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Armenian Genocide: Australia needs your help!

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Armenian Genocide: Australia needs your help!

Postby Paphitis » Wed Apr 07, 2010 8:34 am

PETITION: Urge the Australian Government To Change Position on Armenian Genocide!

The Australian government's position on the Armenian Genocide was revealed in a radio program on SBS World View this week.

You can listen to this Podcast here: ... ecognition

A letter from the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, which was read on the program revealed:

* the Australian government does not refer to the Armenian Genocide with the word 'genocide';

* the Australian government supports the bogus 'historical commission' suggested in the Armenia-Turkey Protocols, which calls for a historical analysis of a well-documented and proven genocide.

ANC Australia President Varant Meguerditchian referred, in a recent video message, that Prime Minister Kevin Rudd criticised Iran President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad when he suggested a historical commission should study the Jewish Holocaust.

The letter below calls for no double standards in the human rights policies of the Australian government.

Dear Prime Minister Rudd,

We write to you in concern of a statement released by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to SBS Radio's World View program, relating to the current issue of the Armenian Genocide, and the Armenia-Turkey Protocols.

The program, entitled 'Call for Armenian Genocide recognition', revealed your government's support for the creation of a ‘Historical Commission’ to scientifically examine the events of 1915, in accordance with the stipulations of the Armenia-Turkey Protocols.

This Australian government position raises serious concerns because:

* The record on the Armenian Genocide is clear and unambiguous. It has been recognised by more than 20 national parliaments including Canada, Germany, France, Italy, Russia and the Netherlands as well as the state parliaments of both New South Wales and South Australia. The creation of a ‘Historical Commission’ to study the events of 1915 would cast doubt over what is a well documented defining example of genocide which has been recognised by the International Association of Genocide Scholars and the wider academic & human rights community.

* The Australian government has appropriately and consistently criticised the President of Iran for his initiative to convene a ‘Commission’ regarding the history of the Jewish Holocaust as an attempt to revise & distort history and a violation of human rights designed to incite hatred.

In light of these concerns, we call upon the government of Australia to recognise the Armenian Genocide and seek that the it re-evaluate its support for the establishment of a ‘Historical Commission’ designed to study the events of 1915 to be consistent with that of its criticism of a 'Commission’ to study the Jewish Holocaust.


All Signatories Below


Dear CF members,

Please assist us to change Australia's unsatisfactory Departments of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) policy about the recognition of the Armenian Genocide as raised by Liberal MP Joe Hockey, our much loved future Prime Minister of Australia, who incidentally is of Armenian Heritage.

We Australians are embarrassed about our Government's attitude and need your help so that we can correct this injustice.

Please sign the petition here:


PS: I posted this topic in Cyprus Problem section, because Turkey, seemingly has not changed its attitude of total disregard to past atrocities and genocides which include the ethnic cleansing of Cyprus in 1974. Turkey still maintains the same vulgar disregard for humanity just like the Ottoman Empire of 1915 did.
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Postby CBBB » Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:11 am

Typical bloody Aussies!
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Postby GreekForumer » Wed Apr 07, 2010 9:16 am


I've mentioned the issue of Australian recognition of the Armenian Genocide on another forum.

GreekForumer wrote:NZ, and Australia for that matter, will never recognise the AG because the Turkish government will force us to choose between AG recognition and the Anzac cove commemorations in Turkey every 25th April.

But you, Paphitis, have been a member(?) of the Australian armed forces and your participation in Anzac day commemorations must have been quite involved during your service. Do you think Australians would trade Anzac Cove commemorations for official Armenian Genocide recognition ?
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Postby Paphitis » Wed Apr 07, 2010 10:26 am

GreekForumer wrote:Paphitis,

I've mentioned the issue of Australian recognition of the Armenian Genocide on another forum.

GreekForumer wrote:NZ, and Australia for that matter, will never recognise the AG because the Turkish government will force us to choose between AG recognition and the Anzac cove commemorations in Turkey every 25th April.

But you, Paphitis, have been a member(?) of the Australian armed forces and your participation in Anzac day commemorations must have been quite involved during your service. Do you think Australians would trade Anzac Cove commemorations for official Armenian Genocide recognition ?

That is a very interesting question GF!

I also had an involvement within the Returned Soldiers League (RSL). The interesting thing about the RSL, is that there is also a Hellenic Branch (the ADF and the RSL have strong links with the Greek Armed Forces and the Greek people). Within this branch are members who are Greek veterans that served in Korea, other Greek Australians that served or are serving in the ADF, Greek Veterans that served along side Australian diggers during the Battle of Greece/Crete, as well as Australian serving (and non serving) ADF personnel that work tirelessly to commemorate the memory of Australian Soldiers that fell in Greece/Crete.

