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New President of TRNC is Dr.Dervish EROGLU

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby Lit » Mon Apr 19, 2010 3:46 am

Acikgoz wrote:Dumbness upon dumbness - you don't seem to get the picture either. By the intransigence of the south, the north is forced to find new avenues outside unification. Even if it cannot find any new avenues, consider another 5 years of status quo - from 1974 until 2010 (35 years) add another 5 years of no change where does it lead? 40 years of status quo greater than 50% of the average lifetime unresolved.
We see Kosovo, Taiwan, Macedonia et al and you can see it is not simply about recognition but practicalities.
Even the dumbest EU politician can see the ludicracy of the Papajackoff offer of Varosa for EU managed trade from Famagusta as a sham of a suggestion of direct trade being given for the North. If the RoC is unwilling to offer real solutions to the situation then they will lose control and have the actions taken outside of their control - perhaps not in the EU, but certainly ouside of it. The world can see that if you choose to abuse the responsibility you claim of governing the whole of Cyprus then that responsibiliy can and will be taken away from you.
The facade of the GCs is slowly and steadily being removed.
Get ready for another 5 years of whoring yourselves with anyone and everyone just so you may not compromise with TCs, pull out the lobby coffers, wine and dine the MPs for more of nothing but to keep TCs down.

Whatever way you look at this, the problem has been made more intractable and for anyone that wants a change in the status quo, it just got more difficult.

Truly f-ck off. First tell me what Talat has compromised on? How can you say the GC's havent compromised....what are you kidding me?

Why dont you now start reading the f-cking western press....they all say that the TCs have elected a hardliner. TC's and their ridiculous facade of wanting goodness, look at who you guys just elected.
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Postby Acikgoz » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:09 am

Wow, with that kind of temper you really are self-concious of your own shortcomings.

Think before you write. Your question outside of the profanity can easily be answered by yourself if you care to look at what I wrote and what you took from it.
I read the western press, sounds like you read the gutter press and have had an upbringing in the gutter.
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Postby wyoming cowboy » Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:36 am

Maybe and this is a maybe....if i understand human nature correctly and ive been wrong before.....When Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David agreement in 1977, Monachem Begin was the prime minister, the most radical extemist prime minister Israel ever had....Begin signed off on the ageement and was able to convince the hardliners in Israel...Ronald Reagan a fervent anti communist, was able to get a Nuclear warhead treaty with the Soviets, when no previous liberal president could do...It seems that the Tc/Turk settlers in occuppied Cyprus are more polarized then the free areas...As can be judged through this particular forum. and the results of the pseudo elections....Now all of a sudden Turkey has a man in place who brings with him the Grey wolves, Tmt, settlers, and all hardliners in the occuppied areas, Could it be possible that superEroglue won in order, foment a solution which these hardliners will have to go along with....regardless if its counter to his rhetoric? If these hardliners need convincing that there is no choice but a unitary state in a BBF, who better to convince them then superEroglue......???
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Postby Murataga » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:07 am

CopperLine wrote:
Viewpoint wrote:
CopperLine wrote:Bad news for Cyprus. Worse news for Turkish Cypriots.

Eroglu is a dinosaur (and a fascist to boot).

This is a bad result for GCs as well since it makes any reconciliation more, not less, difficult.

Having said that, Talat's campaign was poorly organised and lacking in vigour, all of which did nothing to change the popular perception that he had squandered the moral high-ground inherited from the Annan referendum result.

The people gave him 5 years to solve this situation, he produced nothing so they voted in a hardliner who cant speak English, if it makes no difference to the GCs then there you are try agreeing a solution with this guy and see the difference I give Chrisfoias 2 meeting before hes out of there like a rabbit being hunted.

Assuming that hitherto Christofias et al. were engaged in bona fide negotiations then, now with the election of Eroglu, they'll be kicking themselves that they were so slow with Talat. I agree that the electorate have just given a judgment on Talat's failure to negotiate anything definitive over five years.

