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Why does a Muslim country (Turkey) want to join EU?

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Postby georgios100 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:01 pm

Get Real! wrote:Georgios, you were challenged to prove that a Turk made that post and your “credible evidence” was…

georgios100 wrote:The above comment was written by a Turk, no assumptions here.

…in other words you’re saying… “It is true because I say so!” How cute!

You then proceeded to “prove” that Muslims want to take over the world and circumcise the Pope or whatever, and your “evidence” of that was a couple of disjointed and irrelevant lines from Wikipedia that went…

georgios100 wrote:strong appeal of Islam in Turkish society. overwhelming majority of the population, at least nominally, adheres to Islam in Turkey, the state,

georgios100 wrote:The struggle between the secularist and democratic citizens and the Islamic fanatics who has just emigrated from rural areas are still a great argument over both religion and democracy.[41]

And you think you’ve got a conspiracy story worthy of debate with this shit?

Take the computer back dude… :roll:

The poster is Turkish as his profile indicates. These comments were made by him, not me. The message I am trying to put accross is the Islamic movement (see above) interfering to Turkey's accession efforts. It is my belief, the main reason why Turkey will fail to enter the EU is when the fanatic Islamist opposition, soon to take over, if Erdogan looses the next election. Furthermore, these fanatic Islamists have the military on their side which complicates things for Cyprob as well. An Islamic revolution in Turkey is the last thing we need right now. Do you see the connection?

This is not a conspiracy theory but true & real facts. Perhaps, a TC member of this board could provide comments related to the above.

I'll keep my computer for now, so can you.

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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:01 pm

georgios100 wrote:The poster is Turkish as his profile indicates.

You remind me of a goldfish I once had... :cry:
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Postby georgios100 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:19 pm

Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:The poster is Turkish as his profile indicates.

You remind me of a goldfish I once had... :cry:

Thanks for your kind words... no wonder you don't get any respect around here. When you are ready to tackle the real issue of this thread, let me know. In the meantime, open your vocabulary and search for more insulting phrases... who knows... you might impress someone after all. So you know, everyone on CF had enough with swearing & foul language. It's boring the hell out of me.

If you have real constructive responses, post them. Stop wasting bandwidth with nonsense and display intelligent thoughts for a change.
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Postby Tim Drayton » Thu Apr 29, 2010 8:09 am

Kikapu wrote:
DTA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DTA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Why do I get the feeling, the Turks want to join the EU, thinking they, one day, will control Europe by way of economics, military, politics and religion.

Perhaps someone fooled them into believing Turkey is the upcoming world power, having Europe begging them to join in order to protect from future enemies... how naive is that!

Let me just say this: Turkey might join in one day but the best scenario coming is playing the role of the janitors, nothing more. It remains to be seen if they can do janitorial tasks ( it takes skills even for that which Turks don't have).

It's a loosing battle... trying to make Europeans out of Turks. Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".


It worked for Michael Jackson.! :wink:

I know that we said that we would not converse with each other but fuck me kickapu, This cunt Geordis whom Im I thought was treated harshly on this forum until I read this post surely deserves the wrath of both me and you even though we are no allies.

If what Georgios said was said in English where ever he says he comes from, then it is in fact a very racist remark to make. However, if it's a translation of a phrase used in another language and then translated to English as a direct or indirect translation, then he is just stating what the phrase is in his own language, in which case, he cannot be called a Racists. Bad taste to bring it to the forum perhaps, but not a Racists.

For instance, in Turkish when someone says something to you that you did not understand, a phrase is used to say, "Anladiysam Seni, Arap Olayim". Direct translation is, "if I understood you, I'll be Black" or indirect translation would be "I have to be Black to understand what you said" or something close to that effect! This too can be seen as Racists when translated into English, if one is looking for one, where as in Turkish, it is not meant to be Racists...I hope.!

I don't know if my explanation helps you at all, DTA.??

I understand what you are saying but trust me if it was said by a turk then I would come down just as harshly if not more so. I have no time for racism at all. and so should all true cypriots, i thank you for your response.

Our good TC friend, Zan has used it few times (in Turkish) here on the forum in the past . I'm sure he was not being Racist.!

BTW, I should also include, that the word "ARAP" in Turkish can translate into English to mean "Black or Arab".! So, I don't really know if the Turkish Phrase that I gave is talking about the Blacks or the Arabs.?

I get the feeling that Turkish Cypriots use this word in the sense of 'black' far more than mainland Turks do.
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Postby Bananiot » Thu Apr 29, 2010 9:56 am

The Greek paroimia goes like this: Ton Arapi ki an ton plineis to sapouni sou halas - No matter if you wash an Arab, you will simply waste your time.

Which is a racist saying, one we better forget about, because it does not say very much about our civilisation.
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Postby boomerang » Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:52 pm

Bananiot wrote:The Greek paroimia goes like this: Ton Arapi ki an ton plineis to sapouni sou halas - No matter if you wash an Arab, you will simply waste your time.

Which is a racist saying, one we better forget about, because it does not say very much about our civilisation.

thats a very old saying...the use of arab is used to denote dark skin...this means that they never seen a negroe...

so when did cypriots encountered a negroe?...

bananiot on one to one translation it seems racist but taken in the context of those days, i doubt it very much it was meant as a racist the right context it means whatever you are doing, you are wasting your time...

regarding our civilisation, on the contrary refer to my first paragraph... :wink:


1...way of communication slang
2...the ability to rhyme, read rap... as in many languages...
3...maybe travel and encountering arabs?...
4...conquest/influence by arabs?...

yeah pretty interesting saying thanks...
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 29, 2010 2:59 pm

georgios100 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:The poster is Turkish as his profile indicates.

