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Why does a Muslim country (Turkey) want to join EU?

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Postby georgios100 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 12:32 am

DTA wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Why do I get the feeling, the Turks want to join the EU, thinking they, one day, will control Europe by way of economics, military, politics and religion.

Perhaps someone fooled them into believing Turkey is the upcoming world power, having Europe begging them to join in order to protect from future enemies... how naive is that!

Let me just say this: Turkey might join in one day but the best scenario coming is playing the role of the janitors, nothing more. It remains to be seen if they can do janitorial tasks ( it takes skills even for that which Turks don't have).

It's a loosing battle... trying to make Europeans out of Turks. Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".


Go fuck your self you racist piece of shit- until the above I thought you were being treated harshly on this forum now I know that you are just a piece of racist shit.

Racist? For what? Being blunt? Why does the truth hurt so much? I never swear to other people like you do (shows your true class, a low one indeed!)

Michael Jackson was not soaped but chemically cleansed... it worked for a while till he dropped dead... my point exactly!

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Postby DTA » Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:03 am

georgios100 wrote:
DTA wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Why do I get the feeling, the Turks want to join the EU, thinking they, one day, will control Europe by way of economics, military, politics and religion.

Perhaps someone fooled them into believing Turkey is the upcoming world power, having Europe begging them to join in order to protect from future enemies... how naive is that!

Let me just say this: Turkey might join in one day but the best scenario coming is playing the role of the janitors, nothing more. It remains to be seen if they can do janitorial tasks ( it takes skills even for that which Turks don't have).

It's a loosing battle... trying to make Europeans out of Turks. Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".


Go fuck your self you racist piece of shit- until the above I thought you were being treated harshly on this forum now I know that you are just a piece of racist shit.

Racist? For what? Being blunt? Why does the truth hurt so much? I never swear to other people like you do (shows your true class, a low one indeed!)

Michael Jackson was not soaped but chemically cleansed... it worked for a while till he dropped dead... my point exactly!


You can not swear as much as you want but when you quote:

georgios100 wrote: Where I come from they say"no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap"

you become the lowest of the fucking low, I was going to start a thread stating why people are so against your post but now I understand.

I have no time for racism and you are undoubtably racist

You disappoint me George and I actually thought you were an ok guy.
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:18 am

georgios100 wrote:Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".

I can understand hating Turkey because of the 1974 events but this blatant racist crap is old school redneck talk, but seeing that you’re in Toronto; which is part of the N.American sewerage, what else can one expect from you?
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Postby georgios100 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:28 am

Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".

I can understand hating Turkey because of the 1974 events but this blatant racist crap is old school redneck talk, but seeing that you’re in Toronto; which is part of the N.American sewerage, what else can one expect from you?

Hey get real, why don't you get real for a change?

What I said about the blacks is a very old parimia in Cyprus merely used to describe people trying things... in vein. It's not racist. I didn't invent this.
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Postby DTA » Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:38 am

Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".

I can understand hating Turkey because of the 1974 events but this blatant racist crap is old school redneck talk, but seeing that you’re in Toronto; which is part of the N.American sewerage, what else can one expect from you?

This is the thing get real even though me and you are TC and Gc we share common values, I would call you my brother?

No more wanting a war ok? ;)
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:48 am

DTA wrote:No more wanting a war ok? ;)

Being willing and able to fight against a foreign invader (Turkey) is my SWORN duty towards my country and I’m not prepared to betray my allegiance to Cyprus just because a number of her citizens are now renegades parlaying with the invader!
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Postby Get Real! » Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:53 am

georgios100 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".

I can understand hating Turkey because of the 1974 events but this blatant racist crap is old school redneck talk, but seeing that you’re in Toronto; which is part of the N.American sewerage, what else can one expect from you?

Hey get real, why don't you get real for a change?

What I said about the blacks is a very old parimia in Cyprus merely used to describe people trying things... in vein. It's not racist. I didn't invent this.

Fuck your stupid parimia!

Look, your question…

“Why does a Muslim country (Turkey) want to join EU?”