Talat came to power by making people believe in the merits of saying `yes` to the Annan Plan. He assured TCs that as long as they said 'yes' they would come out of the ordeal as winners - no matter what the GCs voted. Projecting an inflated sense of hope is a valuable asset in an election campaign and Talat used it to the fullest extent possible at the time.

The TCs have witnessed how wrong he was and how unsubstantiated his projection of the Cyprus-problem was. The result for the TCs under his term is half a decade lost and bitter disappointment from the Cyprus-problem point-of-view. Add to this his failure to bring a solution plan to a referendum with Christofias up until this point in time, such a defeat was inevitable for him.

History will remember this election as not Eroglu winning, but Talat loosing. Anyone who ran against Talat with some history in TC politics would have beaten Talat in this election.

As for Eroglu, I think he will work to the best of his abilities for a solution during the rest of the talks - he really does not have any other option within the current political context of our day. However, the chances for a conclusive solution are obviously slimmer with him.
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Postby miltiades » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:37 am

Murataga , Acikgoz , both of you well educated and on surface you appear genuinely concerned about the plight of the T/Cs , both of you have expressed concern at the continued embargoes , can you tell us in which areas of free trade would the T/Cs benefit economically if those embargoes were to be removed .

Another point , both of you have mentioned concessions made by Mr Talat and presumable Turkey, Can you clarify what these concessions amounted too ?
Interesting to know your thoughts on the well known by now corrupt system so brazen in the north.
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Postby vaughanwilliams » Mon Apr 19, 2010 8:48 am

B25 wrote:OK, so we got Donald Duck instead, big deal, nothing will change.

Halil, the term 'President' is a title bestowed upon individuals from de jure, internationally recognised countries. Not illegal occupied states that are held by force. We call these people dictators or leaders.

perhaps you could refrain from you Baycrap propoganda spreading shit and address him accordingly without trying to dishonestly pass him off as being legitimate.

well, you now got the leader you deserve, I hope he makes your lives a misery.

Good day and good ridence

Etymologically, a "president" is one who presides, who sits in leadership (from Latin pre- "before" + sedere "to sit"; giving the term praeses)

So, as you quite rightly refer to him as a "leader", because of his leadership, he is entitled to the honorific "President".
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Postby B25 » Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:26 am

vaughanwilliams wrote:
B25 wrote:OK, so we got Donald Duck instead, big deal, nothing will change.

Halil, the term 'President' is a title bestowed upon individuals from de jure, internationally recognised countries. Not illegal occupied states that are held by force. We call these people dictators or leaders.

perhaps you could refrain from you Baycrap propoganda spreading shit and address him accordingly without trying to dishonestly pass him off as being legitimate.

well, you now got the leader you deserve, I hope he makes your lives a misery.

Good day and good ridence

Etymologically, a "president" is one who presides, who sits in leadership (from Latin pre- "before" + sedere "to sit"; giving the term praeses)

So, as you quite rightly refer to him as a "leader", because of his leadership, he is entitled to the honorific "President".

Only and arsehole could have dreamed up such a pathetic response to justify the title.

Im my books presidents get international recognition and respect, what you have is a goatherder who thinks he is someone.

It could only take a cheapskate, since you and your chums over on C44 are all dribbling with the thought of annexation or partition so you can hold onto your illgotten goods.

Piss off Vaughan, you have no place here, spreading your cheapskate shit in Cyprus.
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Postby Kikapu » Mon Apr 19, 2010 9:30 am

YFred wrote:
T_C wrote:Partition it is then......

I am affraid so. Two things come to mind.

1. Is Muhtar X happy about his decision not to hold a joint decleration on achievements so far?
2. Will Erdogan be able to finish his tenure and then lose or will he be pushed out?

Where is Kickapoo to explain it to us. Where has the plan gone where Turkey was going to make sure that Talat won. That TCs cannot vote against Turkey's wishes.

