Thank you grump for your reply,and a big appoligy for my ignorance of computer typing I have just been told that writing in capitals is SHOUTING at people,what do I know im only a humble plumber I dont even know what a thread is?well at the moment I have jacked my job in after a disagreement with my boss of 9yrs so am looking for temperary work till we sell the house, the market is crap at the minute not enough buyers but shed loads of houses, cant get out of UK quick enough wanted to be in Paphos by Xmas cant see that happening now, so if you know anyone looking to take on plumbers out there let me know, I met a bloke called Tony Davis in Paphos who has so much work he told me hed take me on when I arrived but lost his telephone no, anyone help me on this,I also used to run my own Karaoke mobile system years ago and wouldnt mind doing that again in the evenings, well got to go got job interview at 10.30am
Eric (ps this computer thingy got a spell checker?)