Back in 2005, we were approached by some Leaders of the Cypriot and Greek Community in Australia, because that year, the Australian Government invited some Turkish Army veterans to participate in the ANZAC Day marches. Upon further investigation, at least one was found to have served during the invasion of Cyprus in 1974. The remainder were mainly Korean War veterans. There was a massive backlash from the community, and there was even a backlash from certain Anglo Aussie members as well. The Hellenic RSL, as well as representatives of the Cypriot and Greek Communities planned to stage a demonstration during ANZAC Day commemorations. This would have been a massive public relations disaster on their behalf, as public opinion would have been very much against them/us. I did not have any involvement in this but was active from within the ADF and RSL to prevent the Turkish Veterans from participating.

Fortunately, for all of us, the ADF and the RSL, the Turkish Service personnel did not participate. Mr. Simeonakis, the President of the Hellenic RSL, had his home raided by police for his trouble. Another leading figure of the Cypriot Community and a good friend of mine, had the same thing done to their house, because informants accused them of organising a protest which will disturb the peace on Australia's most sacred day. I'm not kidding!

If you PM me your email, I can forward you some correspondence between Greek and Cypriot Community leaders and the RSL about this matter. It was a very controversial period, and emotions ran very high. My involvement these days is minimal.

As to the other matter you raise, I don't believe that ANZAC commemorations at Gallipoli are a factor. I also don't believe that Turkey will prohibit Australian ANZAC Day commemorations at ANZAC Cove. Well over 100,000 Australians make the annual pilgrimage, and Turkey uses Australia's ANZAC Day more than anything else due to the massive influx of Australians who make this pilgrimage.

From my OP, you will notice that I mention Australia's Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT). Now, Australia would have to be the only country in the world that combines these 2 Ministries, which are incompatible. It has long been argued that Australia's Foreign Policies are influenced, to a large extent, with trade and investment. Turkish and Australian trade is increasing at a phenomenal pace, and the trade imbalance favours Australia very much. Therefore, members of the Australian Armenian Community believe that Australia's negative stance on the Armenian Genocide is influenced by this. This does not mean that Australia will not change its stance in the future. With enough pressure from the community, and from MPs such as Joe Hockey, anything is possible. If 20 countries can do it, including the US and Sweden, then Australia can do it as well!

Please sign the petition!
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Postby aussieturk » Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:32 am

There was no Genocide,
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Postby BirKibrisli » Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:43 am

aussieturk wrote:There was no Genocide,

The jury is out on that,but I am amazed the lunatic Paphidis now wnats to pollute the waters between Australia's largely harmonious multicultural population by dragging this dispute all the way to Australia...There is no limit to his stupidity...He must have nothing but hatred and bitterness in his heart towards Turkey and the Turkish people...What a despicable excuse for a human being!!!
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Postby Piratis » Thu Apr 08, 2010 3:59 am

He must have nothing but hatred and bitterness in his heart towards Turkey

Are you forgetting that we are in war with Turkey because she illegally occupies 1/3rd of the territory of our country? When Turkey withdraws her troops and let us free to rule our own island in a democratic way then, after some time, we will forgive her for the hardships she has caused us all these years.

We might be more forgiving than the Armenians and not ask from Turkey to publicly acknowledge her crimes against the Cypriot people, but personally I can't blame the Armenians for wanting an admission from the Turks. I think it is time for the Turks to stop lying about the past and pretend that they are the innocent ones, when they are clearly the oppressors and the invaders.
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Postby paliometoxo » Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:16 am

aussieturk wrote:There was no Genocide,

sure there wasent, a few turks die = a kind of genocide.. the turks kill millions of armenians,, not even murder
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:43 am

paliometoxo wrote:
aussieturk wrote:There was no Genocide,

sure there wasent, a few turks die = a kind of genocide.. the turks kill millions of armenians,, not even murder

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Postby Paphitis » Thu Apr 08, 2010 7:49 am

BirKibrisli wrote:
aussieturk wrote:There was no Genocide,

The jury is out on that,but I am amazed the lunatic Paphidis now wnats to pollute the waters between Australia's largely harmonious multicultural population by dragging this dispute all the way to Australia...There is no limit to his stupidity...He must have nothing but hatred and bitterness in his heart towards Turkey and the Turkish people...What a despicable excuse for a human being!!!

Yes I hate Turkey. There is no point denying it.

I also hate it when Australia makes the wrong decision. We will correct it very soon.

Before you call other people stupid, you better learn to spell. :lol:
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