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Illegal to Display Car Tax

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Illegal to Display Car Tax

Postby JB Bear » Thu Apr 29, 2010 1:09 pm

If you are displaying your Car tax or any other items on your front windscreen then you are breaking the law as of 30.03.10

If the police stop you they will fine you for this offence,

So take it down but keep in the car at all times same goes for your MOT just in case the police try to fine you for not having any.

This is a Hoax’s its true, I called the ministry of Transport this morning and they have confirmed this

Here is the number if you don’t believe me 22 807000
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Postby CBBB » Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:09 pm

You don't need to keep anything in your car, they just have to look up your registration no. on their hand held machines and they know what you have and what you don't, that includes points on your licence.
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