 04, 2010 11:00 am

YFred wrote:
kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Or you too will be exposed as a racist ,two faced Cypriot... :evil:

Are you threatening me??? I hate anything Turkish. Do you blame me???Is that racist enough???

No I wasn't threatening you,kafenes...I missused the word "exposed" there..But hey,you don't need me to expose you...You just did it yourself..
That is racist enough,and I am very sad for you..What do you do when you hear people speaking Turkish??? Want to kill them,kafenes???
My advice is to get rid of that hatred mate...It will do you more damage than anything else... :( :(

I am sorry, but that is how I feel and I can't seem to change that. Now can you tell me why I feel that way?

The first advice you got should be enough. Hatred does more damage to the hater then the hated. You should know that just by reading Oracle's rantings on the this forum.

Why are you two so concerned? Are you Turkish?
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Re: An unexpected phone call received at 01.15 am (one hour

Postby BirKibrisli » Tue May 04, 2010 12:00 pm

Oracle wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Or you too will be exposed as a racist ,two faced Cypriot... :evil:

Are you threatening me??? I hate anything Turkish. Do you blame me???Is that racist enough???

No I wasn't threatening you,kafenes...I missused the word "exposed" there..But hey,you don't need me to expose you...You just did it yourself..
That is racist enough,and I am very sad for you..What do you do when you hear people speaking Turkish??? Want to kill them,kafenes???
My adviceis to get rid of that hatred mate...It will do you more damage than anything else... :( :(

How condescending! Another interesting character flaw of yours. Instead of dishing out useless advice to sufferers you should be asking yourself what Turks as a Nation have done to so many fair minded and kindly people to make them feel so afraid (at least two major cataclysmic events in kafenes' immediate family) that only hatred remains. The hatred is a warning from experience that the Turks are quite capable of repeating the same atrocities, since you show so little desire to reform, only expecting others to love you! The hatred is a symptom of the painful losses we continue to feel at the perpetual atrocities your nation enacts every minute by occupying Cyprus. But no, let's not remove the cancerous Turks from our island, let's give ourselves therapy and learn to love the occupation!

You have so little knowledge of the desire we feel for freedom from oppression.

GCs and ACs do not have the monopoly on pain,loss and suffering....The TCs are the biggest losers in the GC debarcle which was ENOSIS...Until you acknowledge their pain and suffering you do not deserve your pain and suffering acknowledged...I spent first few years on this Forum acknowledging the pain and suffering of the GCs,and even apologising for it...Till i got enough slaps on the face from the likes of you to realise empathy and compassion do not work one way...I know exactly the desire you feel for freedom from oppression...I went through the same desire between 1955 and 1969,for most of my time in my homeland...
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Postby halil » Tue May 04, 2010 12:14 pm


From today TC press.


Güney Lefkoşa’da önceki gece oynanan ve Omonia’nın galibiyetiyle sonuçlanan Apoel-Omonia maçından sonra çirkin bir olay daha yaşandı. Maçta aldıkları yenilgiyi hazmedemeyen fanatik Apoel taraftarları, aracıyla yoldan geçen Kıbrıslı bir Türk’e daha saldırıda bulundu. Rum fanatiklerden iki motosikletli, o sırada Larnaka’dan gelen ve bilmeden kalabalığın içine düşen Hasan Atik’in önünü keserek sopayla koluna vurdular, aracın dikiz aynasını ve farını kırdılar.
Geçtiğimiz mart ayı sonunda, Lefkoşa’nın Rum kesiminde oynanan Omonia-Apoel derbisine seyirci olarak katılan Avukat Barış Mamalı ile arkadaşı Tekin Birinci de, maç sonrasında 200 kadar faşist Rum gencinin taşlı, sopalı saldırısına uğramıştı.
KIBRIS’a konuşan, elektrik teknisyeni Hasan Atik, önceki gece kuzeye geçmek istediği sırada yaşadığı olayın ne ilk ne de son olduğunu belirterek, bu gibi ırkçı yaklaşımların müzakerelere gölge düşürdüğüne işaret etti.
FS 763 plakalı otomobiliyle Rum fanatiklerden kaçmayı başardığını ancak iki motosikletlinin peşine düştüğünü anlatan Atik, saldırganların aracının arka farı ile sol dikiz aynasını yumruk ve bayrak sopalarıyla kırdığını söyledi.

