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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:04 am

Acikgoz wrote:Looks like another thread has gone past its useful/interesting period.

Don't be such a pessimist,Acikgoz... :) Thanks for your constructive contributions ,by the way...You live in the trnc from what I gather...
Can you shed some light on something for me...The AKP and Erdogan went out of their way to give the impression that they wanted Talat to you believe that was the case??? Or was the results a foregone conclusion because Erdogan and Turkey were secretly supporting Eroglu???
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Postby Bananiot » Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:05 am

But the balance of power may change Birkibrisli, and then we will throw you all into the sea. I think we will spare halil, put him in a museum and show him off, of what had been.

Of course there is this small point that we may not exist when the balance of power swings to our side. This does not mean that we suffer from paranoia and no, we will not visit Mikellides (the shrink).
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Postby DT. » Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:24 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:You are right,Piratis...We have been through all this before,and it hasnt helped improve mutual understanding or empathy...There is no point having the same arguments over and over again...
we will have to agree to disagree over the nature of the Annan Plan...You guys are very ready to quote all the UN resolutions in your favour,but cannot bring yourselves to vote for a plan sanctioned by the UN...Anyway that is your prerogative...But just explain 2 things for me,if you wouldn't mind...

Don't confuse UN Resolutions with the Annan plan. Everybody is supposed to obey the UN resolutions (and Turkey doesn't). The Annan plan was just a proposal which we had every right to reject.

One: How would the Annan Plan or even agreed Partition would give Turkey control over the whole island??? I'd appreciate if you are specific...For example how would Turkey control RoC's foreign policy?
Environment policy,defence policy,health policy,education policy,transport and technology policy,immigration policy,industrial relations policy?????
I know the bit about the oil and continental shelf so you can skip that...

Two: How does the status quo prevents your worst fear, Turkey controlling the RoC ????

I am really curious... :?

I explained this before but I will explain it again:

The TCs are a minority of 18%. What TCs deserve is what every other minority in every other country deserves. Nothing less and nothing more. The TCs have no right to demand more than say the Greek minority in Turkey, the Muslim minority in Bulgaria or the Aboriginals in Australia. The way that TCs get more than what they deserve is by collaborating with foreign imperialists. Turkey uses force and blackmail to take from us and give to the TCs, and in return the TCs serve the interests of Turkey in Cyprus.

All you need to do is to see how Turkey controls the "trnc". The TC leaders know that they own their position to Turkey (since without Turkey there wouldn't be any "trnc") and therefore they are obligated to serve their master, without whom they wouldn't have that job. The same will be true with the TC leadership in a "united" Cyprus if the "solution" is an unfair one and allows the puppets of Turkey to come to power due to an undemocratic system that was imposed on Cyprus by Turkey, and not because they were elected democratically by the majority of the Cypriot people.

Turkey might not get involved in every little detail of our internal affairs (although they seem to do so in the "trnc") but I don't want my freedom to depend on some islamofascist government in Turkey.

The status quo gives less power to Turkey to control the whole of Cyprus even compared to the period before 1974. Now they can just issue public threats to which we are able to resit and fight, ofter successfully.

Remember how they were trying to prevent Cyprus from joining the EU? They failed to stop us. Now imagine if Eroglu (or whatever) was the "co-president" of Cyprus. All Turkey would have to do is to tell to her puppet to block the EU accession of Cyprus. So Turkey might not tell us what time we have to go to sleep every night, but she will definitely control every important decision that Cyprus would take.

Oh,Okey,thanks Piratis...Now it is very clear to me...You are suffering from Paranoia... Do yourself a favour and get some help quickly... :)

40,000 occupation troops stationed for ofensive rather than defensive activity. (artillery in front of infantry rather than vice versa of NG.) Eroglu a potential future President of a united Cyprus demanding the sovereignty of trnc and its loyalty to Turkey.....and Bir calls Piratis paranoid.

Tell me Bir, after decades of having your bills paid for by Turkey do you think that on the solution Turkey will just sit back and not expect any say in the governing of Cyprus?

Unless checks are put in place by the evolved constitution that could come out of a solution then the risks that the Annan plan had could have been lethal for Cyprus and would have lead to paralysis and troubles again.

