BirKibrisli wrote:georgios100 wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:georgios100 wrote:BirKibrisli wrote:georgios100 wrote:Turkey would be the first Muslim-majority country to join the European Union, although Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Kosovo are also Muslim-majority.
Here is a comment posted by Ibne Fetosh, (apparently a Turk).
Berlin is conquered the rest of Germany will soon turn to Islam Insha’Allah. When a Muslim chancellor is elected in Germany to go hand in hand with a Muslim president of France, all European Union will kneel down before the true religion, Islam. Then the Pope will announce the Christianity was a big joke and he too will turn Muslim (after getting circumcised of course), you too will come to us and beg for converting to Islam, Insha’Allah.
Link ... 614AAUAy06
Any TCs on this forum share/support this kinda crap?
Someone mischievous is winding you up,Georgio...
This person is not Turkish...Fetosh is not a Turkish name,and Ibne in Turkish means Poofter....![]()
Hi there Bir,
One can never tell for sure who the poster is. The name is definitely fake but the his origin is clear.
What I am wondering is... who would post such a comment... obviously some sort of an Islamic extremist with paranoia attitude. The Ottoman empire comes to mind really.
Forget it,Georgio...No self respecting Islamic Jihadist would call themselves Poofter...This is some non-Islamic provocateur...
Fair enough Bir.
Can I get your take on this one?
Current situation in Turkey.
The struggle between the secularist and democratic citizens and the Islamic fanatics who has just emigrated from rural areas are still a great argument over both religion and democracy.
A couple of questions:
1. Are the Islamic fanatics supported by the military?
2. What is to happen if Erdogan looses the next election?
No,mate..The Military is fanatically secular...It is the essence of Kemalism...Well, if he loses that means a nationalist government would come to power,and Erdogan will probably be tried and convicted of trying to undermind the secularism of the state,or some such charge...
I see Erdogan as a change for the better after many bold moves he made in all sectors of Turkey. As a kid selling lemonade on the street for extra bucks, he did climb the ladder fast. Imprisoned for 4 months, mayor of Konstantinopole (AKA Istabul) Erdogan opened Turkey to the world, surely a positive image...
The nationalists, if they win, would undo everything and "turn the clock" back... what good is that?
What do you think is best for Turkey? Is Erdogan a hero or a traitor in your own mind?
I like to hear more from you Bir as I consider you one of the best forumers and best informed on Turkish matters.