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Proving the Existence of God

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Postby Get Real! » Sat May 08, 2010 1:10 am

fig head wrote:if you see it, touch it its real, if you cant it isnt!!

That’s pretty childish criteria! :roll:

Can you see and touch changes in temperature? Can you see and touch colourless and odorless gasses? Yet they are very real.
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Postby fig head » Sat May 08, 2010 1:18 am

Get Real! wrote:
fig head wrote:if you see it, touch it its real, if you cant it isnt!!

That’s pretty childish criteria! :roll:

Can you see and touch changes in temperature? Can you see and touch colourless and odorless gasses? Yet they are very real.

:shock: :shock: there is no point in debating wether god exist or not

for those who beleve in god he does exist

for who doesnt he simply isnt!!

-by the way- if god exist, may be aliens eist too. right
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Postby Get Real! » Sat May 08, 2010 1:25 am

fig head wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
fig head wrote:if you see it, touch it its real, if you cant it isnt!!

That’s pretty childish criteria! :roll:

Can you see and touch changes in temperature? Can you see and touch colourless and odorless gasses? Yet they are very real.

:shock: :shock: there is no point in debating wether god exist or not

for those who beleve in god he does exist

for who doesnt he simply isnt!!

I don't know where you got that from but God's existence does NOT depend on our beliefs. He is either fact or fiction but it’s certainly not up to us to decide through fantasy!

-by the way- if god exist, may be aliens eist too. right

And maybe your IQ is equivalent to that of a pineapple, but how is this or aliens relevant to God's existence? :?
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Postby apc2010 » Sat May 08, 2010 1:38 am

Read a book Chariots of the Gods ... OR was god an astronaut by eric von danikan ....expand your mind .............. or failing that listen to Bill Hicks..............
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Postby fig head » Sat May 08, 2010 1:49 am

Get Real! wrote:
fig head wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
fig head wrote:if you see it, touch it its real, if you cant it isnt!!

That’s pretty childish criteria! :roll:

Can you see and touch changes in temperature? Can you see and touch colourless and odorless gasses? Yet they are very real.

:shock: :shock: there is no point in debating wether god exist or not

for those who beleve in god he does exist

for who doesnt he simply isnt!!

I don't know where you got that from but God's existence does NOT depend on our beliefs. He is either fact or fiction but it’s certainly not up to us to decide through fantasy!

-by the way- if god exist, may be aliens eist too. right

And maybe your IQ is equivalent to that of a pineapple, but how is this or aliens relevant to God's existence? :?

it doesnt have any thing to do with my IQ !!

since there is no scintific proof that god dos exist i will believe ot doesnt !!
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Postby apc2010 » Sat May 08, 2010 1:52 am

fig head wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
fig head wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
fig head wrote:if you see it, touch it its real, if you cant it isnt!!

That’s pretty childish criteria! :roll:

Can you see and touch changes in temperature? Can you see and touch colourless and odorless gasses? Yet they are very real.

:shock: :shock: there is no point in debating wether god exist or not

for those who beleve in god he does exist

for who doesnt he simply isnt!!

I don't know where you got that from but God's existence does NOT depend on our beliefs. He is either fact or fiction but it’s certainly not up to us to decide through fantasy!

-by the way- if god exist, may be aliens eist too. right

And maybe your IQ is equivalent to that of a pineapple, but how is this or aliens relevant to God's existence? :?

it doesnt have any thing to do with my IQ !!

since there is no scintific proof that god dos exist i will believe ot doesnt !!

fig well done you make yor own choices in life
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Postby fig head » Sat May 08, 2010 2:05 am

apc2010 wrote:
fig head wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
fig head wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
fig head wrote:if you see it, touch it its real, if you cant it isnt!!

That’s pretty childish criteria! :roll:

Can you see and touch changes in temperature? Can you see and touch colourless and odorless gasses? Yet they are very real.

:shock: :shock: there is no point in debating wether god exist or not

for those who beleve in god he does exist

for who doesnt he simply isnt!!

I don't know where you got that from but God's existence does NOT depend on our beliefs. He is either fact or fiction but it’s certainly not up to us to decide through fantasy!

-by the way- if god exist, may be aliens eist too. right

And maybe your IQ is equivalent to that of a pineapple, but how is this or aliens relevant to God's existence? :?

it doesnt have any thing to do with my IQ !!

since there is no scintific proof that god dos exist i will believe ot doesnt !!

fig well done you make yor own choices in life

thank you and this is the best description of god- a choice-

so if god exist god existence will be seen by god followers or believers !

believes are the only thing you cant debate!

for those who dont believe, they did choose to not belive based on their own believes that there is no god!!

what did "the believing in god" give humanity!!

nothing but wars!!

dont say we were lost without religion what ever name you have for it,

people progress, people learn, people make them self better based on their inner "concious-witch makes standers for morals ecery where"

with or without religion peole would have stand up and become better.

so you can call it god or simply evolution!!

open your mind

free your self of all those things you learned and grow up to believe to, be just a smart creature who can think for your self!!

think with your own mind

dont let common believes control you or your tought process

1 + 1 = 2

and i cant see god winning any equations!!
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Postby Get Real! » Sat May 08, 2010 2:38 am

fig head wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
fig head wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
fig head wrote:if you see it, touch it its real, if you cant it isnt!!

That’s pretty childish criteria! :roll:

Can you see and touch changes in temperature? Can you see and touch colourless and odorless gasses? Yet they are very real.

:shock: :shock: there is no point in debating wether god exist or not

for those who beleve in god he does exist

for who doesnt he simply isnt!!

I don't know where you got that from but God's existence does NOT depend on our beliefs. He is either fact or fiction but it’s certainly not up to us to decide through fantasy!

-by the way- if god exist, may be aliens eist too. right

And maybe your IQ is equivalent to that of a pineapple, but how is this or aliens relevant to God's existence? :?

it doesnt have any thing to do with my IQ !!

since there is no scintific proof that god dos exist i will believe ot doesnt !!

It doesn’t get any more scientific than the universe Figgie! In fact the universe is so scientific it makes gifted people’s head spin and that’s all the evidence you’ll ever need…
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Postby repulsewarrior » Sat May 08, 2010 2:40 am

...actually science has proven that God does not, not exist, since the centre of the "big bang" has been found; and that a trigger had to be tripped to start it.

ms. fig, God and religion are two different things, if everything dies is this living, perhaps the everlasting is there for us to return to...
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Postby cyprusgrump » Sat May 08, 2010 9:01 am

This thread is about proving god exists...

Since it is in question why can't god prove he exists?

Why can't he do something that would convince non-non-believers like myself?

Instead, he apparently chooses to send nutters like Intermoon to convince us and tell us not to eat pork - hardly a convincing effort from somebody that managed to create the universe is it? :roll:

Why doesn't he do something spectacular - like curing cancer for instance?

I presume he must have created cancer on an off day or something? perhaps he did it late at night when he was tired or spilt a glass of wine on his plans or something?

I mean, surely, if you were creating the universe and all the amazing and wonderful creatures in it you wouldn't think "I know, I'll add cancer for a bit of fun so millions of them can die a prolonged and agonising death - just for a laugh"....

So, if Intermoon announced that god was going to correct his mistake and cure cancer (and did) I for one would be completely convinced. Not only would he save millions from desperate suffering from the most terrible illness the world would save billions in research and care...

Trust me, if he can do it I'd be happy for the money to be spent on putting a church (or mosque or whatever - depends which flavour god really is) in every town and village in the world and would be there every Sunday...

Off you go...
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