BOF wrote:"Though the Council agreed on people staying away from the commission, no alternative was offered for legal recourse now that the ECHR’s official stance is in support of the IPC."
So just what is the Alternative for the long suffereing Refugees - none appears to have been offered.
Are we back to - do nothing get nothing/lose nothing policies?
Is it correct that applications or claims should be registered with the IPC by 2011...
someone will clarify this point no doubt.
I read somewhere that the deadline for applications to the IPC has been extended, you may find it of their website; -
My own view is that the only way to show the IPC up for the fraud that it is is in fact to make an application and ask for restitution and then ultimately go back to the ECHR when you don't get it.
From the IPC: -
As of 29 April 2010, 504 applications have been lodged with the Commission and 102 of them have been concluded through friendly settlements and four through formal hearing. The Commission has paid GBP 42,677,350 to the applicants as compensation. Moreover, it has ruled for exchange and compensation in two cases, for restitution in one case and for restitution and compensation in five cases. In one case it has delivered a decision for restitution after the settlement of Cyprus Issue, and in one case it has ruled for partial restitution
I make that 1% retitution and 5% partial restitution, not what the ECHR was hoping for I think. The Court originally rejected the IPC as a "valid" body because it did not offer restitution, judging by the above figures the IPC is only making a token gesture especially when you consider that 80% of the land in the north is owned by GCs.