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Why does a Muslim country (Turkey) want to join EU?

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Postby DTA » Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:08 am

Kikapu wrote:
DTA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Why do I get the feeling, the Turks want to join the EU, thinking they, one day, will control Europe by way of economics, military, politics and religion.

Perhaps someone fooled them into believing Turkey is the upcoming world power, having Europe begging them to join in order to protect from future enemies... how naive is that!

Let me just say this: Turkey might join in one day but the best scenario coming is playing the role of the janitors, nothing more. It remains to be seen if they can do janitorial tasks ( it takes skills even for that which Turks don't have).

It's a loosing battle... trying to make Europeans out of Turks. Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".


It worked for Michael Jackson.! :wink:

I know that we said that we would not converse with each other but fuck me kickapu, This cunt Geordis whom Im I thought was treated harshly on this forum until I read this post surely deserves the wrath of both me and you even though we are no allies.

If what Georgios said was said in English where ever he says he comes from, then it is in fact a very racist remark to make. However, if it's a translation of a phrase used in another language and then translated to English as a direct or indirect translation, then he is just stating what the phrase is in his own language, in which case, he cannot be called a Racists. Bad taste to bring it to the forum perhaps, but not a Racists.

For instance, in Turkish when someone says something to you that you did not understand, a phrase is used to say, "Anladiysam Seni, Arap Olayim". Direct translation is, "if I understood you, I'll be Black" or indirect translation would be "I have to be Black to understand what you said" or something close to that effect! This too can be seen as Racists when translated into English, if one is looking for one, where as in Turkish, it is not meant to be Racists...I hope.!

I don't know if my explanation helps you at all, DTA.??

I understand what you are saying but trust me if it was said by a turk then I would come down just as harshly if not more so. I have no time for racism at all. and so should all true cypriots, i thank you for your response.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:14 am

DTA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DTA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Why do I get the feeling, the Turks want to join the EU, thinking they, one day, will control Europe by way of economics, military, politics and religion.

Perhaps someone fooled them into believing Turkey is the upcoming world power, having Europe begging them to join in order to protect from future enemies... how naive is that!

Let me just say this: Turkey might join in one day but the best scenario coming is playing the role of the janitors, nothing more. It remains to be seen if they can do janitorial tasks ( it takes skills even for that which Turks don't have).

It's a loosing battle... trying to make Europeans out of Turks. Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".


It worked for Michael Jackson.! :wink:

I know that we said that we would not converse with each other but fuck me kickapu, This cunt Geordis whom Im I thought was treated harshly on this forum until I read this post surely deserves the wrath of both me and you even though we are no allies.

If what Georgios said was said in English where ever he says he comes from, then it is in fact a very racist remark to make. However, if it's a translation of a phrase used in another language and then translated to English as a direct or indirect translation, then he is just stating what the phrase is in his own language, in which case, he cannot be called a Racists. Bad taste to bring it to the forum perhaps, but not a Racists.

For instance, in Turkish when someone says something to you that you did not understand, a phrase is used to say, "Anladiysam Seni, Arap Olayim". Direct translation is, "if I understood you, I'll be Black" or indirect translation would be "I have to be Black to understand what you said" or something close to that effect! This too can be seen as Racists when translated into English, if one is looking for one, where as in Turkish, it is not meant to be Racists...I hope.!

I don't know if my explanation helps you at all, DTA.??

I understand what you are saying but trust me if it was said by a turk then I would come down just as harshly if not more so. I have no time for racism at all. and so should all true cypriots, i thank you for your response.

Our good TC friend, Zan has used it few times (in Turkish) here on the forum in the past . I'm sure he was not being Racist.!

BTW, I should also include, that the word "ARAP" in Turkish can translate into English to mean "Black or Arab".! So, I don't really know if the Turkish Phrase that I gave is talking about the Blacks or the Arabs.?
Last edited by Kikapu on Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:15 am

georgios100 wrote:Here it is, a quote from a Turk...
Berlin is conquered the rest of Germany will soon turn to Islam Insha’Allah. When a Muslim chancellor is elected in Germany to go hand in hand with a Muslim president of France, all European Union will kneel down before the true religion, Islam. Then the Pope will announce the Christianity was a big joke and he too will turn Muslim (after getting circumcised of course), you too will come to us and beg for converting to Islam, Insha’Allah.