“Plakayı görünce saldırdılar”

Hasan Atik, Larnaka’dan geldiği sırada Apoel-Omonia maçının bittiğini, Omonia takımı taraftarlarının şampiyonluğu kutlamakta olduklarını ancak bunu bilmeden, yenilgiyi hazmedemeyen Apoel taraftarlarının arasından geçtiğini anlattı. Atik, Rum fanatiklerin, aracın KKTC plakalı olduğunu görür görmez, aralarından ikisinin hemen saldırıya geçtiğini, kalabalığın içinden çıkmaya çalıştığı sırada ise arkadan gelen motosikletli başka iki Rum’un arabaya yaklaştığını belirterek “Ellerinde bayraklar vardı. Biri önce arabamın sol dikiz aynasını yumrukladı. Sol kapının camları açıktı. Bayrağın sopasını arabanın içine kadar uzatarak az kalsın kolumu parçalıyordu” dedi.
Atik, saldırıdan kaçmak isterken motosikletli iki Rum’un kendisini takip ettiğini ve bu sefer de arabanın sol arka farını kırdıklarını söyledi.

Saldırının şokunu atlatamıyorum

Atik, yaşadığı olayın şokunu üzerinden atamadığını ifade ederek, “ Her zaman geçerim. Bu tür olayları gazetelerden okuyordum. Ama başıma geleceğini hiç düşünmemiştim” diye konuştu.
Olayın ardından Rum güvenlik güçlerine şikayetçi olmaya gittiğini belirten Atik, karakolda polislerin kendisiyle ilgilenmediklerini, zabıt tutmadıklarını, Rum sigorta şirketine gittiğinde ise kendisine sigortanın hasarı karşılamadığının söylendiğini ifade etti.
Atik, bu olaydan sonra Güney’e geçme konusunda endişeli olduğunu kaydetti.
Last edited by halil on Tue May 04, 2010 12:16 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: An unexpected phone call received at 01.15 am (one hour

Postby BirKibrisli » Tue May 04, 2010 12:14 pm

kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Or you too will be exposed as a racist ,two faced Cypriot... :evil:

Are you threatening me??? I hate anything Turkish. Do you blame me???Is that racist enough???

No I wasn't threatening you,kafenes...I missused the word "exposed" there..But hey,you don't need me to expose you...You just did it yourself..
That is racist enough,and I am very sad for you..What do you do when you hear people speaking Turkish??? Want to kill them,kafenes???
My advice is to get rid of that hatred mate...It will do you more damage than anything else... :( :(

I am sorry, but that is how I feel and I can't seem to change that. Now can you tell me why I feel that way?

I know why you feel that way,kafenes...But your bitterness and hatred are misplaced...You cannot spend your life today hating an entire nation for what their Ottoman ancestors did 96 years ago...Nobody living in what is Turkey today had anything to do with the attrocities back in 1914...And even then,only a handful of people could have been held responsible...

Here is a little something which might lighten your heart...If you chose to allow it...
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Re: An unexpected phone call received at 01.15 am (one hour

Postby YFred » Tue May 04, 2010 12:17 pm

Get Real! wrote:
YFred wrote:
kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
kafenes wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:Or you too will be exposed as a racist ,two faced Cypriot... :evil:

Are you threatening me??? I hate anything Turkish. Do you blame me???Is that racist enough???

No I wasn't threatening you,kafenes...I missused the word "exposed" there..But hey,you don't need me to expose you...You just did it yourself..
That is racist enough,and I am very sad for you..What do you do when you hear people speaking Turkish??? Want to kill them,kafenes???
My advice is to get rid of that hatred mate...It will do you more damage than anything else... :( :(

I am sorry, but that is how I feel and I can't seem to change that. Now can you tell me why I feel that way?

The first advice you got should be enough. Hatred does more damage to the hater then the hated. You should know that just by reading Oracle's rantings on the this forum.

Why are you two so concerned? Are you Turkish?

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