Where art thou Kickameo?
Show yourself. We need you know. Lets put that dreaded plan on the furkin table. Now I am going to read it.

TURKEY HAS no hidden agenda behind efforts to reunite the island, said Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan to a group of Cypriot journalists in Istanbul, adding that Greek Cypriots needed to overcome their mistrust of Turkey and help work towards building a region of peace and cooperation.

“Our goal is to achieve a lasting comprehensive settlement to the problem in Cyprus. We are ready to do our share to achieve that goal, and no one should or can doubt Turkey’s sincerity,” he said. ... y/20100302

First of all, let me state to my TC friends and the Illegal Alien settlers in the north by saying, "Geçmish Olsun" by you electing Eroglu.You have truly demonstrated that you are not ready or interested in a solution based on True Democracy, True Federation, Human Rights, International Laws and EU Principles, but rather the continuation of "The Pirates of the Mediterranean" way of life. I'm not saying Talat was any different, because he was not, or else solution would have been found a year ago based on UN resolutions and not stuck on "first base" after 18 months of talks. Lets hope your children will not grow up hating you for choosing this path for them, for the present situation to remain as their "future".!

Now, I made the prediction that Talat was going to win based on statements made by Erdogan last month when he asked the GCs and the world to trust Turkey's sincerity in finding a solution and that no one should doubt it. Well, all I can say is now, Erdogan was not sincere when he made those statements as it has been proven with the "selection" of Eroglu. I will also have to agree with, Bir, that Erdogan is also not interested in being in the EU. He just likes to give a lot of "lip service" but no actions. Turkey as an occupying power has total control of the north in every way, therefore, she is in the position to get what ever results she desires. We have to believe now, that Turkey has gotten the results she desired, that's all. We cannot just go by what few token words are spoken in public by Erdogan in his "support" for Talat when we do not know everything else that went on behind the scenes in not supporting Talat.

Lets understand something. Turkey does not want to leave Cyprus, no matter what the "TCs" want, therefore, there can never be a settlement. The GCs know this, the TCs know this, the Illegal Alien settlers know this, and Turkey know this. Until Turkey leaves on her own or is forced to leave, there cannot be a settlement in Cyprus, unless a "settlement" comes in the form of another Annan Plan of 2004 that will be based on violations of Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws and EU Principles.! It is quiet clear what the north supports for a settlement, which goes against all the western societies values based on principles of Democracy, Human Rights, International Laws.!

So, once again I say to those living in the north, "Geçmish Olsun".!
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Postby BirKibrisli » Mon Apr 19, 2010 10:20 am

wyoming cowboy wrote:Maybe and this is a maybe....if i understand human nature correctly and ive been wrong before.....When Israel and Egypt signed the Camp David agreement in 1977, Monachem Begin was the prime minister, the most radical extemist prime minister Israel ever had....Begin signed off on the ageement and was able to convince the hardliners in Israel...Ronald Reagan a fervent anti communist, was able to get a Nuclear warhead treaty with the Soviets, when no previous liberal president could do...It seems that the Tc/Turk settlers in occuppied Cyprus are more polarized then the free areas...As can be judged through this particular forum. and the results of the pseudo elections....Now all of a sudden Turkey has a man in place who brings with him the Grey wolves, Tmt, settlers, and all hardliners in the occuppied areas, Could it be possible that superEroglue won in order, foment a solution which these hardliners will have to go along with....regardless if its counter to his rhetoric? If these hardliners need convincing that there is no choice but a unitary state in a BBF, who better to convince them then superEroglue......???

