Hatter wrote:Malapapa wrote:Hatter wrote:Malapapa wrote:Omer Seyhan wrote:Malapapa wrote:Omer Seyhan wrote:Whats the Lib Dems policy on Cyprus? I have always thought they were more closer to the idea of upgrading the TRNC and cementing partition...
They don't have a policy. When I challenged Clegg some month's ago, after that bitch Sarah Ludford made a pigs ear of things post-Orams, he umed and ahed like a lily-livered Liberal.
It sounds like Baroness Ludford is under the influence of Meral Ece.
But I have to say, I attended a meeting in Hendon where Lib Dem candidate Matthew Harris was speaking. When asked about Cyprus he said he thinks the TRNC should be recognised.
Another misguided "Liberal" Jew who thinks carving up Cyprus can set a precedent for Israel/Palestine.
So why do you support them, Malapapa?
I support LibDem because I can't bring myself to vote Labour or Tory (both of whom supported Blair's Iraq war). Like many, after the war, the banking crisis and MP's expenses fiasco, I am disillusioned with British politics generally. However, the increased popularity of the LibDems following the TV debates has energised the election, creating an interesting possibility which could bring about a shake-up of British politics: a hung parliament with LibDems holding the balance of power.
I believe the British electoral system badly needs reform to ensure all votes matter; rather than only those in key marginals resulting in a few tens of thousands of people ultimately deciding alternate periods of Tory/Labour dictatorships for the rest of us.
I am hopeful that, in a hung parliament, the LibDems will secure some form of proportional representation as a condition for cooperating with the largest party in terms of seats (hopefully Labour, minus Gordon Brown as leader, who again, as a condition of LibDem support, could be forced to stand down).Hatter wrote:and why do you put Liberal within quotes? Is he or isn't he a Liberal candidate?
He is a Liberal candidate but supporting ethnic cleansing, whether in Palestine or Cyprus, ("land for peace" as they call it) is not what I'd describe as a "liberal" philosophy, especially when the land in question is not yours to give away.
Without wishing to split hairs, you did not put "liberal" in quotes, but "Liberal", potentially giving the spin that he is not a real Lib Dem. We are talking political parties here, not political philosophy.
Give me a break.
Hatter wrote:But, be that as it may, the main point is that in the name of electoral reform, you support a party that (a) has not clearly stated their policy w.r.t. Cyprus (BTW, the fact that Clegg did not give an answer when you challenged him does not necessarily mean they dont have a policy, it could be that he didn't want to say what it is) (b) it puts forward candidates (at least one we know about) that openly and publicly support the recognition of TRNC and (c) numbers Ludford, an active supporter and promoter of TRNC, amongst its prominent MEP members.
It's fair to say I'm not using my vote in the UK elections with Cyprus directly in mind. That's not to say I have any more faith in either the Tories (some of whose MP's have in the past acquired properties in the north), or Labour. (It was Mrs Tony Blair, you'll recall, who represented the Orams in the High Courts). All British parties speak with fork tongue when it comes to Cyprus and adhering to their treaty obligations.
Hatter wrote:Perhaps you did not challenge Clegg strongly enough.
It required the intervention of the Liberal party chairman to elicit any kind of response which, when it came, was suitably weasel-worded.