…was dumb in the first place because the answer is an obvious…

“Turkey wants to join the EU in the hope that she’ll enjoy the benefits that EU members enjoy.”

…because religion is technically irrelevant to EU membership!
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Postby DTA » Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:56 am

Get Real! wrote:
DTA wrote:No more wanting a war ok? ;)

Being willing and able to fight against a foreign invader (Turkey) is my SWORN duty towards my country and I’m not prepared to betray my allegiance to Cyprus just because a number of her citizens are now renegades parlaying with the invader!

The thing is GR it is not that simple, if we could form an allience where both our cultures would be respected AND made one cypriot culture, then nobody would fuck with us because we would be too fucking strong.

I would not like war of any kind but hopefully there will bee one cyprus where me and you will become brothers.And if this happens then the invaders who ever the might be will be in for a fucking shock.

forget what I have said i am just dreaming, this will not be the reality of cyprus.
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Postby Kikapu » Wed Apr 28, 2010 1:57 am

DTA wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Why do I get the feeling, the Turks want to join the EU, thinking they, one day, will control Europe by way of economics, military, politics and religion.

Perhaps someone fooled them into believing Turkey is the upcoming world power, having Europe begging them to join in order to protect from future enemies... how naive is that!

Let me just say this: Turkey might join in one day but the best scenario coming is playing the role of the janitors, nothing more. It remains to be seen if they can do janitorial tasks ( it takes skills even for that which Turks don't have).

It's a loosing battle... trying to make Europeans out of Turks. Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".


It worked for Michael Jackson.! :wink:

I know that we said that we would not converse with each other but fuck me kickapu, This cunt Geordis whom Im I thought was treated harshly on this forum until I read this post surely deserves the wrath of both me and you even though we are no allies.

If what Georgios said was said in English where ever he says he comes from, then it is in fact a very racist remark to make. However, if it's a translation of a phrase used in another language and then translated to English as a direct or indirect translation, then he is just stating what the phrase is in his own language, in which case, he cannot be called a Racists. Bad taste to bring it to the forum perhaps, but not a Racists.

For instance, in Turkish when someone says something to you that you did not understand, a phrase is used to say, "Anladiysam Seni, Arap Olayim". Direct translation is, "if I understood you, I'll be Black" or indirect translation would be "I have to be Black to understand what you said" or something close to that effect! This too can be seen as Racists when translated into English, if one is looking for one, where as in Turkish, it is not meant to be Racists...I hope.!

I don't know if my explanation helps you at all, DTA.??
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Postby georgios100 » Wed Apr 28, 2010 2:06 am

Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:
Get Real! wrote:
georgios100 wrote:Where I come from they say "no matter how many times you wash a black person to become white... you are just waisting soap".

I can understand hating Turkey because of the 1974 events but this blatant racist crap is old school redneck talk, but seeing that you’re in Toronto; which is part of the N.American sewerage, what else can one expect from you?

Hey get real, why don't you get real for a change?

What I said about the blacks is a very old parimia in Cyprus merely used to describe people trying things... in vein. It's not racist. I didn't invent this.

Fuck your stupid parimia!

Look, your question…

“Why does a Muslim country (Turkey) want to join EU?”

…was dumb in the first place because the answer is an obvious…

“Turkey wants to join the EU in the hope that she’ll enjoy the benefits that EU members enjoy.”

…because religion is technically irrelevant to EU membership!

read the original post again!

Here it is, a quote from a Turk...
Berlin is conquered the rest of Germany will soon turn to Islam Insha’Allah. When a Muslim chancellor is elected in Germany to go hand in hand with a Muslim president of France, all European Union will kneel down before the true religion, Islam. Then the Pope will announce the Christianity was a big joke and he too will turn Muslim (after getting circumcised of course), you too will come to us and beg for converting to Islam, Insha’Allah.

Your obvious answer is not so obvious to others. Religion is well mixed into this, not technically irrelevant to EU membership, as you wrote.
And stop swearing, you loose face when you do that.

The parimias are always going to be there, so accept them as they are.
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