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Proving the Existence of God

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Postby georgios100 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:47 am

miltiades wrote:Absolute nonsense by a slave to the mythology of God.
Listen Plonker , if there is God do you think he would have created morons such as you !!!

I second Miltiades... why such a long posting, a waste of bandwidth really, but does not provide any evidence whatsoever.

Admin, erase all that garbage please, thanks.

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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:26 am

miltiades wrote:Absolute nonsense by a slave to the mythology of God.
Listen Plonker , if there is God do you think he would have created morons such as you !!!

I guess looking at yourself must’ve swayed your opinion against the existence of God early on… :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:10 pm

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Postby Daniella » Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:53 pm

What to do about this topic?
What I think is that it's like to talk and argue about deciding the sex of angels ( male or female? )
I would leave out Woody Allen's aphorisms about God, but this topic has given me the inspiration to write a little story.
Hoping at least make you smile .. and maybe laugh (however little) because there is nothing in our most intimate personal relationship with God and speak in a forum that seems the wrong place because it takes you only to quarrel and multiquote small pieces of your chat make all difficult to understand.
I hate to post like those, I call Matryoshka post, which are one inside the other (well I do not understand anything but is my fault)
In many other forums that I attend the multiquote are banned precisely because they make threads interwoven and often incomprehensible.

How God Create Us.

It came the night and then the morning and God said: I hate cigarettes when they fall below.
On the fifth day God created the human race.
Created a Jesus 1.0, a being in his image and likeness (but a thread uglier)
The Androgynous Jesus wandered the earthly paradise of golf courses for 33 years, he wrote 23 books on biology, the DOS language, a cookbook "learn to cook vegetables with Jesus," and twenty-seven miracles including turning water into pretzels, in coffee, Cuban cigars, but had no children.

Then God said perhaps people do not feel the need to procreate by accident or if not strongly encouraged.
God left the same night that Jesus was asleep, took a rib and made Adam.
Then he took everything that made us stay and Eve.
The objective was: divide the genitals and let them meet accidentally (the process of Eva was extremely complex).

The basic problems were:
1. produce a creature who can procreate almost but not entirely alone.
2. produce a brain capable of forgetting the pain of childbirth.
Technically, the pains of childbirth are placed in 20 neurons called “the birth of neurons” that within two months of pregnancy, the woman's head explode.
At that precise moment, the woman in question crosses her eyes, then stops with bovine expression as she forgot why she was going in the living room.
Often, you save some adjacent neuron, as a result, after the first pregnancy, some women become myopic, fill with varicose veins, they forget why they married a hairy hominid, they forget to have married a hairy hominid.
The question: was painful childbirth?
A woman will respond with an error margin of 10%: "Yes But I just remember the joy at the end.
I do not remember if the thing next to me was my husband during childbirth or a ficus beniaminus.

(No, maybe it was him because at one point he vomited in the box of the scalpel)

Remember, while we're at, the most significant sentences collected during the antepartum, spoken by women with pain in the penultimate being.

"Fuck you and your mother"

"The next time you do it, damn hairy hominid"

"The other children we adopt them, no, we hire them"

"I do it and then I'll kill you"

We also remember the phrases more interesting of husband.

"Ah, it's a girl? Sin… "

"Now it's over dear" (fuck.. ..)

"Is over the battery of the camera"

"I go out for a moment to smoke a cigarette

The hairy hominid lives wandering and alone in paradise.
At one point, at the edge of exasperation, he noted that the even flamingos had a shred of sexual partners, climbed up the knowledge of good and evil, and cried (when sum up a bit of masculine characteristics the hominid scream : heyyyy is there pussy ?
And God said yes. Here we have plenty.

Eve then appeared after years and years of work.
God wanted to take back Adam when saw the prostate, but then gave up saying: It 's already good that you do not die after sex! You must thank me.
God loved Eva, who had a ratio greater than its features.
A little 'plus beta Adam, a Y chromosome hurt that ran around with his eyebrows.
Then they had children.
Adam thought that Eve was miraculous and divine.
He invented the cult of woman, the Goddess giver of life.
God must be a female, the macrocosmic extension of the female body.