You cannot have a puppet of a 3rd state having the final say in the executive arm of any country.

DT>>>You must be suffering from a touch of Piratis' paranoia as well...
It is ok...nothing to be ashamed of...How do you know that the Turkish troops are there for offensive purposes and not defensive??? I dont mean to justifying their prresence,just questioning your conclusion... :wink:

Because I went to officer's school when I served in the army and know a thing or two about millitary formations.

Defensive armies position their artillery behind the infantry in order to protect their artillery positions while the artillery defends against an advancing army.

When you have no such fear of an offensive army oppossite you and are prepared to advance yourself you position your artillery in front of the infantry. That way your artillery will fire and your infantry will advance.
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Postby YFred » Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:46 am

DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:You are right,Piratis...We have been through all this before,and it hasnt helped improve mutual understanding or empathy...There is no point having the same arguments over and over again...
we will have to agree to disagree over the nature of the Annan Plan...You guys are very ready to quote all the UN resolutions in your favour,but cannot bring yourselves to vote for a plan sanctioned by the UN...Anyway that is your prerogative...But just explain 2 things for me,if you wouldn't mind...

Don't confuse UN Resolutions with the Annan plan. Everybody is supposed to obey the UN resolutions (and Turkey doesn't). The Annan plan was just a proposal which we had every right to reject.

One: How would the Annan Plan or even agreed Partition would give Turkey control over the whole island??? I'd appreciate if you are specific...For example how would Turkey control RoC's foreign policy?
Environment policy,defence policy,health policy,education policy,transport and technology policy,immigration policy,industrial relations policy?????
I know the bit about the oil and continental shelf so you can skip that...

Two: How does the status quo prevents your worst fear, Turkey controlling the RoC ????

I am really curious... :?

I explained this before but I will explain it again:

The TCs are a minority of 18%. What TCs deserve is what every other minority in every other country deserves. Nothing less and nothing more. The TCs have no right to demand more than say the Greek minority in Turkey, the Muslim minority in Bulgaria or the Aboriginals in Australia. The way that TCs get more than what they deserve is by collaborating with foreign imperialists. Turkey uses force and blackmail to take from us and give to the TCs, and in return the TCs serve the interests of Turkey in Cyprus.

All you need to do is to see how Turkey controls the "trnc". The TC leaders know that they own their position to Turkey (since without Turkey there wouldn't be any "trnc") and therefore they are obligated to serve their master, without whom they wouldn't have that job. The same will be true with the TC leadership in a "united" Cyprus if the "solution" is an unfair one and allows the puppets of Turkey to come to power due to an undemocratic system that was imposed on Cyprus by Turkey, and not because they were elected democratically by the majority of the Cypriot people.

Turkey might not get involved in every little detail of our internal affairs (although they seem to do so in the "trnc") but I don't want my freedom to depend on some islamofascist government in Turkey.

The status quo gives less power to Turkey to control the whole of Cyprus even compared to the period before 1974. Now they can just issue public threats to which we are able to resit and fight, ofter successfully.

Remember how they were trying to prevent Cyprus from joining the EU? They failed to stop us. Now imagine if Eroglu (or whatever) was the "co-president" of Cyprus. All Turkey would have to do is to tell to her puppet to block the EU accession of Cyprus. So Turkey might not tell us what time we have to go to sleep every night, but she will definitely control every important decision that Cyprus would take.

Oh,Okey,thanks Piratis...Now it is very clear to me...You are suffering from Paranoia... Do yourself a favour and get some help quickly... :)

40,000 occupation troops stationed for ofensive rather than defensive activity. (artillery in front of infantry rather than vice versa of NG.) Eroglu a potential future President of a united Cyprus demanding the sovereignty of trnc and its loyalty to Turkey.....and Bir calls Piratis paranoid.

Tell me Bir, after decades of having your bills paid for by Turkey do you think that on the solution Turkey will just sit back and not expect any say in the governing of Cyprus?

Unless checks are put in place by the evolved constitution that could come out of a solution then the risks that the Annan plan had could have been lethal for Cyprus and would have lead to paralysis and troubles again.

You cannot have a puppet of a 3rd state having the final say in the executive arm of any country.