Well that's the problem when people quote bollocks from non-credible sources!

You ASSUME that this was posted by a Turkish person when its obviously intentionally written and posted to infuriate people in the West and thus garner support for American war crimes from feeble-heads like yourself! :roll:
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Postby DTA » Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:21 am

Kikapu wrote:
DTA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
DTA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Why do I get the feeling, the Turks want to join the EU, thinking they, one day, will control Europe by way of economics, military, politics and religion.

Perhaps someone fooled them into believing Turkey is the upcoming world power, having Europe begging them to join in order to protect from future enemies... how naive is that!

Let me just say this: Turkey might join in one day but the best scenario coming is playing the role of the janitors, nothing more. It remains to be seen if they can do janitorial tasks ( it takes skills even for that which Turks don't have).

It's a loosing battle... trying to make Europeans out of Turks. Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".


It worked for Michael Jackson.! :wink:

I know that we said that we would not converse with each other but fuck me kickapu, This cunt Geordis whom Im I thought was treated harshly on this forum until I read this post surely deserves the wrath of both me and you even though we are no allies.

If what Georgios said was said in English where ever he says he comes from, then it is in fact a very racist remark to make. However, if it's a translation of a phrase used in another language and then translated to English as a direct or indirect translation, then he is just stating what the phrase is in his own language, in which case, he cannot be called a Racists. Bad taste to bring it to the forum perhaps, but not a Racists.

For instance, in Turkish when someone says something to you that you did not understand, a phrase is used to say, "Anladiysam Seni, Arap Olayim". Direct translation is, "if I understood you, I'll be Black" or indirect translation would be "I have to be Black to understand what you said" or something close to that effect! This too can be seen as Racists when translated into English, if one is looking for one, where as in Turkish, it is not meant to be Racists...I hope.!

I don't know if my explanation helps you at all, DTA.??

I understand what you are saying but trust me if it was said by a turk then I would come down just as harshly if not more so. I have no time for racism at all. and so should all true cypriots, i thank you for your response.

Our good TC friend, Zan has used it few times (in Turkish) here on the forum in the past . I'm sure he was not being Racist.!

I am not aware of Zans post but if he uttered anything along the lines of the racist shit that george put on this forum then I will have your back 100% against him, just point me to the posts. Like I said I have no time for racists. To be frankI have found both Tcs and GC are racist and I fucking hate that
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Postby georgios100 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 4:54 pm

Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Here it is, a quote from a Turk...
Berlin is conquered the rest of Germany will soon turn to Islam Insha’Allah. When a Muslim chancellor is elected in Germany to go hand in hand with a Muslim president of France, all European Union will kneel down before the true religion, Islam. Then the Pope will announce the Christianity was a big joke and he too will turn Muslim (after getting circumcised of course), you too will come to us and beg for converting to Islam, Insha’Allah.

Well that's the problem when people quote bollocks from non-credible sources!

You ASSUME that this was posted by a Turkish person when its obviously intentionally written and posted to infuriate people in the West and thus garner support for American war crimes from feeble-heads like yourself! :roll:

The above comment was written by a Turk, no assumptions here.

Modern Turkey is trying very hard to separate religion from politics. That does not mean this problem is solved... the vast majority of the Turkish population still refuses to comply.

link ... Modern_Era

Here is a segment.

