migmogs wrote:been a seemingly funny time here in the north west uk
what apeared to be clear blue skies
dropped loads of dust over everywhere
and the smell of sulpher was clear in the air
my other half......edd....ended up with blood red eyes and had dreadful breathing probs...he ended up indoors with all of the windows and doors shut
the bigger birds that fly higher in the sky
where noticably not there today at all
a bit eirie........as they are there every day
bumble bees where dropping to the ground........which is very unsetling....as they get the flowers and crops growing etc etc
so all is not ok in the skies above the uk tonight
whatever is afecting the smaller lifes down the life chain....is efecting us MORE
just heard that this dust plume explosion could go on for the next few months
so only thing to do for folks stuck abroad and folks wanting to travel........
in my mind is
bring back MORE boats
and pray that all is going to stop and clear up soon
Is this a poem?