DT>>>You must be suffering from a touch of Piratis' paranoia as well...
It is ok...nothing to be ashamed of...How do you know that the Turkish troops are there for offensive purposes and not defensive??? I dont mean to justifying their prresence,just questioning your conclusion... :wink:

Because I went to officer's school when I served in the army and know a thing or two about millitary formations.

Defensive armies position their artillery behind the infantry in order to protect their artillery positions while the artillery defends against an advancing army.

When you have no such fear of an offensive army oppossite you and are prepared to advance yourself you position your artillery in front of the infantry. That way your artillery will fire and your infantry will advance.

No wonder the Greeks are crap soldiers. Infantry is always either just in front or on the side of the artillery. Israelis found to their cost what happens when artillery have no infantry cover. Was it about 100 tanks lost? Man can do lot of damage to a tank if it is not protected by the infantry. This is from a non military man.

Although I will admit to serving my customary one month in Gulseren customary for a London TC. These words I will not forget.

In greek on the walls there were the words “If you are brave come and get it”
To which somebody wrote in Turkish “ We were brave, we came and we got it”.

Just goes to show there is no need for boasting. Ever.
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Apr 22, 2010 10:58 am

DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:You are right,Piratis...We have been through all this before,and it hasnt helped improve mutual understanding or empathy...There is no point having the same arguments over and over again...
we will have to agree to disagree over the nature of the Annan Plan...You guys are very ready to quote all the UN resolutions in your favour,but cannot bring yourselves to vote for a plan sanctioned by the UN...Anyway that is your prerogative...But just explain 2 things for me,if you wouldn't mind...

Don't confuse UN Resolutions with the Annan plan. Everybody is supposed to obey the UN resolutions (and Turkey doesn't). The Annan plan was just a proposal which we had every right to reject.

One: How would the Annan Plan or even agreed Partition would give Turkey control over the whole island??? I'd appreciate if you are specific...For example how would Turkey control RoC's foreign policy?
Environment policy,defence policy,health policy,education policy,transport and technology policy,immigration policy,industrial relations policy?????
I know the bit about the oil and continental shelf so you can skip that...

Two: How does the status quo prevents your worst fear, Turkey controlling the RoC ????

I am really curious... :?

I explained this before but I will explain it again:

The TCs are a minority of 18%. What TCs deserve is what every other minority in every other country deserves. Nothing less and nothing more. The TCs have no right to demand more than say the Greek minority in Turkey, the Muslim minority in Bulgaria or the Aboriginals in Australia. The way that TCs get more than what they deserve is by collaborating with foreign imperialists. Turkey uses force and blackmail to take from us and give to the TCs, and in return the TCs serve the interests of Turkey in Cyprus.

All you need to do is to see how Turkey controls the "trnc". The TC leaders know that they own their position to Turkey (since without Turkey there wouldn't be any "trnc") and therefore they are obligated to serve their master, without whom they wouldn't have that job. The same will be true with the TC leadership in a "united" Cyprus if the "solution" is an unfair one and allows the puppets of Turkey to come to power due to an undemocratic system that was imposed on Cyprus by Turkey, and not because they were elected democratically by the majority of the Cypriot people.

Turkey might not get involved in every little detail of our internal affairs (although they seem to do so in the "trnc") but I don't want my freedom to depend on some islamofascist government in Turkey.

The status quo gives less power to Turkey to control the whole of Cyprus even compared to the period before 1974. Now they can just issue public threats to which we are able to resit and fight, ofter successfully.

Remember how they were trying to prevent Cyprus from joining the EU? They failed to stop us. Now imagine if Eroglu (or whatever) was the "co-president" of Cyprus. All Turkey would have to do is to tell to her puppet to block the EU accession of Cyprus. So Turkey might not tell us what time we have to go to sleep every night, but she will definitely control every important decision that Cyprus would take.

Oh,Okey,thanks Piratis...Now it is very clear to me...You are suffering from Paranoia... Do yourself a favour and get some help quickly... :)

40,000 occupation troops stationed for ofensive rather than defensive activity. (artillery in front of infantry rather than vice versa of NG.) Eroglu a potential future President of a united Cyprus demanding the sovereignty of trnc and its loyalty to Turkey.....and Bir calls Piratis paranoid.

