Open Email:
Appreciating the support of Cyprus by EPP Chairman Daul
Dear Mr Daul,
This email is being written to thank you for the statements you made today (reported on the news from Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation news tonight) in the presence of Cyprus Archbishop Chrysostomos and Cyprus MEPs Mr Kassoulides and Ms Theocharous regarding the matter of NOT lifting the restrictions on direct trade with Turkish-occupied areas of the Republic of Cyprus prior to a settlement.
I note that there is no announcement on your website on the matter at this time - the meeting did not take place until late in the day, so there may not have been time for your staff to do that as yet, but one hopes this will happen tomorrow.
With so-called-elections (in the presence of so many illegal serttlers from Turkey) taking place in "Northern" Cyprus on Sunday I believe that any UNEQUIVOCAL statements made - making it clear that the prospect of 'recognition' of the 'north' of Cyprus is a NON-STARTER - would be something which is in the interests of the European Parliament and of the EU, as well as being in the interests of the negotiations in Cyprus and the majority of Cypriots (of both Turkish and Greek background).
If also feel that it would be very helpful if any statement which will hopefully be placed on your EPP website tomorrow could also include reference to the European Parliament's resolution in February 2010 - requiring Turkey to begin NOW to withdraw Turkish Troops and settlers and to return the ghost city of Famagusta to its lawful inhabitants - would be very helpful to the people of Cyprus.
This message comes to you from a pro-rapprochement Cypriot activist based in the UK, and I would like to bring to your attention (and through you to other members of your staff, you group and MEP's) my own contribution towards reunification of Cyprus through the petitions online at:
And Cyprus-related videos available online at: