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Searing Independent Analysis of North Elections

How can we solve it? (keep it civilized)

Postby EPSILON » Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:29 pm

DTA wrote:
BirKibrisli wrote:
Boomers wrote:bir what the blacks experienced in the US far outweighs what the tcs experienced in cyprus, but here we are having a black president in the US...all this was achieved with democracy, human rights and rule of law...still today there are forces in the US against these basic human rights...

Boomers,stop harping on about the blacks in the USA...Historically we are like chalk and cheese...You have to get a grip on the reality on the ground...There are 40,000 Turkish troops in Cyprus and as far as the world is concerned they are there to protect the TCs who were hardly done by in the past...All your wishful thinking will not make the TCs say "We want to go back and live with our GC compatriots under democratic rule and humanrights principles"...Especially not when you are in denial of what happened in our recent past,and keep calling TCs names like traitors and thieves...Simple common sense would tell you that...

firstly you say turkey needs to get of cyprus and then you say turkey has strong interests on cyprus...kind of contradicting yourself...

Turkey doesnt need to do are misreading me...Turkey has strong interest in Cyprus and it will always be so...If we want Turkey at arms length we need to give her the incentive to move back...The only way Turkey will move back (because she would have completed her self-stated mission in Cyprus) is if we agree on a permanent and comprehensive solution...Turkey cannot stay in Cyprus when that happens...She will not have an it?

you seemed to be stuck on the 55 to 74...but you seemed to forget the crimes at 74 when 180,000 were forced out of their you want to keep what you got and on top you want apologies?...are you for real?...

I seem to be stuck on the 55 to 74 period because YOU and many others insist on denying the role of ENOSIS and the resulting plight of the TCs during that period...This is the key to Cyprob as far as the TCs are concerned...To even begin to trust you,the TCs must see that you have realised your mistakes and you are showing some kind of remorse...If you keep insisting that Enosis was perfectly legitimate and the TCs had nothing to fear from it,and the whole problem was because the TCs wanted to advance Turkey's territorial ambitions,they will never take you it?

the only way i see out of this impass, is a system that is build on equality but not segregation and an apathied system...political equality does not and should not mean segregation and an apatheid solution...

I agree,political equality should not mean segregation and apartheid...
The BBF that I am talking about will give the people a choice to live anywhere they want...The citizens of the states would be equal citizens,and they should have the right to participate fully in the political life at state and federal level... By political equality I understand a system where the self-determination rights of the TCs will always be protected ,and nothing will be imposed on them by the GCs,unless they agree to go it?

you want the gcs to trust you, but the tcs to this very day are taking orders from anakara, the latest talat proposals quite clearly show this...

you say turkey is gonna leave cyprus when a solution is found, but here we are turkey dictating the solution...if the tcs haven't got a free a hand in a solution what makes you think the tcs will not be controlled by turkey...

At the moment the TCs are totally dependent on Turkey for their financial and physical security...They are not in a position to cut Turkey off,while the isolations and the embargoes continue...Turkey is not dictating a solution,she is trying to influence the direction of the solution...Once a solution is reached Turkey has no choice but to step back and let Cypriots get on with their lives...Once The TCs realise they need not worry about the good intentions of the GCs they will not need to be in Turkey's shadow...

you say you want a strong government in the north, but what happens if and when a directive from the EU comes along the lines barring all trade or anything with turkey...what would the tc position be?...

Why should the EU give a direction barring all trade or anything with Turkey??? We have enough real problems without creating imaginary ones boomers...The TCs will aways have a special relationship with Turkey,just as the GCs with Greece...This is nATURAL,AND nothing to be worried about,is it???

great post!

GCS have only great relations with GREEKS of Cyprus-they are not pupets
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