Tell me Bir, after decades of having your bills paid for by Turkey do you think that on the solution Turkey will just sit back and not expect any say in the governing of Cyprus?

Unless checks are put in place by the evolved constitution that could come out of a solution then the risks that the Annan plan had could have been lethal for Cyprus and would have lead to paralysis and troubles again.

You cannot have a puppet of a 3rd state having the final say in the executive arm of any country.

DT>>>You must be suffering from a touch of Piratis' paranoia as well...
It is ok...nothing to be ashamed of...How do you know that the Turkish troops are there for offensive purposes and not defensive??? I dont mean to justifying their prresence,just questioning your conclusion... :wink:

Because I went to officer's school when I served in the army and know a thing or two about millitary formations.

Defensive armies position their artillery behind the infantry in order to protect their artillery positions while the artillery defends against an advancing army.

When you have no such fear of an offensive army oppossite you and are prepared to advance yourself you position your artillery in front of the infantry. That way your artillery will fire and your infantry will advance.

Are you telling me that GR's famous all out attack might actually succeed because the TA is not expecting an attack??? :wink: :)

i know nothing about military formations,DT..So I will take your word for it...But,the TA could be thinking that "the best form of defence is attack"... :twisted:
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:04 am

Bananiot wrote:But the balance of power may change Birkibrisli, and then we will throw you all into the sea. I think we will spare halil, put him in a museum and show him off, of what had been.

Of course there is this small point that we may not exist when the balance of power swings to our side. This does not mean that we suffer from paranoia and no, we will not visit Mikellides (the shrink).

GR might not even wait for the balance of power to change,Bananiot... :wink:

Oh,well...I better make plans to stay at the arse end of the world for the foreseeable future...They might put me and Halil together on the exibition!!! :)
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Postby DT. » Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:46 am

YFred wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:You are right,Piratis...We have been through all this before,and it hasnt helped improve mutual understanding or empathy...There is no point having the same arguments over and over again...
we will have to agree to disagree over the nature of the Annan Plan...You guys are very ready to quote all the UN resolutions in your favour,but cannot bring yourselves to vote for a plan sanctioned by the UN...Anyway that is your prerogative...But just explain 2 things for me,if you wouldn't mind...

Don't confuse UN Resolutions with the Annan plan. Everybody is supposed to obey the UN resolutions (and Turkey doesn't). The Annan plan was just a proposal which we had every right to reject.

One: How would the Annan Plan or even agreed Partition would give Turkey control over the whole island??? I'd appreciate if you are specific...For example how would Turkey control RoC's foreign policy?
Environment policy,defence policy,health policy,education policy,transport and technology policy,immigration policy,industrial relations policy?????
I know the bit about the oil and continental shelf so you can skip that...

Two: How does the status quo prevents your worst fear, Turkey controlling the RoC ????

I am really curious... :?

I explained this before but I will explain it again:

The TCs are a minority of 18%. What TCs deserve is what every other minority in every other country deserves. Nothing less and nothing more. The TCs have no right to demand more than say the Greek minority in Turkey, the Muslim minority in Bulgaria or the Aboriginals in Australia. The way that TCs get more than what they deserve is by collaborating with foreign imperialists. Turkey uses force and blackmail to take from us and give to the TCs, and in return the TCs serve the interests of Turkey in Cyprus.

All you need to do is to see how Turkey controls the "trnc". The TC leaders know that they own their position to Turkey (since without Turkey there wouldn't be any "trnc") and therefore they are obligated to serve their master, without whom they wouldn't have that job. The same will be true with the TC leadership in a "united" Cyprus if the "solution" is an unfair one and allows the puppets of Turkey to come to power due to an undemocratic system that was imposed on Cyprus by Turkey, and not because they were elected democratically by the majority of the Cypriot people.

Turkey might not get involved in every little detail of our internal affairs (although they seem to do so in the "trnc") but I don't want my freedom to depend on some islamofascist government in Turkey.

The status quo gives less power to Turkey to control the whole of Cyprus even compared to the period before 1974. Now they can just issue public threats to which we are able to resit and fight, ofter successfully.

