lol you did not say your video files where not mp4.. i was right then your files where not recognised.
so you did not even have them in the library?
doesent matter good thing is you got it working
Get Real! wrote:Why do all the weird things I don't get always start with "i"?
iTunes, iPhone, iTouch, iPad, etc...
fig head wrote:well, it isnt vids palio mou,
i know its totally ilegal but i dont care, i use torrents to download complete music albums and movies,
i only do that when i cant get the original CD and mostly when im downloading arabic CD, no where to get it from !
some of them not a protected data (even if they where original copy) so itunes doesnt recognice them in order of witch almus witch artist etc
i have no problem with movie and vid, i had about 10 movies in my phone ans about 200 vid , all what i need to do is convert them via real player sp converter and when it finished all what i have to do is copy to itune and press sync!
but if there is other progs i can use to sync apple products, iphones,ipods,ipad is better than itune i will defo use it
cause itune is slow
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