gabaston wrote:And on the Sabbath man shall rest.
He awakes in anticipation of worship. He attires himself in ceremonial robe, and travels many miles to give thanks, and pay homage. He pays large sums of money to enter the temples of worship. In unison with other devout followers, he fills his lungs with air and sings the glory of his salvation. He is even prepared at times to partake in crusades or jihads in the name of glorifying the subject of his devotion.
Opium? …………………..naah much more than that.
Mr gabaston
In my life I have had the opportunity of studying three " Holy Books".
Those of the Jews, Christians and Moslems. All were in English since I cannot read Aramaic and I am convinced that there are likely to be honest translational errors.
All the books offer a good philosophy of life IF you stick to what they say.
Don't kill. don't steal basically treat your neighbour as yourself.
Unfortunately, Politically motivated Princes, Kings, Mullahs, Sha's etc who control the priests encourage deliberate MIS TRANSLATION to suit their own greed. And so we have fanatics. ANY FANATIC IS WRONG.
Attaturk tried to divorce politics from religion in Turkey.for example. In this case he was really an enlightened leader.
While I do not consider myself to be a member of any religious order I cannot say that I do not believe in God.
However I also feel that God is in your heart and in your brain, and that a "Good" person is a good person from the decisions that he makes every day.
Karl Marx was suggesting that the average person was like a sheep and could be manipulated by the Church. Whichever "Church" does not matter. the point is that religion has always been a Political tool used by the rulers