Since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, there has been a strong tradition of secularism in Turkey established and institutionalized by Atatürk's Reforms. Although the First Grand National Assembly of Turkey had rallied support from the population for the Independence War against the occupying forces on behalf of Islamic principles, Islam was gradually omitted from the public sphere after the Independence War. The principle of secularism was thus inserted in the Turkish Constitution as late as 1937. This legal action was assisted by stringent state policies against domestic Islamist groups and establishments to neutralize the strong appeal of Islam in Turkish society. overwhelming majority of the population, at least nominally, adheres to Islam in Turkey, the state, which was established with the Kemalist ideology has no official religion nor promotes any and it actively monitors the area between the religions using the Presidency of Religious Affairs. The Republic Protests were a series of mass rallies by Turkish secular citizens that took place in Turkey in 2007. The target of the first protest was the possible presidential candidacy of the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, afraid that if elected President of Turkey Erdoğan would alter the Turkish secularist state The struggle between the secularist and democratic citizens and the Islamic fanatics who has just emigrated from rural areas are still a great argument over both religion and democracy.[41]

Turkey's accession to EU (a mix of political & Islamic values) is problematic at best. Bollocks, you think? Think again.

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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:12 pm

georgios100 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Here it is, a quote from a Turk...
Berlin is conquered the rest of Germany will soon turn to Islam Insha’Allah. When a Muslim chancellor is elected in Germany to go hand in hand with a Muslim president of France, all European Union will kneel down before the true religion, Islam. Then the Pope will announce the Christianity was a big joke and he too will turn Muslim (after getting circumcised of course), you too will come to us and beg for converting to Islam, Insha’Allah.

Well that's the problem when people quote bollocks from non-credible sources!

You ASSUME that this was posted by a Turkish person when its obviously intentionally written and posted to infuriate people in the West and thus garner support for American war crimes from feeble-heads like yourself! :roll:

The above comment was written by a Turk, no assumptions here.

Modern Turkey is trying very hard to separate religion from politics. That does not mean this problem is solved... the vast majority of the Turkish population still refuses to comply.

link ... Modern_Era

Here is a segment.

Since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, there has been a strong tradition of secularism in Turkey established and institutionalized by Atatürk's Reforms. Although the First Grand National Assembly of Turkey had rallied support from the population for the Independence War against the occupying forces on behalf of Islamic principles, Islam was gradually omitted from the public sphere after the Independence War. The principle of secularism was thus inserted in the Turkish Constitution as late as 1937. This legal action was assisted by stringent state policies against domestic Islamist groups and establishments to neutralize the strong appeal of Islam in Turkish society. overwhelming majority of the population, at least nominally, adheres to Islam in Turkey, the state, which was established with the Kemalist ideology has no official religion nor promotes any and it actively monitors the area between the religions using the Presidency of Religious Affairs. The Republic Protests were a series of mass rallies by Turkish secular citizens that took place in Turkey in 2007. The target of the first protest was the possible presidential candidacy of the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, afraid that if elected President of Turkey Erdoğan would alter the Turkish secularist state The struggle between the secularist and democratic citizens and the Islamic fanatics who has just emigrated from rural areas are still a great argument over both religion and democracy.[41]

Turkey's accession to EU (a mix of political & Islamic values) is problematic at best. Bollocks, you think? Think again.


GR’s conclusion:

Methinks it’s time you took your computer back and told them you’re too thick to own one.
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Postby apc2010 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 5:23 pm

Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Here it is, a quote from a Turk...
Berlin is conquered the rest of Germany will soon turn to Islam Insha’Allah. When a Muslim chancellor is elected in Germany to go hand in hand with a Muslim president of France, all European Union will kneel down before the true religion, Islam. Then the Pope will announce the Christianity was a big joke and he too will turn Muslim (after getting circumcised of course), you too will come to us and beg for converting to Islam, Insha’Allah.

Well that's the problem when people quote bollocks from non-credible sources!

You ASSUME that this was posted by a Turkish person when its obviously intentionally written and posted to infuriate people in the West and thus garner support for American war crimes from feeble-heads like yourself! :roll:

The above comment was written by a Turk, no assumptions here.

Modern Turkey is trying very hard to separate religion from politics. That does not mean this problem is solved... the vast majority of the Turkish population still refuses to comply.

link ... Modern_Era

Here is a segment.