Drew vaginas everywhere, picked shells in the shape of the vagina and used them as symbols of the divine to adorn the temple of the goddess.

Then long after the Neolithic, when he was carving a vagina of 60 feet, a snake said to him: Look that your wife did not do everything herself.

Remember what you did yesterday behind the tree of pretzels? Yes, of course says Adam.

Know that you understood nothing said the snake, who was tall and and walk with 18 beautiful legs and cultivated marijuana (this is before God says, you snake will appear in all dreams as a phallic symbol.)

Adam: Oh, I did not understand anything but I guess you're right.

Adam, after 400 years of reflection understood the biological process of reproduction.

At this point, Adam, to restore dignity to his eyebrows became convinced that Eve was only a eggs machine, and decided that since his eggs machine - woman should stay home, finish up the third grade to be able to write only a shopping list and do more male children as possible to pass his Y chromosome

What should be chaste and cover every inch of skin, never look other men in the face if there had ever been, but which men might have all women, including domestic, sheep and other men in case of need sexual.

God, imagine the '68, decided to hasten the time and threw them out of paradise.

If you have further questions please discuss directly with him here :

Click enter and then do all the questions you want.

To the Admin: if you want to erase what I wrote be free to do it :wink:
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Postby realitybites » Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:34 pm

just by using inappropraite language do u think u have made ur point it was asked to give evidence .its in front of u now make arguments with ur own evidence that whatecer is mentioned is wrong.bring out ur antithesis as u doubt our evidence.
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Postby realitybites » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:22 pm

wyoming cowboy wrote:Whatever this discovery proves, it highlights that Christ existed, and that a supernatural phenomenon occured at his burial. ... r_embedded

jesus was never crucified it can be proved from bible
Matthew records that the learned men among the Jews - the Scribes and Pharisees - came to Jesus and asked, "MASTER, WE WOULD SEE A SIGN FROM THEE". (Matthew 12:38

COME, AND LET US CAST LOTS, (like the tossing of a coin, "head" or "tail") THAT WE MAY KNOW FOR WHOSE CAUSE THIS EVIL IS UPON US. SO THEY CAST LOTS, AND THE LOT FELL UPON JONAH." (Jonah 1:7). Though here was a temporary lapse on the part of Jonah in fulfilling his mission, he manfully and most outrageously volunteers: "AND HE SAID UNTO THEM TAKE ME UP, AND CAST ME FORTH INTO THE SEA; SO SHALL THE SEA BE CALM UNTO YOU: FOR I KNOW THAT FOR MY SAKE THIS GREAT TEMPEST IS UPON YOU." (Jonah 1:12)


Since Jonah was selflessly offering himself as a "vicarious" sacrifice there was no need for strangling him before throwing him into the sea, no need to spear him or break his arm or limb. In his own words: "TAKE ME UP AND CAST ME FORTH." The question now arises, that when the shipmaster and the crew threw him overboard, was Jonah dead or alive? Any Christian child who has attended Sunday School will give an immediate reply: "ALIVE!" The storm subsides. Was this perhaps a coincidence? A fish swallows Jonah. Was he dead or alive when swallowed? The answer again is "ALIVE" Was he dead or alive when "JONAH PRAYED UNTO THE LORD HIS GOD OUT OF THE FISH'S BELLY?" (Jonah 2:1)

Surely dead men don't cry and don't pray! The answer again is "ALIVE" For three days and three nights the fish takes him around the ocean: dead or alive? "ALIVE!" is the answer. On the third day it vomits him on the seashore: dead or alive? A-L-I-V-E, of course! What had Jesus prophesied about himself? He said: "AS JONAH WAS ..... SO SHALL THE SON OF MAN BE" LIKE JONAH. And how was Jonah? Was he dead or alive for three days and three nights? Alive

If Jonah was alive for three days and three nights, then Jesus also ought to have been alive in the tomb as he himself had foretold!
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Postby intermoon » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:29 pm

I remember that one lady who embraced Islam said to me that it is so nice to meet and be among Muslims as compared to non Muslims because non Muslims love to swear and abuse each other. Many people have proved by posting such filthy words.

