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How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Gasman » Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:14 pm

What's with the assumption that the TCs didn't vote Eroglu in? All those I know did. Not because of any high ideals. They told me it was because they were cheesed off with all talk but nothing happening for so long and so voted for a 'change'.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:23 pm

Gasman wrote:What's with the assumption that the TCs didn't vote Eroglu in? All those I know did. Not because of any high ideals. They told me it was because they were cheesed off with all talk but nothing happening for so long and so voted for a 'change'.

There is no assumption that some TCs did not vote for Eroglu.

I'm sure most of the Morally Corrupted did.!

So let me get this straight, that the TCs you have talked to were pissed off because nothing has been agreed on in the last 5 years, so they vote on those who didn't do anything at all to agree on since 1974, just because Cyprus problem was "solved" in 1974 according to them.!:roll:

It doesn't make any sense to me at all it that is their explanation.
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Postby Gasman » Thu Apr 22, 2010 6:57 pm

I doubt any of it makes any sense to most of them either. I do object to the picture painted on here of the average TC. Like some downtrodden, disadvantaged, hoodwinked victim.

Those I know (30/40 somethings - don't remember '74 personally but lost family because of it or have property here in the South) Just like most of the other people I know everywhere else in the world. Two kids, two cars, pets, nice house, the usual hobbies, gardening, DIY, shopping for the girls, nothing fancy or exciting. Good to their old mum, help their kids with homework and attend school functions. Love their country but don't fancy dying for the 'flag'.

And, if you spend time there, you soon realise it consists of more than just TCs, Turkish settlers and Military. There are all sorts of people from all sorts of countries living there.
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Postby Acikgoz » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:15 pm

Kikapu wrote:
Gasman wrote:What's with the assumption that the TCs didn't vote Eroglu in? All those I know did. Not because of any high ideals. They told me it was because they were cheesed off with all talk but nothing happening for so long and so voted for a 'change'.

There is no assumption that some TCs did not vote for Eroglu.

I'm sure most of the Morally Corrupted did.!

So let me get this straight, that the TCs you have talked to were pissed off because nothing has been agreed on in the last 5 years, so they vote on those who didn't do anything at all to agree on since 1974, just because Cyprus problem was "solved" in 1974 according to them.!:roll:

It doesn't make any sense to me at all it that is their explanation.

Hark, Kikapu the racist lives on....

Your facts are flawed and your attitude is rotten.

So what you're saying is that if you didn't like Talat to carry on as President you are "morally corrupt"?

Remember the Cyprus problem is not the be all and end all of all TCs. The end of the isolation is high on the agenda but at what price? How much can the organ of president insist that change is imminent and agreement will be forthcoming yet not deliver and therefore expect to remain in that position?

Bless Talat as he has a very big heart and is as genuine as he said in wanting a solution. However, politics as in business, if you don't deliver then expect to be made redundant. I don't have faith the promises of Eroglu will amount to much, but then he probably won't get voted in again if he ıs around by the next elections.

Your brain is corrupt Kookoo, and morals - if you had any when you were born, they have certainly been bleached from your mind by your establishment.
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Postby Acikgoz » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:19 pm

Gasman wrote:I doubt any of it makes any sense to most of them either. I do object to the picture painted on here of the average TC. Like some downtrodden, disadvantaged, hoodwinked victim.

Those I know (30/40 somethings - don't remember '74 personally but lost family because of it or have property here in the South) Just like most of the other people I know everywhere else in the world. Two kids, two cars, pets, nice house, the usual hobbies, gardening, DIY, shopping for the girls, nothing fancy or exciting. Good to their old mum, help their kids with homework and attend school functions. Love their country but don't fancy dying for the 'flag'.

And, if you spend time there, you soon realise it consists of more than just TCs, Turkish settlers and Military. There are all sorts of people from all sorts of countries living there.

Too ture Gasman, most the TCs I know voted for Eroglu, they are not militant or nationalistic, just fed up with no progress and false promises from the west. It's like, we played along wholeheartedly, nothing to lose as Talat can't seem to make any progress and he is all in for unification with the south.
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Postby Gasman » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:35 pm

Too ture Gasman, most the TCs I know voted for Eroglu, they are not militant or nationalistic, just fed up with no progress and false promises from the west. It's like, we played along wholeheartedly, nothing to lose as Talat can't seem to make any progress and he is all in for unification with the south.

Exactly my interpretation and impression I get. Change is as good as a rest.

Same as happens in lots of other countries where the populace are pissed off with the current government.
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Postby Acikgoz » Thu Apr 22, 2010 7:57 pm

YFred wrote:But do you think the Military are pro EU or against?

Complex to explain, attempt in a nutshell
- pro-EU for western ideals over islamic ideals
- anti-EU as democratic freedoms insisted upon can undermine reason for being pro-EU
- anti-EU as hot spots like Armenia, Kurdish question, Cyprus, islands in Aegean it has strong views upon and doesn't trust politicians which are voted for by public and therefore "risk" more flexibility in their approach.