You remind me of a goldfish I once had... :cry:

Thanks for your kind words... no wonder you don't get any respect around here. When you are ready to tackle the real issue of this thread, let me know. In the meantime, open your vocabulary and search for more insulting phrases... who knows... you might impress someone after all. So you know, everyone on CF had enough with swearing & foul language. It's boring the hell out of me.

If you have real constructive responses, post them. Stop wasting bandwidth with nonsense and display intelligent thoughts for a change.

It was only a matter of time for your stupidity to come out with all guns blazing and picked up by one of the forums more ridiculous and sensationalist hysterical posters here! You should be proud of your achievement giorgios100. :lol:

My only request is that you remove the Canadian Flag from your AVATAR! Canadians are not that stupid, and you give people false impressions! Try the US Flag instead. OK?
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Postby georgios100 » Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:22 pm

Bananiot wrote:The Greek paroimia goes like this: Ton Arapi ki an ton plineis to sapouni sou halas - No matter if you wash an Arab, you will simply waste your time.

Which is a racist saying, one we better forget about, because it does not say very much about our civilisation.

Dear Bananiot, thanks for your response.

If I may correct a word you wrote, Arapis in Greek means black, not Arab.

Paroimias are used metaphorically ( not literally) as a form of expression.

The deeper meaning has nothing to do with the actual written words.

Definition of Paroimia

1. a saying out of the usual course or deviating from the usual manner of speaking
a. a current or trite saying, a proverb
2. any dark saying which shadows forth some didactic truth
a. esp. a symbolic or figurative saying
b. speech or discourse in which a thing is illustrated by the use of similes and comparisons
c. an allegory
1. extended and elaborate metaphor

A wealth of paroimias can be found here

Nowadays, yes, what I posted could be considered by many as a racist remark. For me & older Cypriots, we use this one often but with no racist meaning whatsoever. To us, the true traditional Cypriots, this saying simply means "you are fighting a loosing battle... give it up". Paroimias are an essential part of Cypriot culture and shall always be preserved and used in every day life. Many of you that recently moved to Cyprus or were not born in Cyprus may not understand how or why paroimias are used and take offense to this. This is a common mistake foreigners make, puzzled with the Cypriot mentality which might appear weird at times. Let me just say "this is they way we like it", wright or wrong, good or bad. Cypriots will always remain Cypriots, don't try to change us, just accept it as is and live on with us.

So, for all you folks out there, don't always take a phrase literally but search for the true meassage it carries. No offense intended from my part.

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Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 29, 2010 3:36 pm

georgios100 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".

I can understand hating Turkey because of the 1974 events but this blatant racist crap is old school redneck talk, but seeing that you’re in Toronto; which is part of the N.American sewerage, what else can one expect from you?

Hey get real, why don't you get real for a change?

What I said about the blacks is a very old parimia in Cyprus merely used to describe people trying things... in vein. It's not racist. I didn't invent this.

It is not a popular Cypriot Paroimia. It is simply a racist comment that is so befitting of your intelligence since you just highlight these stupid sayings which exist in all cultures and then attribute them to the entire Cypriot people and nation and then excuse your stupidity by saying that you are merely being blunt!

Now, please remove the Canadian Flag, because Canada is a nation that I respect since I know Canadians are intelligent, tolerant and a sincere people who's hospitality is only matched by Cypriots, and at the moment you bring great shame to both!
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Apr 29, 2010 4:57 pm

Tim Drayton wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DTA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DTA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Why do I get the feeling, the Turks want to join the EU, thinking they, one day, will control Europe by way of economics, military, politics and religion.

Perhaps someone fooled them into believing Turkey is the upcoming world power, having Europe begging them to join in order to protect from future enemies... how naive is that!

Let me just say this: Turkey might join in one day but the best scenario coming is playing the role of the janitors, nothing more. It remains to be seen if they can do janitorial tasks ( it takes skills even for that which Turks don't have).

It's a loosing battle... trying to make Europeans out of Turks. Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".


It worked for Michael Jackson.! :wink:

I know that we said that we would not converse with each other but fuck me kickapu, This cunt Geordis whom Im I thought was treated harshly on this forum until I read this post surely deserves the wrath of both me and you even though we are no allies.

If what Georgios said was said in English where ever he says he comes from, then it is in fact a very racist remark to make. However, if it's a translation of a phrase used in another language and then translated to English as a direct or indirect translation, then he is just stating what the phrase is in his own language, in which case, he cannot be called a Racists. Bad taste to bring it to the forum perhaps, but not a Racists.

For instance, in Turkish when someone says something to you that you did not understand, a phrase is used to say, "Anladiysam Seni, Arap Olayim". Direct translation is, "if I understood you, I'll be Black" or indirect translation would be "I have to be Black to understand what you said" or something close to that effect! This too can be seen as Racists when translated into English, if one is looking for one, where as in Turkish, it is not meant to be Racists...I hope.!

I don't know if my explanation helps you at all, DTA.??

I understand what you are saying but trust me if it was said by a turk then I would come down just as harshly if not more so. I have no time for racism at all. and so should all true cypriots, i thank you for your response.

Our good TC friend, Zan has used it few times (in Turkish) here on the forum in the past . I'm sure he was not being Racist.!

BTW, I should also include, that the word "ARAP" in Turkish can translate into English to mean "Black or Arab".! So, I don't really know if the Turkish Phrase that I gave is talking about the Blacks or the Arabs.?

I get the feeling that Turkish Cypriots use this word in the sense of 'black' far more than mainland Turks do.

That's right,Tim..Arap in that phrase is definitely "black"...And it is a racist saying,although its racist effect has been washed away by overuse....
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