Since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, there has been a strong tradition of secularism in Turkey established and institutionalized by Atatürk's Reforms. Although the First Grand National Assembly of Turkey had rallied support from the population for the Independence War against the occupying forces on behalf of Islamic principles, Islam was gradually omitted from the public sphere after the Independence War. The principle of secularism was thus inserted in the Turkish Constitution as late as 1937. This legal action was assisted by stringent state policies against domestic Islamist groups and establishments to neutralize the strong appeal of Islam in Turkish society. overwhelming majority of the population, at least nominally, adheres to Islam in Turkey, the state, which was established with the Kemalist ideology has no official religion nor promotes any and it actively monitors the area between the religions using the Presidency of Religious Affairs. The Republic Protests were a series of mass rallies by Turkish secular citizens that took place in Turkey in 2007. The target of the first protest was the possible presidential candidacy of the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, afraid that if elected President of Turkey Erdoğan would alter the Turkish secularist state The struggle between the secularist and democratic citizens and the Islamic fanatics who has just emigrated from rural areas are still a great argument over both religion and democracy.[41]

Turkey's accession to EU (a mix of political & Islamic values) is problematic at best. Bollocks, you think? Think again.


GR’s conclusion:

Methinks it’s time you took your computer back and told them you’re too thick to own one.

The Early Learning Centre do not give refunds!!!!
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Postby georgios100 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:24 pm

apc2010 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Here it is, a quote from a Turk...
Berlin is conquered the rest of Germany will soon turn to Islam Insha’Allah. When a Muslim chancellor is elected in Germany to go hand in hand with a Muslim president of France, all European Union will kneel down before the true religion, Islam. Then the Pope will announce the Christianity was a big joke and he too will turn Muslim (after getting circumcised of course), you too will come to us and beg for converting to Islam, Insha’Allah.

Well that's the problem when people quote bollocks from non-credible sources!

You ASSUME that this was posted by a Turkish person when its obviously intentionally written and posted to infuriate people in the West and thus garner support for American war crimes from feeble-heads like yourself! :roll:

The above comment was written by a Turk, no assumptions here.

Modern Turkey is trying very hard to separate religion from politics. That does not mean this problem is solved... the vast majority of the Turkish population still refuses to comply.

link ... Modern_Era

Here is a segment.

Since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, there has been a strong tradition of secularism in Turkey established and institutionalized by Atatürk's Reforms. Although the First Grand National Assembly of Turkey had rallied support from the population for the Independence War against the occupying forces on behalf of Islamic principles, Islam was gradually omitted from the public sphere after the Independence War. The principle of secularism was thus inserted in the Turkish Constitution as late as 1937. This legal action was assisted by stringent state policies against domestic Islamist groups and establishments to neutralize the strong appeal of Islam in Turkish society. overwhelming majority of the population, at least nominally, adheres to Islam in Turkey, the state, which was established with the Kemalist ideology has no official religion nor promotes any and it actively monitors the area between the religions using the Presidency of Religious Affairs. The Republic Protests were a series of mass rallies by Turkish secular citizens that took place in Turkey in 2007. The target of the first protest was the possible presidential candidacy of the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, afraid that if elected President of Turkey Erdoğan would alter the Turkish secularist state The struggle between the secularist and democratic citizens and the Islamic fanatics who has just emigrated from rural areas are still a great argument over both religion and democracy.[41]

Turkey's accession to EU (a mix of political & Islamic values) is problematic at best. Bollocks, you think? Think again.


GR’s conclusion:

Methinks it’s time you took your computer back and told them you’re too thick to own one.

The Early Learning Centre do not give refunds!!!!

Thank you very much for your bright answers. That explains all my questions.

Now I know why the Cyprob is stuck for the last 36 years. It's people like you that run Cyprus, totally ignorant about anything that happens around them. The best word to describe you is "Mr know-it-all".

Who is the "thick' one now?

I said it before, will say it again. The Cypriot politicians (both sides) are useless and a taxpayers waste of money. GR, you should run for office... you fit this description perfectly... what are you doing... wasting your precious time... typing garbage comments on CF... you are smarter than that... or at least you think you are... go for it... who knows... there is a lot of morons out there who believe anything they hear... you'll get their vote for sure.

