paliometoxo wrote:runaway wrote:Kikapu wrote:miltiades wrote:runaway wrote:miltiades wrote:runaway wrote:Fingers crossed for Eroğlu to win and close the borders. For a KKTC free of south cypriots
Only a bloody foreigner would come out with shit like this !
You will soon be out of KKTC for good. Enjoy it gavur foreigner.
It seems to me that your one cell rusty brain has not yet understood that this island , Cyprus , is the homeland of the Cypriots . Foreign occupiers have come and gone , the Cypriots will always be here till the end of the world. Foreigners such as you are just the ..skids on a pair of knickers !!
Plonker , whats a gavur , is it the same as the expression used by the Islamists in describing non muslims ? Or is it perhaps a reflection of someones utter stupidity !!
Runaway, aka Eric Dayi, is one of those Racists, Fascists, Idiots and the NeoPartitionists that VP claims to be the majority of the TCs.!
Except Runaway, aka Eric Dayi, is twice as everything above, including him having a Two Cells Rusty Brain.!
here comes the fake TC kakapuros in exile who was hurt by some Turks (tecavüz müydü?), who bans anti-kakapuros threads, who refuses to answer questions directed at him, who doesn't have a clue about Atatürk's name, who couldn't convince anyone with his erik dayi story and who doesn't represent TC views. Talat connects KKTC to Türkiye and Eroğlu connects KKTC even more to Türkiye. Get lost rum in exile.
and your a real tc? your more mainland turk then tc...
Runaway has never even been to Cyprus.