Remember how they were trying to prevent Cyprus from joining the EU? They failed to stop us. Now imagine if Eroglu (or whatever) was the "co-president" of Cyprus. All Turkey would have to do is to tell to her puppet to block the EU accession of Cyprus. So Turkey might not tell us what time we have to go to sleep every night, but she will definitely control every important decision that Cyprus would take.

Oh,Okey,thanks Piratis...Now it is very clear to me...You are suffering from Paranoia... Do yourself a favour and get some help quickly... :)

40,000 occupation troops stationed for ofensive rather than defensive activity. (artillery in front of infantry rather than vice versa of NG.) Eroglu a potential future President of a united Cyprus demanding the sovereignty of trnc and its loyalty to Turkey.....and Bir calls Piratis paranoid.

Tell me Bir, after decades of having your bills paid for by Turkey do you think that on the solution Turkey will just sit back and not expect any say in the governing of Cyprus?

Unless checks are put in place by the evolved constitution that could come out of a solution then the risks that the Annan plan had could have been lethal for Cyprus and would have lead to paralysis and troubles again.

You cannot have a puppet of a 3rd state having the final say in the executive arm of any country.

DT>>>You must be suffering from a touch of Piratis' paranoia as well...
It is ok...nothing to be ashamed of...How do you know that the Turkish troops are there for offensive purposes and not defensive??? I dont mean to justifying their prresence,just questioning your conclusion... :wink:

Because I went to officer's school when I served in the army and know a thing or two about millitary formations.

Defensive armies position their artillery behind the infantry in order to protect their artillery positions while the artillery defends against an advancing army.

When you have no such fear of an offensive army oppossite you and are prepared to advance yourself you position your artillery in front of the infantry. That way your artillery will fire and your infantry will advance.

No wonder the Greeks are crap soldiers. Infantry is always either just in front or on the side of the artillery. Israelis found to their cost what happens when artillery have no infantry cover. Was it about 100 tanks lost? Man can do lot of damage to a tank if it is not protected by the infantry. This is from a non military man.

Although I will admit to serving my customary one month in Gulseren customary for a London TC. These words I will not forget.

In greek on the walls there were the words “If you are brave come and get it”
To which somebody wrote in Turkish “ We were brave, we came and we got it”.

Just goes to show there is no need for boasting. Ever.

if you look back, you'll find that you are ridiculing the Turkish millitary formation on the island. :lol: My god, is there no end to your stupidity?
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:55 am

DT. wrote:
YFred wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:You are right,Piratis...We have been through all this before,and it hasnt helped improve mutual understanding or empathy...There is no point having the same arguments over and over again...
we will have to agree to disagree over the nature of the Annan Plan...You guys are very ready to quote all the UN resolutions in your favour,but cannot bring yourselves to vote for a plan sanctioned by the UN...Anyway that is your prerogative...But just explain 2 things for me,if you wouldn't mind...

Don't confuse UN Resolutions with the Annan plan. Everybody is supposed to obey the UN resolutions (and Turkey doesn't). The Annan plan was just a proposal which we had every right to reject.

One: How would the Annan Plan or even agreed Partition would give Turkey control over the whole island??? I'd appreciate if you are specific...For example how would Turkey control RoC's foreign policy?
Environment policy,defence policy,health policy,education policy,transport and technology policy,immigration policy,industrial relations policy?????
I know the bit about the oil and continental shelf so you can skip that...

Two: How does the status quo prevents your worst fear, Turkey controlling the RoC ????

I am really curious... :?

I explained this before but I will explain it again:

The TCs are a minority of 18%. What TCs deserve is what every other minority in every other country deserves. Nothing less and nothing more. The TCs have no right to demand more than say the Greek minority in Turkey, the Muslim minority in Bulgaria or the Aboriginals in Australia. The way that TCs get more than what they deserve is by collaborating with foreign imperialists. Turkey uses force and blackmail to take from us and give to the TCs, and in return the TCs serve the interests of Turkey in Cyprus.

All you need to do is to see how Turkey controls the "trnc". The TC leaders know that they own their position to Turkey (since without Turkey there wouldn't be any "trnc") and therefore they are obligated to serve their master, without whom they wouldn't have that job. The same will be true with the TC leadership in a "united" Cyprus if the "solution" is an unfair one and allows the puppets of Turkey to come to power due to an undemocratic system that was imposed on Cyprus by Turkey, and not because they were elected democratically by the majority of the Cypriot people.

Turkey might not get involved in every little detail of our internal affairs (although they seem to do so in the "trnc") but I don't want my freedom to depend on some islamofascist government in Turkey.

The status quo gives less power to Turkey to control the whole of Cyprus even compared to the period before 1974. Now they can just issue public threats to which we are able to resit and fight, ofter successfully.

Remember how they were trying to prevent Cyprus from joining the EU? They failed to stop us. Now imagine if Eroglu (or whatever) was the "co-president" of Cyprus. All Turkey would have to do is to tell to her puppet to block the EU accession of Cyprus. So Turkey might not tell us what time we have to go to sleep every night, but she will definitely control every important decision that Cyprus would take.

Oh,Okey,thanks Piratis...Now it is very clear to me...You are suffering from Paranoia... Do yourself a favour and get some help quickly... :)

40,000 occupation troops stationed for ofensive rather than defensive activity. (artillery in front of infantry rather than vice versa of NG.) Eroglu a potential future President of a united Cyprus demanding the sovereignty of trnc and its loyalty to Turkey.....and Bir calls Piratis paranoid.

Tell me Bir, after decades of having your bills paid for by Turkey do you think that on the solution Turkey will just sit back and not expect any say in the governing of Cyprus?

Unless checks are put in place by the evolved constitution that could come out of a solution then the risks that the Annan plan had could have been lethal for Cyprus and would have lead to paralysis and troubles again.

You cannot have a puppet of a 3rd state having the final say in the executive arm of any country.

DT>>>You must be suffering from a touch of Piratis' paranoia as well...
It is ok...nothing to be ashamed of...How do you know that the Turkish troops are there for offensive purposes and not defensive??? I dont mean to justifying their prresence,just questioning your conclusion... :wink:

Because I went to officer's school when I served in the army and know a thing or two about millitary formations.

Defensive armies position their artillery behind the infantry in order to protect their artillery positions while the artillery defends against an advancing army.

When you have no such fear of an offensive army oppossite you and are prepared to advance yourself you position your artillery in front of the infantry. That way your artillery will fire and your infantry will advance.

No wonder the Greeks are crap soldiers. Infantry is always either just in front or on the side of the artillery. Israelis found to their cost what happens when artillery have no infantry cover. Was it about 100 tanks lost? Man can do lot of damage to a tank if it is not protected by the infantry. This is from a non military man.

Although I will admit to serving my customary one month in Gulseren customary for a London TC. These words I will not forget.

In greek on the walls there were the words “If you are brave come and get it”
To which somebody wrote in Turkish “ We were brave, we came and we got it”.

Just goes to show there is no need for boasting. Ever.

if you look back, you'll find that you are ridiculing the Turkish millitary formation on the island. :lol: My god, is there no end to your stupidity?

Article 301 violation for insulting Turkish military might. Attaturd will turn in his grave!
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Postby YFred » Thu Apr 22, 2010 11:59 am

DT. wrote:
YFred wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
DT. wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Piratis wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:You are right,Piratis...We have been through all this before,and it hasnt helped improve mutual understanding or empathy...There is no point having the same arguments over and over again...
we will have to agree to disagree over the nature of the Annan Plan...You guys are very ready to quote all the UN resolutions in your favour,but cannot bring yourselves to vote for a plan sanctioned by the UN...Anyway that is your prerogative...But just explain 2 things for me,if you wouldn't mind...

Don't confuse UN Resolutions with the Annan plan. Everybody is supposed to obey the UN resolutions (and Turkey doesn't). The Annan plan was just a proposal which we had every right to reject.

One: How would the Annan Plan or even agreed Partition would give Turkey control over the whole island??? I'd appreciate if you are specific...For example how would Turkey control RoC's foreign policy?
Environment policy,defence policy,health policy,education policy,transport and technology policy,immigration policy,industrial relations policy?????
I know the bit about the oil and continental shelf so you can skip that...

Two: How does the status quo prevents your worst fear, Turkey controlling the RoC ????

I am really curious... :?