End of lesson.
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Postby apc2010 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 6:38 pm

georgios100 wrote:
apc2010 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Here it is, a quote from a Turk...
Berlin is conquered the rest of Germany will soon turn to Islam Insha’Allah. When a Muslim chancellor is elected in Germany to go hand in hand with a Muslim president of France, all European Union will kneel down before the true religion, Islam. Then the Pope will announce the Christianity was a big joke and he too will turn Muslim (after getting circumcised of course), you too will come to us and beg for converting to Islam, Insha’Allah.

Well that's the problem when people quote bollocks from non-credible sources!

You ASSUME that this was posted by a Turkish person when its obviously intentionally written and posted to infuriate people in the West and thus garner support for American war crimes from feeble-heads like yourself! :roll:

The above comment was written by a Turk, no assumptions here.

Modern Turkey is trying very hard to separate religion from politics. That does not mean this problem is solved... the vast majority of the Turkish population still refuses to comply.

link ... Modern_Era

Here is a segment.

Since the establishment of the Republic of Turkey in 1923, there has been a strong tradition of secularism in Turkey established and institutionalized by Atatürk's Reforms. Although the First Grand National Assembly of Turkey had rallied support from the population for the Independence War against the occupying forces on behalf of Islamic principles, Islam was gradually omitted from the public sphere after the Independence War. The principle of secularism was thus inserted in the Turkish Constitution as late as 1937. This legal action was assisted by stringent state policies against domestic Islamist groups and establishments to neutralize the strong appeal of Islam in Turkish society. overwhelming majority of the population, at least nominally, adheres to Islam in Turkey, the state, which was established with the Kemalist ideology has no official religion nor promotes any and it actively monitors the area between the religions using the Presidency of Religious Affairs. The Republic Protests were a series of mass rallies by Turkish secular citizens that took place in Turkey in 2007. The target of the first protest was the possible presidential candidacy of the Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, afraid that if elected President of Turkey Erdoğan would alter the Turkish secularist state The struggle between the secularist and democratic citizens and the Islamic fanatics who has just emigrated from rural areas are still a great argument over both religion and democracy.[41]

Turkey's accession to EU (a mix of political & Islamic values) is problematic at best. Bollocks, you think? Think again.


GR’s conclusion:

Methinks it’s time you took your computer back and told them you’re too thick to own one.

The Early Learning Centre do not give refunds!!!!

Thank you very much for your bright answers. That explains all my questions.

Now I know why the Cyprob is stuck for the last 36 years. It's people like you that run Cyprus, totally ignorant about anything that happens around them. The best word to describe you is "Mr know-it-all".

Who is the "thick' one now?

I said it before, will say it again. The Cypriot politicians (both sides) are useless and a taxpayers waste of money. GR, you should run for office... you fit this description perfectly... what are you doing... wasting your precious time... typing garbage comments on CF... you are smarter than that... or at least you think you are... go for it... who knows... there is a lot of morons out there who believe anything they hear... you'll get their vote for sure.

End of lesson.

Thats one vote for GR from giorgios !!
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:50 pm

Georgios, you were challenged to prove that a Turk made that post and your “credible evidence” was…

georgios100 wrote:The above comment was written by a Turk, no assumptions here.

…in other words you’re saying… “It is true because I say so!” How cute!

You then proceeded to “prove” that Muslims want to take over the world and circumcise the Pope or whatever, and your “evidence” of that was a couple of disjointed and irrelevant lines from Wikipedia that went…

georgios100 wrote:strong appeal of Islam in Turkish society. overwhelming majority of the population, at least nominally, adheres to Islam in Turkey, the state,

georgios100 wrote:The struggle between the secularist and democratic citizens and the Islamic fanatics who has just emigrated from rural areas are still a great argument over both religion and democracy.[41]

And you think you’ve got a conspiracy story worthy of debate with this shit?

Take the computer back dude… :roll:
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