We Ignore War Crimes at Our Own Risk
by Rick Fisk
When one sees an obviously grotesque action by the agents of one’s government and speaks out about it, one can count on being immediately labeled with whatever epithet is convenient to prevent any scrutiny of the state’s activities.
On Monday, April 5, 2010, WikiLeaks published a classified Apache helicopter gunsite video of a shooting incident in which two Reuters reporters and several unarmed civilians were killed. The shooting occurred in 2007.
Shortly after the reporters were killed, the military claimed it had no knowledge of how it had happened or how two children in a car being used to bring survivors to safety were injured. Reuters attempted to get the video via FOIA requests, which were denied for “national security” reasons. WikiLeaks somehow obtained a copy of this video through one of its sources. The Army has put WikiLeaks on its personal enemies list and calls it a “threat to national security.” While the video is extremely disturbing, the people at WikiLeaks have done the American people a great service.
The video makes it clear that the military blatantly lied about facts and evidence it possessed even when it was claiming it had none. It opens with a shot of eight to 10 men (alleged by a voice on the tape to be 40 men) casually walking along a neighborhood street in Baghdad, Iraq.
http://original.antiwar.com/rick-fisk/2 ... -own-risk/