This is a deep question, if it wasn't an Islamic centric party at the helm, their attitude would be quite different.
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Postby Kikapu » Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:10 pm

Acikgoz wrote:
Kikapu wrote:
Gasman wrote:What's with the assumption that the TCs didn't vote Eroglu in? All those I know did. Not because of any high ideals. They told me it was because they were cheesed off with all talk but nothing happening for so long and so voted for a 'change'.

There is no assumption that some TCs did not vote for Eroglu.

I'm sure most of the Morally Corrupted did.!

So let me get this straight, that the TCs you have talked to were pissed off because nothing has been agreed on in the last 5 years, so they vote on those who didn't do anything at all to agree on since 1974, just because Cyprus problem was "solved" in 1974 according to them.!:roll:

It doesn't make any sense to me at all it that is their explanation.

Hark, Kikapu the racist lives on....

Your facts are flawed and your attitude is rotten.

So what you're saying is that if you didn't like Talat to carry on as President you are "morally corrupt"?

Remember the Cyprus problem is not the be all and end all of all TCs. The end of the isolation is high on the agenda but at what price? How much can the organ of president insist that change is imminent and agreement will be forthcoming yet not deliver and therefore expect to remain in that position?

Bless Talat as he has a very big heart and is as genuine as he said in wanting a solution. However, politics as in business, if you don't deliver then expect to be made redundant. I don't have faith the promises of Eroglu will amount to much, but then he probably won't get voted in again if he ıs around by the next elections.

Your brain is corrupt Kookoo, and morals - if you had any when you were born, they have certainly been bleached from your mind by your establishment.

I'm sorry for someone such as yourself who can't handler some simple facts, so you resort to name callings. Idiots are here to stay I guess.!:roll: :roll: :roll:

Who ever said I supported Talat or any other puppets from the north. They all take their marching orders from Turkey, so don't get too excited as to who gets "selected" and who doesn't. Only an idiot would think otherwise, that these puppets have any say so in what they want to do.

Morally Corrupted are those who deal in GCs stolen Properties and who do not want any solution that would mean having to give them back. Talat supporters are no different than supporters of Eroglu if they are Morally Corrupted. You sound like you are one of those Morally Corrupted individuals. So tell us "Kapaligöz", are you in fact a Morally Corrupted individual just because you and your family may be holding onto GC properties in the north and is the only reason why you want partition and not a settlement based on True Federation, True Democracy, International Laws and EU Principles, just because the above would make you give it all back. Would it have made any difference to you had Talat , Eroglu or any other puppets won or lost.?? I doubt it, because the end game is what Turkey wants and it's what Turkey gets.

Your insignificant vote, was meaningless, whom ever you had voted for, because the "winner" was already selected before you had voted, then you have the nerve to call this a "Democracy". So much for being a "Açikgöz"!:lol:
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Postby denizaksulu » Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:29 pm

YFred wrote:
denizaksulu wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
YFred wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
YFred wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:I also think Erdogan will win the next election with a reduced vote,but he might increase his share of seats in Parliament,depending on how many other parties get over the 10% limit...

YFred,most people in Turkey are very suspicious of the EU which they consider to be a Christian club...Erdogan has started to work this theme in his favour...The more Turkey is snubbed by the EU the more Erdogan will start telling them off,to win votes from the conservative voters who are his power base...This will actually increase Erdogan's vote in my opinion...

I agree with Acikgoz that the era of coup d'etats is over,and not before time...What we are seeing in Cyprus is Erdogan pleasing the Military by letting them have a small victory in Cyprus...I've always believed that the AKP was using Cyprus for its own benefit,and that also explains why they don't want a solution at this stage...And with Eroglu and his negotiation team we can kiss goodbye another 5 years... :(

We agree on one thing, it is not staight forward. Never say never. The military and logic do not go together, especially in Turkey.

Yep,that is another thing we agree on... :wink: :)

But I am not so sure about playing tavla against you if you've been playing since the age of 5. Perhaps if we use coffee cups to throw the dice might even the game a little?

:lol: :lol:

How did you know that I knew how to "zar oturtmak"... :shock:

But don't worry I haven't played for a long time,so I might miss a few! :D

You cheat? Never :shock: :shock:

Perhaps one day we will meet halfway(accross the world) and put you to the test. :wink:

What is it with some on this forum. He said he knows how to zar oturt, I know how it is done but not very good at doing it.
My only defence against such an unfair attack is to level the playing field by using couple of bodiriciks.
Then may the best man win. Fair? :lol: :lol:

Ofcourse its fair. Always use a potiri....especially filled with Zivania :lol:
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Postby paliometoxo » Thu Apr 22, 2010 8:30 pm

zivania? giaks re that stuff is horrible
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