In the unlikely event that I am wrong,and Erdogan does really want to join the EU,What WC is saying here could be taken in serious consideration...I hope I am wrong....I hope Erdogan wants a solution soon,(He said today he hopes for one by the end of 2010!),and I hope he has realised only a right winger like Eroglu can pull off a referandum which will have to approve many more compromises by the TCs that have already been agreed to by Talat...If I am right,that Erdogan doesnt want to join the EU,and he simply wants to keep Cyprus problem alive to give him leverage with his struggle against the Military,than we are all truly stuffed...Cyprus has just been divided between the GCs and Turkey...It would indeed be a sad day for those TCs who care about maintaining their unique identity as Cypriots of Turkish background... :( :(
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Re: New President of TRNC is Dr.Dervish EROGLU

Postby halil » Mon Apr 19, 2010 11:00 am

halil wrote:People of TRNC elected new president . New president is Dr.Dervish Eroğlu.

New Turkish Cyprus President vows peace talks with Greeks

Dervis Eroglu said that he would make an overall situation assessment with Turkey after taking oath in the Republican Assembly.
Monday, 19 April 2010 11:51
Dervis Eroglu, who won the presidential elections in Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) said on Sunday that he would make an overall situation assessment with Turkey after taking oath in the Republican Assembly.

TRNC Prime Minister and chairman of National Unity Party (UBP) Eroglu said there were six main chapters on the negotiation table aiming to solve Cyprus question. "As no agreement could be reached so far during ongoing negotiations, all the issues would be discussed at the negotiating table and all the parties will struggle to find a way to reach compromise."

Eroglu said he did not run for the president to obstruct the negotiation table but would endeavor for a solution, underlining that it would not be the Turkish Cypriot party that would leave the table.

Anadolu news agency quoted Eroglu as saying, he would form his own delegation for negotiations and start working.

"It is the Turkish Cypriot people suffering from the status quo. Despite all the peaceful efforts, Turkish Cypriot people all still under blockade and embargoes," Eroglu said and noted that, "to this end, we favor a solution to the problem."

Eroglu said TRNC and its people had difficulty in understanding why they were imposed to embargoes, noting that TRNC was not trying to make an atomic bomb and expected all the states, mainly the EU, to remove the embargoes.

Eroglu said he would also form national council and public council he pledged to Turkish cypriots.

New TRNC President said he worked as prime minister for years and was in cooperation with the Turkish governments, "Eroglu has not become a candidate to obstruct the negotiating table. He run for president to defend rights of Turkish Cypriot people on the negotiating table and to make their voice heard in the world. Whatever have been said, we favor a solution. It should be an agreement that do not have a 3-year life. It should have continuity. There are criteria for this, all those will be discussed in the negotiating table," he said.

"I know how to work as government in Cyprus under embargoes by working as prime minister for 18 years. Being a person experiencing the incidents from 1963 to 1974 I believe in a peace agreement in Cyprus. We will endeavor to make two cypriot people to live in peace. There is no reason not to make an agreement in case the other party displays the same approach. We will be struggling for an agreement under the light of the facts," he said.

"Gained rights on table"

Eroglu attended celebrations held to mark his victory, and thanked to those who supported him in elections.

Eroglu said during his term in office as president, he would be endeavoring for an agreement ensuring Turkish Cypriot people live on its own land with honor, and noted that they would be determinant not to leave the gained rights on the table.

Eroglu said they have been struggling in TRNC for years for Turkish Cypriot people to live in confidence in their own land, stating that the presidential palace and the voice in the negotiating table belonged to Turkish Cypriot people.

"Everybody has seen that TRNC is a democratic state, people adopted democracy and its people voted to reflect their will without any saddening incident in a very important election like this. TV channels of the world are here. This means TRNC is a fact. It exists with its democracy and all its institutions and organizations and we will struggle in the negotiating table under the light of all those facts."

"Definitely, the agreement will be a partnership that will be established by two sovereign states," Eroglu said and noted that he would sit at negotiation table with Greek Cypriot leader Demetris Christofias and try to find a common way of solution.

TRNC Higher Electoral Board hopes to announce formal results on Monday. In case the formal results are announced on Monday, Eroglu will take oath in the Republican Assembly that will convene on Tuesday.
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