I explained this before but I will explain it again:

The TCs are a minority of 18%. What TCs deserve is what every other minority in every other country deserves. Nothing less and nothing more. The TCs have no right to demand more than say the Greek minority in Turkey, the Muslim minority in Bulgaria or the Aboriginals in Australia. The way that TCs get more than what they deserve is by collaborating with foreign imperialists. Turkey uses force and blackmail to take from us and give to the TCs, and in return the TCs serve the interests of Turkey in Cyprus.

All you need to do is to see how Turkey controls the "trnc". The TC leaders know that they own their position to Turkey (since without Turkey there wouldn't be any "trnc") and therefore they are obligated to serve their master, without whom they wouldn't have that job. The same will be true with the TC leadership in a "united" Cyprus if the "solution" is an unfair one and allows the puppets of Turkey to come to power due to an undemocratic system that was imposed on Cyprus by Turkey, and not because they were elected democratically by the majority of the Cypriot people.

Turkey might not get involved in every little detail of our internal affairs (although they seem to do so in the "trnc") but I don't want my freedom to depend on some islamofascist government in Turkey.

The status quo gives less power to Turkey to control the whole of Cyprus even compared to the period before 1974. Now they can just issue public threats to which we are able to resit and fight, ofter successfully.

Remember how they were trying to prevent Cyprus from joining the EU? They failed to stop us. Now imagine if Eroglu (or whatever) was the "co-president" of Cyprus. All Turkey would have to do is to tell to her puppet to block the EU accession of Cyprus. So Turkey might not tell us what time we have to go to sleep every night, but she will definitely control every important decision that Cyprus would take.

Oh,Okey,thanks Piratis...Now it is very clear to me...You are suffering from Paranoia... Do yourself a favour and get some help quickly... :)

40,000 occupation troops stationed for ofensive rather than defensive activity. (artillery in front of infantry rather than vice versa of NG.) Eroglu a potential future President of a united Cyprus demanding the sovereignty of trnc and its loyalty to Turkey.....and Bir calls Piratis paranoid.

Tell me Bir, after decades of having your bills paid for by Turkey do you think that on the solution Turkey will just sit back and not expect any say in the governing of Cyprus?

Unless checks are put in place by the evolved constitution that could come out of a solution then the risks that the Annan plan had could have been lethal for Cyprus and would have lead to paralysis and troubles again.

You cannot have a puppet of a 3rd state having the final say in the executive arm of any country.

DT>>>You must be suffering from a touch of Piratis' paranoia as well...
It is ok...nothing to be ashamed of...How do you know that the Turkish troops are there for offensive purposes and not defensive??? I dont mean to justifying their prresence,just questioning your conclusion... :wink:

Because I went to officer's school when I served in the army and know a thing or two about millitary formations.

Defensive armies position their artillery behind the infantry in order to protect their artillery positions while the artillery defends against an advancing army.

When you have no such fear of an offensive army oppossite you and are prepared to advance yourself you position your artillery in front of the infantry. That way your artillery will fire and your infantry will advance.

No wonder the Greeks are crap soldiers. Infantry is always either just in front or on the side of the artillery. Israelis found to their cost what happens when artillery have no infantry cover. Was it about 100 tanks lost? Man can do lot of damage to a tank if it is not protected by the infantry. This is from a non military man.

Although I will admit to serving my customary one month in Gulseren customary for a London TC. These words I will not forget.

In greek on the walls there were the words “If you are brave come and get it”
To which somebody wrote in Turkish “ We were brave, we came and we got it”.

Just goes to show there is no need for boasting. Ever.

if you look back, you'll find that you are ridiculing the Turkish millitary formation on the island. :lol: My god, is there no end to your stupidity?

Just because the TA does it, does that make it right? If the GCs had some brave volunteers like Hezbollah in Lebanon, they could have done some serious damage to the artillery. Are you saying that my thinking is wrong in the military sense?
Even when there is no other artillery? Was not the Israeli lesson learnt?
When one accuses another of something and it turns out that it’s the opposites then one makes an ass of one’s self, what?
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Postby DT. » Thu Apr 22, 2010 12:03 pm

Whatever, this purely demonstrates that rightly or wrongly the TA does not consider the NG a threat.
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