Is there anyone who can show me a post by any Muslim in which he/she abuse anyone or the belief of anyone?

Did any Muslim abuse the Prophets of Jews and Christians?

Did any Muslim even wish anyone to go to hell fire?

Did any Muslim even abuse those who have been abusing them in this forum?

We can also say rubbish like others but it is not our purpose to be on this forum or in this world. We want to discuss by respecting each others belief.

God says in the Quran that there is no compulsion in the religion, truth stands out clear from wrong.

Didn’t you consider my post carefully to think for a moment that who has written the secrets of our universe in the Quran 1400 years ago?

Didn’t you hear what the top embryologist in world is saying about Quran? Is he also brainwashed?

Millions of people in the west are accepting Islam? Who is doing their brain washing?

Atheistism is coming out from other religion not from Islam because people have rejected the false man made religions.

There is only One God and one religion which is Acquiring Peace by submitting will to Almighty God (Islam)
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Postby realitybites » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:34 pm

apc2010 wrote:Muslims fucking bomb people i.e suicide bombers , I am not saying all religions are good but be a realist

may b u didnt read carefully comments by intermoon
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Postby Hazza » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:48 pm

Paphitis wrote:The biggest proof for the existence of "God" is the nation of Israel!


Fuck "God" and Mohammed!

Turkey: Two-day-old girl murdered in honor killing

by Johad Watch

Misunderstanders of Islam commit yet another honor killing — this time of a two-day-old girl — in modern, moderate, secular Turkey. “Two-day-old girl killed in ‘honour killing,’” from Reuters, April 17 (thanks to Thomas):

Turkish police on Friday detained an unmarried mother and six other people near Istanbul for their suspected role in the so-called “honour killing” of a 2-day-old baby girl, state news agency Anatolian said.The baby was suffocated by her grandmother after the family learned the 25-year-old mother became pregnant out of wedlock, Anatolian said.

“My family decided to kill my baby,” the mother told the police, according to Anatolian. “My 55-year-old mother choked the baby with a cloth. Then, my brothers buried the baby in a hole in the garden and covered the hole with cement.”…

Among those detained were also a doctor and the doctor’s secretary, They allegedly had agreed not to register the baby’s birth in return for an undisclosed amount of money.

The baby’s father is doing his military service and was not involved in the incident.

“Honour killings,” or crimes carried out against women seen to have tainted the family’s name, are not uncommon in mainly Muslim Turkey, particularly in poor and rural areas.

The European Union, which Turkey has applied to join, has repeatedly urged Ankara to take a tougher stance against such crimes.

To great effect, no doubt.


I see that cocksucker decided not to comment on your post Paphitis.

Can one of the preachers here please explain the concept of honour killings, why they happen?

Whilst you are at it, can you also please explain why suicide bombers and the killing of thousands and thousands of innocent lives.
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Postby wallace » Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:54 pm

intermoon wrote:I remember that one lady who embraced Islam said to me that it is so nice to meet and be among Muslims as compared to non Muslims because non Muslims love to swear and abuse each other. Many people have proved by posting such filthy words.

Is there anyone who can show me a post by any Muslim in which he/she abuse anyone or the belief of anyone?

Did any Muslim abuse the Prophets of Jews and Christians?

Did any Muslim even wish anyone to go to hell fire?

Did any Muslim even abuse those who have been abusing them in this forum?

We can also say rubbish like others but it is not our purpose to be on this forum or in this world. We want to discuss by respecting each others belief.

God says in the Quran that there is no compulsion in the religion, truth stands out clear from wrong.

Didn’t you consider my post carefully to think for a moment that who has written the secrets of our universe in the Quran 1400 years ago?

Didn’t you hear what the top embryologist in world is saying about Quran? Is he also brainwashed?

Millions of people in the west are accepting Islam? Who is doing their brain washing?

Atheistism is coming out from other religion not from Islam because people have rejected the false man made religions.

There is only One God and one religion which is Acquiring Peace by submitting will to Almighty God (Islam)

And how you do that? Acquiring peace? By killing of your fellow moslims?[/url][/youtube]
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